Experience the future of driving safety with the Botslab G980H Wi-Fi AI 4K Dash Cam featuring advanced ADAS detection.
- 0:00 | I have reviewed many dash cameras
- 0:02 | however the one that we are looking at
- 0:04 | today just goes to show how much
- 0:06 | technology has moved on let me introduce
- 0:08 | you to bots laab 4K AI dash camera model
- 0:12 | number
- 0:13 | g980 I recently reviewed a doorbell from
- 0:17 | Bots laab that has some really good
- 0:19 | features with good image quality it’s
- 0:22 | one thing reading all the information
- 0:24 | sounds really good on paper in the real
- 0:26 | world not so good if this is anything
- 0:28 | like the doorbell we are in for a treat
- 0:31 | this dash camera has so many features
- 0:34 | some that I had to pay extra for when I
- 0:36 | ordered my new car a few years ago let’s
- 0:39 | take a closer look and remember if you
- 0:41 | want to know more about this or if you
- 0:42 | want to pick this up click the first
- 0:44 | link in the description box below and as
- 0:47 | always if you find this video useful
- 0:49 | please leave a like and please subscribe
- 0:51 | to watch more reviews he it’s letting us
- 0:53 | know AI as I mentioned 4K stav is 4K
- 0:58 | driver assistance more on that later on
- 1:00 | full HD rear camera model
- 1:03 | number it has some information on this
- 1:05 | side this has a built-in GPS parking
- 1:08 | monitoring for that you will need to
- 1:10 | purchase a hard wire kit front car start
- 1:14 | reminder so this has something called
- 1:16 | Adas it will remind you if the car in
- 1:18 | front is about to go off and you’re
- 1:20 | still there daydreaming front car too
- 1:22 | close warning Lane departure warning it
- 1:25 | even has pedestrian Collision warning
- 1:28 | you can turn these off
- 1:33 | this is everything that was included
- 1:34 | Inside the Box we get a quick start
- 1:37 | guide It’s got some QR codes there to
- 1:40 | download the app you don’t have to use
- 1:42 | the app the advantage of using the app
- 1:44 | you could download footage from the dash
- 1:46 | com straight to your phone it saves you
- 1:48 | from taking the SD card that Uno in your
- 1:50 | computer important accessories here
- 1:53 | hardwire kit you need that if you want
- 1:55 | to use the 24/7 parking monitoring extra
- 1:59 | adhesive sticker some stickers here if
- 2:01 | you do not want to mount the dash cam
- 2:03 | straight to your car put the sticker on
- 2:05 | first and then put the dash cam onto
- 2:09 | this user
- 2:12 | manual it’s in different
- 2:16 | languages 64 GB micro SD card included
- 2:20 | if you need more storage you can get a
- 2:22 | Micro SD card up to 256 GB most
- 2:26 | companies call this acoba this little
- 2:28 | tool is to help you with with cable
- 2:30 | management into your Air pillars and
- 2:32 | your roof lining a 12v adapter this will
- 2:36 | go into your cigarette lighter some bot
- 2:38 | slab brand in there I like that carbon
- 2:40 | fiber effect on there some information
- 2:43 | there type a to micro USB cable which is
- 2:47 | sort of disappointing really the amount
- 2:49 | of features this has I thought they
- 2:51 | would have moved on to type c now
- 2:53 | because majority of things are type c
- 2:55 | now good quality
- 2:57 | though that’s the rear camera which is
- 3:00 | 1080P and I think it has a field of view
- 3:03 | of 140 or
- 3:05 | 150° you can adjust this as
- 3:09 | well I don’t know how long this is I
- 3:11 | think it’s around 20 M good quality
- 3:13 | though that has a mini HDMI cable I must
- 3:18 | say from all the dashcams I have
- 3:20 | reviewed I really like the look on this
- 3:23 | you can tell you holding a premium
- 3:24 | product in your hand some brand in there
- 3:26 | bot laab 4K AI enhanced camera that’s
- 3:29 | the lens this bracket is pre-installed
- 3:32 | you can’t remove it from the dash cam it
