Check out the Wolfbox X5 Dashcam with a discount here – Amazon: …
- 0:00 | dash cams let’s talk about dash cams
- 0:02 | they have become extremely popular over
- 0:04 | the last few years for good reason a
- 0:05 | dash cam can help you out if you were to
- 0:08 | have a road incident things happen on
- 0:10 | the road all the time and without any
- 0:11 | evidence it is hard to sometimes prove
- 0:14 | who is at fault but with a dash cam you
- 0:16 | eliminate any question any uncertainty
- 0:19 | of what exactly happened because you
- 0:21 | have it all recorded in up to 5K there
- 0:23 | are also many different models available
- 0:25 | on the market but today I’m going to be
- 0:27 | looking at the wolf box X5 three Channel
- 0:31 | dash cam that can record in up to 5K now
- 0:34 | for full transparency wolfbox have sent
- 0:36 | me this dash cam to review however they
- 0:38 | have had no influence in what I say in
- 0:40 | today’s video they purely provided me
- 0:42 | with the features and the benefits of
- 0:43 | the product and left me to it so with
- 0:46 | that being said I want to quickly show
- 0:47 | you what’s inside the box so as soon as
- 0:49 | you start opening this you feel like
- 0:50 | you’re opening a quality product the
- 0:52 | build quality is nice all the packaging
- 0:54 | is really nice not too important but I
- 0:55 | do feel like if a company considers
- 0:57 | things like packaging then they’re
- 0:58 | taking their product seriously and it’s
- 1:00 | just a good sign so we obviously have
- 1:01 | the dash cam itself and as far as looks
- 1:03 | go I think this camera looks pretty cool
- 1:05 | it’s kind of reminding me more of an
- 1:06 | action cam style like a GoPro or
- 1:09 | something so in the Box it of course
- 1:10 | comes with all the necessary cables for
- 1:12 | powering the device in your car the rear
- 1:14 | camera and it also comes pre-installed
- 1:17 | with the TF card where the footage will
- 1:20 | save to one thing I like these and I did
- 1:22 | have to look up what they were cuz it
- 1:23 | looks like just pieces of plastic in the
- 1:26 | Box however these are clear adhesive
- 1:30 | little sticky pads that stick on your
- 1:31 | wind screen you then stick the dash cam
- 1:34 | on this rather than your window to save
- 1:36 | any potential damage to your window if
- 1:38 | you need to rip off the dash cam for
- 1:39 | whatever reason you sell your car
- 1:41 | whatever this camera is also incredibly
- 1:42 | easy to install because it comes with
- 1:44 | its own adhesive sticky pad here and you
- 1:47 | literally just stick it on I’ve seen
- 1:49 | others in the past where you have to
- 1:50 | have suction cups and brackets and clip
- 1:52 | it all in this just sticks on it also
- 1:55 | tilts at any angle you need cuz
- 1:57 | obviously every car has a slightly
- 1:59 | different shaped window screen and if
- 2:00 | that adjustment wasn’t enough then the
- 2:02 | lens itself also tilts up down left and
- 2:06 | right to get the perfect framing for the
- 2:09 | image that you want to capture so I’m
- 2:10 | now just going to power the dash cam on
- 2:14 | so of course you can configure things
- 2:16 | like date and time which is actually
- 2:19 | really important to do because obviously
- 2:21 | if you are in some kind of accident on
- 2:23 | the road then you’re going to want to
- 2:25 | have the data of the exact time to the
- 2:27 | second that events occurred in case
- 2:29 | someone else has a slightly different
- 2:30 | story but you can prove what actually
- 2:32 | happened so then we can choose things
- 2:33 | like resolution I do like this mode
- 2:35 | because 4K is a very standardized video
- 2:38 | mode these days so that’s for the front
- 2:39 | camera the in cam goes up to 1080P and
- 2:42 | then 2.5 on the rear camera there are
- 2:44 | some lower quality options which will
- 2:46 | give you a little bit of a longer
- 2:47 | recording however once the memory card
- 2:49 | is full on this it starts to rewrite
- 2:51 | itself and basically start again which
- 2:53 | is kind of okay because if something
- 2:54 | happens and you need the dash cam
- 2:56 | footage you’re probably not going to
- 2:57 | wait a few days to retrieve the footage
- 2:59 | you’re going to going to want to get it
