Discount code for Flamingo Camera: I have no financial interest in purchases of this …
- 0:00 | introducing the aditech flamingo this is
- 0:03 | the HD Loop mounted camera in this
- 0:06 | unboxing and review video I’m going to
- 0:08 | show you some example footage from using
- 0:10 | the flamingo camera and let you know as
- 0:12 | a user as a dentist who is really into
- 0:14 | his videography how I found the features
- 0:16 | and how they stack up against other
- 0:18 | manufacturers of loop mounted cameras
- 0:20 | hello Patric rati I’m Jaz Galati and
- 0:23 | welcome back to another review video
- 0:24 | last year I made a review video looking
- 0:26 | at different cameras in denry and how
- 0:28 | and why we should level up our Dental
- 0:31 | videography and so many of you invested
- 0:33 | in different video cameras for your
- 0:35 | Loops but this newcomer aditech Flamingo
- 0:38 | it’s pretty cool because his main
- 0:39 | feature that it loves to boast about is
- 0:41 | its lightweight so many of you messaged
- 0:44 | me saying that M isn’t this camera going
- 0:46 | to be a bit heavy and yes previously
- 0:47 | when I’ve worn Dental Loop mounted
- 0:49 | cameras I get these horrible nose pad
- 0:51 | marks but with this Flamingo at just 19
- 0:54 | G this lightweight camera really packs a
- 0:57 | punch so let’s take a deep dive into the
- 0:59 | Flamingo aditech including the unboxing
- 1:01 | and yes as always down below I’ve got
- 1:04 | the chapters so you can head to the
- 1:05 | relevant part of the video that you want
- 1:07 | I’m basically going to be talking about
- 1:08 | the different metrics we look for in a
- 1:10 | loop mounted video camera from the
- 1:12 | quality to the storage of the video
- 1:14 | files how to actually connect the camera
- 1:16 | to your devices how are the ergonomics
- 1:18 | of using this camera all those usual
- 1:20 | features and we’ll compare them to some
- 1:22 | of the other cameras that I’ve used I
- 1:23 | won’t repeat myself but I’ll just remind
- 1:25 | you how important how exciting it is for
- 1:28 | video in dens we really come Leaps and
- 1:30 | Bounds in the flamingo is a great
- 1:32 | example so let’s start unboxing the
- 1:34 | flamingo it’s made by a company called
- 1:36 | adch it comes in a nice little case and
- 1:38 | you’re probably thinking how do I
- 1:40 | actually get this on my loops and so I
- 1:42 | spoke to adch and I told them which loop
- 1:44 | I had and they sent me not only the
- 1:46 | Bryant Dental Mount they’ve sent me a
- 1:48 | whole other backup Mount as well they
- 1:50 | really do support all the major Loops
- 1:52 | that you use the funny thing is I didn’t
- 1:53 | even know this about my own Loops that
- 1:55 | the Briant Loops actually has these two
- 1:57 | little holes and this is exactly where
- 1:59 | to screw in the camera so this is the
- 2:02 | first real comparison Point previously
- 2:04 | when I’ve used cameras such as the Oxo
- 2:06 | there’s a universal clip that actually
- 2:07 | Clips on the loops and this is very
- 2:09 | versatile and convenient and that’s good
- 2:11 | but I do like the fact that the flamingo
- 2:13 | screws in and it’s in place I’ll tell
- 2:15 | you why after a few years now of
- 2:18 | recording clinical videos when I look
- 2:20 | back I notice a difference in the
- 2:22 | consistency it’s a bit like when you’re
- 2:24 | doing Dental photographs you want
- 2:25 | consistency and if you place the clip
- 2:27 | slightly in different orientation or the
- 2:29 | camera Cera is a slightly different
- 2:31 | vertical orientation I’ve sometimes done
- 2:32 | it that my framing’s not been good and
- 2:34 | I’ve actually missed the tooth I was
- 2:35 | supposed to record and no matter how
- 2:37 | much I move my head it stays steady and
- 2:40 | that is a real big plus point of having
- 2:42 | it screwed in the disadvantage of having
- 2:44 | it screwed in is an absolute faf to have
- 2:47 | to screw it and unscrew it screw it and
- 2:48 | unscrew it now it’s not a problem for me
- 2:50 | I own three pairs of Loops I am obsessed
- 2:52 | with magnification so what I’ve done now
- 2:54 | is I’ve got my one set of Loops I use
- 2:56 | when I’m not filming anything I’ve got