- 3:34 | comes with a pre-installed adhesive
- 3:36 | sticker and they have included the spare
- 3:38 | one what I showed you earlier micro USB
- 3:40 | port there and the mini HDMI where the
- 3:42 | rear camera will fit you are able to
- 3:44 | adjust this if you want you can move it
- 3:46 | like back forward to get the right
- 3:48 | position once the camera is mounted in
- 3:50 | your car if you want to bring the dash
- 3:52 | cam inside and obviously the sticky
- 3:54 | thing is going to stay in that will push
- 3:55 | downwards
- 4:00 | it just Clips back in we have a little
- 4:02 | indicator light on this side speaker at
- 4:04 | the top micro SD card slot there have a
- 4:07 | 2.45 in screen we have some keys at the
- 4:10 | bottom here and it’s letting us know
- 4:11 | here what they are album key power and
- 4:14 | settings key and record key at the
- 4:16 | bottom there at the bottom we have
- 4:18 | microphone front camera has 170° field
- 4:22 | of view that’s why bot laab say
- 4:24 | 360° it covers up to six Lanes it has 4K
- 4:28 | resolution as mentioned before it could
- 4:31 | record a license play at a distance of
- 4:33 | 15 M this dash camera uses a Sony IMX
- 4:37 | 415 Starz sensor with f1.5 aperature so
- 4:43 | the lower the F number the more light
- 4:45 | hits the sensor giving better image
- 4:47 | quality even in low light I have a power
- 4:50 | bank here let’s give it some power we’ll
- 4:53 | have a look at some of the settings
- 5:06 | format memory card giv us some lines
- 5:08 | here that are a guide to mount the
- 5:10 | camera here it’s giving us album
- 5:12 | settings and the speaker you can mute it
- 5:15 | so let’s have a look at the dash cam
- 5:16 | menus before we download the app and
- 5:18 | then we’ll have a look at the app as
- 5:20 | well if click the center button connect
- 5:22 | to your phone here so you’d set the
- 5:23 | output from here we’ll do that in a bit
- 5:25 | I click the arrow so that button there
- 5:27 | recording settings video resolution
- 5:30 | audio the sound you can turn the off if
- 5:32 | you want
- 5:38 | sensitivity buil-in
- 5:39 | speed you can have it off or miles per
- 5:42 | hour or kilometers I’m leaving in miles
- 5:44 | per hour because I’m in the
- 5:46 | UK logo so you could remove the Bots
- 5:49 | laab logo
- 5:51 | GPS and back to resolutions so let’s go
- 5:54 | back next we’ve got parking monitoring I
- 5:57 | don’t have a hardw k
- 6:00 | driving assistance so this has something
- 6:02 | called
- 6:04 | AAS so here fatigue driver reminder so
- 6:08 | every 2 hours it will remind you take a
- 6:10 | break you’ve been driving for too long
- 6:13 | safe driving
- 6:18 | reminder the car in front sets off and
- 6:21 | you’re still there daydreaming thinking
- 6:23 | what you’re going to have for your te it
- 6:25 | will tell you you say car INF has gone
- 6:27 | off
- 6:29 | the good thing about all this is you are
- 6:31 | able to turn it off Lane departure
- 6:33 | warning system settings voice it’s
- 6:37 | medium default believe on medium screen
- 6:40 | display screen
- 6:46 | saver you could change the language GPS
- 6:52 | information time format you can format
- 6:56 | the memory card which I have already
- 6:58 | done
- 7:00 | let’s go to connect to your
- 7:05 | phone I already have the app let’s go to
- 7:09 | add add device there it is botlab g980
- 7:14 | they do sell all the products as
- 7:19 | well it’s searching now let’s click on
- 7:21 | bluetooth
- 7:22 | pairing Bluetooth device connected
- 7:31 | you could rename the device if you
- 7:34 | want that was really simple to set up
- 7:37 | it’s letting there know here set
- 7:39 | up firmware upgrade
- 7:42 | completed system
- 7:44 | restarting start
- 7:47 | recording please use the app to connect
- 7:49 | to the dash cam and synchronize the
- 7:51 | system
- 7:52 | time so here we have live view it’s got