- 3:00 | off the SD card backed up safe straight
- 3:02 | away so you can change the recording
- 3:04 | length here by default it’s on 3 minutes
- 3:06 | this camera has Wi-Fi for connecting to
- 3:08 | the wolfbox app where you can review
- 3:10 | your video footage and save it to your
- 3:12 | phone then there’s some extra settings
- 3:13 | like a fatigue timer say you’re going on
- 3:15 | a 6 hour road trip but every 2 hours you
- 3:18 | want to stop for a coffee you want to be
- 3:20 | reminded that you want to take some
- 3:21 | breaks get out get some fresh air
- 3:22 | stretch your legs this can give you a
- 3:24 | reminder you can choose whether the
- 3:25 | image is flipped and then some more
- 3:27 | other standard settings like you can
- 3:29 | change how the click sounds when you
- 3:31 | scroll through the menu this dash cam
- 3:32 | also has voice commands so you can say
- 3:34 | things like take picture lock the video
- 3:37 | turn on Wi-Fi which is another nice
- 3:39 | handy feature to have but I think the
- 3:40 | best way to demonstrate this camera is
- 3:42 | to go and install it in the car go out
- 3:44 | for a test drive and see exactly what
- 3:47 | the footage of the wolfbox X5 looks like
- 3:51 | okay so going to take the clear plastic
- 3:53 | sticky strip and place it up here and
- 3:57 | then we can take our dash cam and that
- 3:59 | is going to stick on
- 4:01 | there and we will be able to tilt
- 4:05 | it like that there we go that is
- 4:08 | installed literally as easy as that then
- 4:11 | course plug straight into your 12vt
- 4:14 | socket and I’ve just noticed this
- 4:16 | actually gives you another USB on the
- 4:18 | top there so you could still charge your
- 4:20 | phone through that if you did use your
- 4:22 | 12volt socket to usually charge your
- 4:24 | phone now what you can do is root these
- 4:26 | wires all the way around your kind of
- 4:28 | headlining of your car so it’s nice and
- 4:30 | hidden and out the way and there we go
- 4:32 | we’re up and running you can see me on
- 4:34 | the front camera there and you can see
- 4:36 | out in front of us too and the picture
- 4:39 | quality looks really clear we’re lucky
- 4:41 | today we got a really nice Clear Blue
- 4:43 | Sky day so let’s go for a drive and then
- 4:46 | we’ll check out some of this sample
- 4:47 | footage
- 4:48 | [Music]
- 5:06 | [Music]
- 5:11 | [Music]
- 5:28 | okay to conclude then should you buy the
- 5:30 | wolfbox x53 channel dash cam well based
- 5:33 | on my experience with this camera so far
- 5:35 | and again they have not told me to say
- 5:36 | this yes it has all the features you
- 5:38 | would need it has some extra features
- 5:40 | which are nice maybe not absolutely
- 5:42 | necessary like the app connectivity the
- 5:44 | fatigue timer nice to have the quality I
- 5:47 | think is great I think it looks similar
- 5:49 | to a smartphone camera or even some
- 5:51 | action cameras that I’ve tried out in
- 5:52 | the past the fact that this is
- 5:53 | incredibly easy to install and the
- 5:54 | adjustments with the tilt on the camera
- 5:57 | and the lens itself are I think
- 5:59 | excellent and the nice big touchcreen on
- 6:01 | the back as well the fact that the incar
- 6:03 | camera is built into the device you
- 6:05 | don’t need another separate camera other
- 6:06 | than for the rear of course I think
- 6:08 | that’s good it’s one piece the only
- 6:10 | thing that I might question is the
- 6:11 | overall size this is quite a
- 6:14 | big camera for me it wasn’t a problem it
- 6:17 | didn’t distract me or block my view but
- 6:19 | if you have maybe a small sports car or
- 6:20 | something having this right in the
- 6:22 | middle of your wind screen may start to
- 6:24 | irritate you but again that would be
- 6:26 | personal preference so I hope this
- 6:27 | helped if you’re in the market for a
- 6:28 | dash cam I hope you got some value out
- 6:30 | of this video there is going to be a
- 6:31 | link in the description to this product
- 6:33 | if you like the look of it you’ve made
- 6:34 | your mind up already and you want to go
- 6:35 | and purchase one of these then go and
- 6:37 | check the link out in the description
- 6:38 | but other than that thanks so much for
- 6:40 | watching I hope you enjoyed it and I
- 6:41 | will see you in the next video