A £40 Endoscope From Lidl – Parkside Inspection Camera Review & Test #car #endoscope #lidl #borescope #parksidetools …
- 0:00 | hang on what are you doing there I’m going
to stick that camera in an orfice oh little - 0:04 | hello you absolute Legends welcome back to the
channel and welcome back to the workshop Dad’s - 0:09 | here uh this is a little bonus video cont bonus
MOS um if you haven’t seen the latest podcast - 0:16 | I presented dad with this just show us it what
is it middle of little I got middle of littled - 0:23 | this morning and it is A40 Parkside inspection
camera stick it any orifices it says on the box - 0:32 | do not insert into any orifices um just show
us the Box before you open it all up and and - 0:39 | have a look turn this this way right so it’s an
inspection camera we’ve been after one of these - 0:43 | for a while actually or we we’ve said we don’t
have a little Ender scope to put stuff in it’s got - 0:48 | a four times Zoom waterproof pickup tool mirror
and hook with batteries just open the box let’s - 0:53 | have a look inside the good people of YouTube have
bought this for you and there’s the instructions - 1:00 | fair to let them have a look at it somewhere safe
it comes a little put it on the belt so I can go - 1:05 | around and oh no I don’t it does yes I can put
it on me belt get it on your belt that’s it oh - 1:11 | yes inserting it into people orices hey can you
let’s face it this leaves it you can’t do it in - 1:18 | my day and age but one chap who was The Apprentice
above me he used to put a piece of mirror on the - 1:24 | toe of his boot with some bluming glue then just
go into the office ladies and start looking at - 1:29 | you can’t do that not this day but you could in
1974 well hey now let’s not talk about that uh - 1:36 | so in the Box what do we got batteries batteries
yeah what else I think it’s m probe oh USB oh see - 1:46 | there’s some things yeah what’s that magnetic hook
hook stuff and that so so apparently according to - 1:55 | uh little you can um save pictures to it and
then download them on your computer that’s a - 2:03 | good idea so that’s a that’s a relatively good
idea we’re here then with the armstr this is - 2:08 | the magnetic o thing if the end falls off your
probe you retrieve it yeah probably let’s have - 2:12 | a look at the actual thing it’s quite substantial
there’s a big screen on there yeah it’s got that - 2:19 | repair thing pretend thing on yeah and where’s
your I’ll tell you a funny story about that I - 2:25 | bought something from Little what was it I thought
there’s something wrong with this I can’t but it - 2:30 | had got one of these stickers on with some pretend
readings on it I could so it was giving you false - 2:38 | readings in Lincoln sheare talk I couldn’t make
Ed ass SS of it so that’s the where’s the probe - 2:45 | then probe’s ear looks on oh oh yeah it’s good it
well you tell me it’s long long old probe oh hello - 3:00 | somebody trying to scam us I think we might have
already been scammed this morning so there let’s - 3:07 | have a look at this thing now so it’s got
a it’s got a little light on the end here - 3:13 | and you’ve got all sorts of buttons and bits and
pieces should I take this protective film off or - 3:18 | leave it on leave it on from there leave it
on Hello inspection camera so it takes four - 3:27 | AA batteries which they are supplied in the kit
which miraculously yeah wellknown popular brand - 3:32 | tronic the well-known popular brand what
tronic tronic everybody’s favorite battery - 3:42 | supplier here we go excellent could
be a big hello hello hello who’s on - 3:52 | the phone that’s how big your mobile
should be you don’t lose it then yeah - 3:59 | have a look at that I’ll get this open tronic
are you thinking this is going to be pretty na - 4:04 | no no I’m well I’m expecting it to be yeah well
dubiously I’m not going to be ungrateful cuz - 4:11 | you’ve took the trouble to think of dad well
it’s a useful thing to have actually isn’t - 4:16 | it well is I some fun with this be sticking it
down plug holes and when your mom’s asleep on - 4:23 | the CTI I should have a look at her tonsils
oh no not allowed to put it in any orifices - 4:31 | she’ll tell me that c stick it up your ass
I’m not allowed instruction not allowed - 4:38 | to yeah it’s on the instructions press
button let’s turn it on Good Start I’m - 4:45 | guessing it’s press and hold oh there
it comes on back side oh oh hang on a - 4:51 | minute hello I’m looking at you looking at
me that’s not bad picture for a start is it - 5:00 | yeah that’s all right is it so I’m guessing
you can it got a light on the end it’s got a - 5:03 | light on the end how do you activate the light
is it with this button here oh press and hold - 5:10 | that oh yeah cool I’m guessing you’re
going to stick it down that spark plug hole - 5:23 | Dam oh my goodness that’s fantastic
can’t see no it’s gone off oh there it - 5:31 | [Music] is and you can make the light
- 5:39 | brighter what are we looking at there
I don’t know stuff so what’s that I’m - 5:55 | looking at I think it’s a piston is it no
it should be the top of the combustion chain - 6:00 | oh that’s the L that’s the ball that’s the
top of the Piston yeah I thought it was a - 6:05 | piston that’s the top of the Piston that’s the
ball you can see the score marks on the ball - 6:12 | look that is fantastic oh we can stick it down
drains as well drains petrol tanks I think if - 6:25 | you get too close to stuff yeah doesn’t Focus no
I hav’t see the valve yet are you oh there’s valve - 6:34 | where see that there that’s a valve ah oh yeah
we can see the end of it look cool it’s gotten - 6:46 | to be useful is it it’s going to be very useful I
think very useful but then sometimes when you’re - 6:54 | struggling to see something rather than get
your mirror you can get your little endoscope - 7:00 | little inspection camera yeah oh it’s Bob on