- 7:56 | a speedometer there as well we could
- 7:58 | start recording the screen it’ll get
- 8:00 | saved in the phone album
- 8:03 | snapshot again that will get saved in
- 8:05 | the phone album we have the option to
- 8:08 | view front camera or rear camera
- 8:11 | apologies that’s upside down at the
- 8:13 | moment here we are GPS there click on
- 8:17 | this click back that’s live broadcast
- 8:20 | what we we’re looking at now video play
- 8:23 | back terminate recording emergency
- 8:25 | videos here Loop video that’ll be here
- 8:29 | and you could download these directly
- 8:31 | from the app to your phone rear
- 8:35 | emergency video parking monitoring rear
- 8:38 | parking monitoring time-lapse recording
- 8:41 | rear time-lapse recording rear recording
- 8:44 | dash cam
- 8:46 | settings so this is basically what we’ve
- 8:48 | just seen you have the same settings
- 8:50 | here as
- 8:53 | well local
- 8:55 | album a settings
- 9:00 | so you could turn the um reminders off
- 9:02 | okay I’ll Mount the camera we’ll have a
- 9:04 | look at some Daytime and nighttime
- 9:05 | footage two things to mention the first
- 9:07 | one I always mention the quality you
- 9:09 | guys are going to see will be slightly
- 9:10 | reduced to what I’m seeing because
- 9:12 | YouTube compressed the file there isn’t
- 9:14 | anything I can do about that second
- 9:16 | thing to mention my rear screen does
- 9:18 | have a light tint on it so when you are
- 9:21 | looking at the footage from the rear
- 9:22 | camera do by remind there is a little
- 9:24 | tint on there as well
- 9:50 | pedestrians in
- 9:53 | vicinity front car
- 9:57 | start okay
- 10:28 | e
- 10:58 | e
- 11:28 | e e
- 12:27 | let me know what you think of the IM
- 12:29 | quality in the comment section below
- 12:31 | before I give you my overall thoughts
- 12:33 | there’s one thing I forgot to mention
- 12:35 | when you are using the app you cannot
- 12:38 | use the dash cam functions at all you
- 12:41 | will have to control the dash cam from
- 12:43 | the app I can honestly say this is the
- 12:46 | best dashcam I have used so far image
- 12:50 | quality really good even the rear camera
- 12:52 | has decent quality and that’s with my
- 12:55 | rear wind screen having a tint even
- 12:58 | though the app is simple and easy to use
- 13:00 | I like the fact that you do not have to
- 13:03 | use the app you can control everything
- 13:05 | from the dash cam a few things not a
- 13:08 | deal breaker by any means because I
- 13:10 | really like this dashcam I just wanted
- 13:12 | to mention them so you know the first
- 13:15 | thing I do not understand why botlab did
- 13:18 | not use USB type c instead of micro USB
- 13:22 | because if you already have type-c cable
- 13:25 | in your car from a previous dashcam and
- 13:27 | you just want to upgrade your dashcam it
- 13:30 | will be a lot easier just to change the
- 13:33 | dashcam rather than changing the cable
- 13:36 | as well that’s one thing and the second
- 13:38 | thing if you’re an experienced driver
- 13:40 | AAS can get a nine good news you can
- 13:44 | turn it off as I showed you within the
- 13:46 | app and within the dashcam as well
- 13:48 | however I think it’s an excellent
- 13:50 | feature for new drivers and that’s why I
- 13:53 | will be removing this dashcam from my
- 13:55 | car and installing it into my daughter’s
- 13:58 | car I will be Buy a hard wire kit as
- 14:00 | well that way we can have access to 24/7
- 14:03 | monitoring so if anything happens near
- 14:05 | the car it will start recording honestly
- 14:07 | I’m really impressed with botlab
- 14:09 | products so far Link in the description
- 14:12 | if you want to pick this up I hope you
- 14:14 | found this video useful if you did
- 14:16 | please leave a like and please subscribe
- 14:18 | to watch more reviews thank you very
- 14:20 | much for watching I’ll see you in my
- 14:22 | next video