- 2:58 | my set of Loops which is an exact
- 3:00 | replica it’s a 5x by Bryant Dental
- 3:02 | powered by zenesis and I use that for my
- 3:04 | videography and I’ve got a backup in
- 3:06 | case any of those two have an issue I
- 3:08 | refuse to practice without magnification
- 3:10 | let that be known now since I recorded
- 3:12 | this video I actually bought some brand
- 3:14 | new Loops I ended up getting the Ergo
- 3:16 | Loops by aditech the reason I got them
- 3:18 | is I’m I’m seeing everyone using these
- 3:20 | ergonomic Loops which are are better for
- 3:21 | your posture and I got a little bit
- 3:23 | jealous and I thought now that I have
- 3:24 | this new camera Flamingo can I get a
- 3:26 | dedicated pair of Loops that I use just
- 3:28 | for this so I spoke to adch and
- 3:29 | recommended their ergol loops and you
- 3:31 | know what I absolutely love them here’s
- 3:33 | a photo of me using the Ergo Loops look
- 3:35 | at my posture and then here’s the photo
- 3:37 | of me using my usual normal loops and
- 3:39 | whilst I never had back issues or neck
- 3:41 | issues now when I use the normal Loops
- 3:43 | I’m like wow that declination I really
- 3:45 | feel it on my neck so just to update you
- 3:47 | that I am now using my Flamingo camera
- 3:50 | on the Ergo Loops by Flamingo and a bit
- 3:52 | later in this video I’ll share with you
- 3:54 | which magnification I got and why when
- 3:56 | you start with photography or
- 3:57 | videography you want it to become easy
- 3:59 | if it becomes difficult like you’re
- 4:01 | already running late and then you’re
- 4:02 | faffing around and then you have to
- 4:03 | screw something in you’re not going to
- 4:05 | do it it’s a bit like every time you
- 4:07 | take a photo you have to go and grab the
- 4:09 | lens and grab the flash it’s not going
- 4:10 | to happen your camera needs to be there
- 4:13 | ready to take the photo for example
- 4:15 | therefore if you invest in Dental
- 4:17 | videography I think personally you
- 4:18 | should have a dedicated pair of Loops
- 4:21 | for videography otherwise it’ll be
- 4:22 | difficult for you to attach it and
- 4:24 | unmount it and mount it and unmount it
- 4:25 | so please keep that as a consideration
- 4:27 | and to be fair why invest money in into
- 4:29 | something that you’re not going to use
- 4:31 | if you’re serious about documentation
- 4:33 | and high quality video recording I think
- 4:35 | there’s a very strong consideration the
- 4:36 | next thing I’m going to mention is about
- 4:38 | the light so in some of other cameras
- 4:40 | I’ve used such as the Oxo the light is
- 4:42 | an additional feature it’s like an added
- 4:44 | cost and the light and the camera they
- 4:46 | can you can have it so that they’re
- 4:47 | pointing in different directions so
- 4:49 | sometimes I have to get the framing
- 4:50 | right and then I have to get the light
- 4:51 | right in an Oxo with the flamingo what I
- 4:54 | liked is that the light comes part of it
- 4:57 | as default and here’s the important bit
- 4:59 | the the light and the lens are pointing
- 5:01 | in the same direction always so no more
- 5:04 | issue of the lens and the light pointing
- 5:06 | in different directions The Challenge I
- 5:08 | had with other cameras is trying to make
- 5:10 | sure that I’m fully centered I have to
- 5:12 | move it up a bit move it down a bit to
- 5:13 | make sure that exactly what I’m trying
- 5:15 | to record for example an onlay prep on
- 5:18 | the lower left Muller I want to make
- 5:19 | sure that that tooth is in the center of
- 5:21 | the screen and sometimes I’m like up and
- 5:22 | down up and down then I’m trying to get
- 5:24 | the light attached so it takes a bit of
- 5:26 | time to set up with the flamingo what I
- 5:28 | liked is that if the light is in the
- 5:30 | right place if the area is illuminated I
- 5:32 | know that I’m capturing it in the lens
- 5:35 | so that’s a big plus point for having
- 5:37 | the light and the lens pointing in the
- 5:39 | same direction and yes like all good
- 5:41 | dental video cameras there is an orange
- 5:43 | filter for when we’re working with
- 5:44 | resins now before I come on to how the
- 5:46 | video is actually stored it’s actually