that is I like that can we put it in here yeah - 7:10 | don’t get oil I Knack the one up the garage
so we’re going to pop it in there oh that’s - 7:16 | and should be able to see the uh valves the
valves yeah look at that you can see that - 7:21 | book through the old it’s clever though isn’t
it it is so it’s got a it’s got a function to - 7:27 | take photographs as well so how do we take a
photograph then I’m guessing it’s press and - 7:31 | hold the photograph button the camera button
nice just taking a photograph oh you can zoom - 7:42 | in back to the beginning yeah what’s this button
- 7:49 | do screen brightness interesting it’s good
is it it’s got various useful function - 8:00 | well I think it’s good it’s Andy you ain’t
got to plug it into your blinking phone so - 8:05 | that’s a piston pons I can see a
valve oh looks like the valves w’t - 8:12 | laping no no indeed I’m going to just still s
are you leaving that in there no you can take - 8:22 | it out now take it out and have a look plug’s
still s so let’s just have a quick look down - 8:26 | here then see what we can see oh yeah we can
see all in there all down there see when we - 8:34 | found that crack all my papers with the things
on oh now I can see this look oh yeah where’s - 8:42 | where’s some papers that was in the car uh
in the boot or in the back seat maybe oh yeah - 8:47 | jeez Bruce fantastic it is good mate it’s
better than you’d think it’s much better - 8:58 | than I expected yeah and let’s do is it wrong
that I want to put it up me nose you’ve been - 9:06 | told not to do I think we’ve got some oil on
the yeah we have yeah you oh it gets hot at - 9:10 | the end does it be careful it’s been inside the
engine it’s a good little camera it’s better - 9:16 | than well better than you’d normally expect for
where it’s come from yes where you putting that - 9:21 | now then you can have a look under there I can
look at that what’s that see if that’s leaking - 9:30 | bottom of that tank I’m in I’m really impressed
with this yeah it’s it’s good Sun it really is - 9:38 | what else can we look at where you putting that
now in the petrol tank so you’re popping it down - 9:46 | the fuel tank what do you reckon we’re going
to see apart from fuel well that stupid thing - 9:50 | on the end of that string oh there’s that
thing look that way that’s petrol isn’t it - 10:03 | yeah oh yeah one of them things one of them
things that’s how see it sell them on eBay - 10:12 | these are rubbish aren’t they should we take
this out no leave it in it’s been all right - 10:16 | all this time is it come on it’s part of it
life story they are good we’ve seen inside the - 10:22 | filler neck too if you Google Armstrong Sly on
eBay then comes up for sale right come out way - 10:32 | oh but the exhaust pipe you w’t see much up there
up your pipe not not up there interesting not a - 10:45 | lot up there is it l of s clean my probe now
right stop pissing about oh here we go into the - 10:57 | motorbike H well we can have a play with that at
our Leisure when we need to see something can’t - 11:04 | we now where you putting it inside your
- 11:09 | OT so there is a picture we’ve taken
of inside the ball and the valve valve - 11:19 | fantastic that’s good good stuff I
see look you can pull a picture up - 11:29 | yeah and compare it to what you’re looking at
- 11:31 | now ah why would that be useful oh have a
previous picture I suppose like all these - 11:38 | things people do these things cuz they
can your uh review then of the Parkside - 11:50 | inspection camera again this is not
sponsored content I’ve bought this I - 11:54 | paid 40 quid for this today yeah it’s a lot of
money for little isn’t it uh as a you know as - 11:58 | a present for for yourself from the good
people of YouTube I’m impressed with that - 12:06 | this it’s better than you in expected oh I know
what it was i’ left the thing on the screen was - 12:17 | thermometer laser thermometer yeah I thought
I can’t make no sense of this this is just a - 12:23 | job actually I’m sure until we want it we don’t
want it but when we want it it’ll be bloody handy - 12:29 | good cuz we had one at the garage but it was too
big you couldn’t get in some of the orifices well - 12:35 | now we can do some you’re liit you’re limited
sometimes as to how well the end tips over but - 12:43 | that’s good is it yep good what do you reckon
come in handy well you’re not able to put it in - 12:50 | your wrist and go up to your veins and look at
your valves in your heart no but good 40 quid - 12:57 | I think that’s well worth it especially with the
ability to be able to download pictures and put it - 13:02 | on your camera the only thing I would say that is
a shame it doesn’t do is video oh yeah that would - 13:08 | be a that would be a good thing it would do do
videos don’t think it does video let’s just have - 13:12 | a quick look no it’s just pictures only so no
video that’s a shame uh good if you’ve enjoyed - 13:17 | this little video uh let me know in the comments
below maybe you’ve got one maybe you want to get - 13:21 | yourself down to little and grab one 40 quid
uh Parkside not have that many of them will - 13:26 | they there was only two on the shelf and one had
been opened one had been opened and had a look at - 13:31 | anyway if you’ve enjoyed this little video thumbs
up please let us know in the comments below what - 13:35 | do you reckon I enjoyed that that’s our review
of The Parkside inspection camera double thumbs - 13:41 | up from Dad yeah till next time have a great
day whatever you’re getting up to thanks for - 13:44 | watching goodbye as ever thank you for watching
this video Dad and I have selected a couple more - 13:51 | videos for you that we think that you might like
they’re here now just give them a click to watch - 13:57 | them don’t forget to subscribe if you haven’t
already done so it means a lot to us thank you