- 5:48 | very different to some of the other
- 5:49 | cameras I’ve used I know you’re itching
- 5:51 | to see more test content how does a
- 5:54 | footage actually look so let’s cover
- 5:56 | this now and then I’ll talk about how we
- 5:58 | manage the story St of those videos a
- 6:00 | little bit later so the quality is 1080p
- 6:03 | at 30 frames per second so the advantage
- 6:06 | is that’s that’s good that’s that’s HD
- 6:08 | the disadvantage is it’s not 4K and some
- 6:10 | other cameras like the Oxo record at 4K
- 6:12 | so if you want something to fill up a
- 6:14 | really big screen and that’s where the
- 6:15 | Oxo comes in but even when I use the Oxo
- 6:17 | quite a lot of times I’m recording at
- 6:19 | 1080p anyway it keeps the file sizes
- 6:21 | smaller and quite often we don’t need
- 6:23 | the 4K but just a consideration if
- 6:25 | that’s important to you the other thing
- 6:26 | to note before I show you comparison
- 6:28 | footage is that the flamingo does not
- 6:30 | record sound I would say to adch it
- 6:32 | should be an option like you should be
- 6:33 | able to record sound if you want to CU
- 6:35 | sometimes I’m there I’m talking out loud
- 6:37 | I’m annotating verbally I’m saying
- 6:39 | something for my future self to to look
- 6:41 | back at the video and I might be saying
- 6:42 | something useful I’m like highlighting
- 6:44 | something I’m showing something so the
- 6:45 | flamingo doesn’t record sound but I
- 6:47 | guess if you want a camera that’s super
- 6:49 | light like 19 G then you can’t have it
- 6:51 | all let’s just spend the next minute or
- 6:53 | so seeing some test footage some actual
- 6:55 | example footage I’ve been recording
- 6:57 | throughout the week using the Flamingo
- 6:58 | and then I’ll show show you a video
- 7:00 | whereby I used the Oxo camera and then
- 7:02 | I’ll show you some footage showing the
- 7:04 | exact same procedure but with two
- 7:06 | different highly reputable clinical
- 7:08 | cameras so I will show you removing
- 7:10 | composite attachments I.E invisaline
- 7:12 | attachments using the Oxo on one side of
- 7:15 | the screen and using the flamingo on the
- 7:17 | other side of the screen so the same
- 7:19 | procedure on two different patients
- 7:20 | recording at two different times but
- 7:21 | using the two different cameras so same
- 7:24 | procedure different cameras will get to
- 7:26 | see that as well
- 7:28 | [Music]
- 7:53 | so what did you think of the quality
- 7:55 | it’s pretty decent right it’s high
- 7:56 | definition and if I was to put in
- 7:58 | hierarchy of all in terms of how crisp
- 8:01 | video can look clinical footage I would
- 8:03 | say the microscope like a DSLR mounted
- 8:06 | on the microscope gives you the most
- 8:08 | crisp video to me that is like the gold
- 8:10 | standard and what these Loop mounted
- 8:12 | cameras like the Oxo like the flamingo
- 8:13 | that we’re reviewing today they are very
- 8:15 | very decent they are excellent they’re
- 8:17 | not quite as high fidelity as the
- 8:20 | microscope but it’s pretty darn good now
- 8:22 | one thing I spoke to adch about cuz one
- 8:25 | relative disadvantage for me is when I’m
- 8:27 | using the Oxo I have a zoo setting
- 8:30 | whereby when I’m looking through my
- 8:31 | Loops at 5x the camera the Oxo camera is
- 8:35 | also showing me what I’m seeing through
- 8:37 | my Loops I.E if through my Loops I’m
- 8:39 | seeing the lower left Moler premolar
- 8:41 | premolar so if I’m seeing three teeth on
- 8:43 | my Loops then I’m also seeing that on my
- 8:45 | camera cuz I manag to do a zoom on the
- 8:48 | camera whereas with the flamingo what
- 8:49 | I’m seeing is a slightly like a stepped
- 8:51 | back view for example my Loops a 5x but
- 8:54 | I’m may be seeing like a 2 and 1/2 3x
- 8:56 | view in my footage is this necessarily A
- 8:58 | Bad Thing not not really sometimes you
- 9:00 | want a broader field of view I think
- 9:02 | will’ll be very good for anyone doing
- 9:03 | implants but perhaps for someone doing
- 9:05 | Endo you want to record your endodontic
- 9:06 | procedures then pretty much just use a
- 9:08 | microscope right but for Ender you
- 9:09 | probably want a bit more zoom and it
- 9:11 | doesn’t give you that so it kind of
- 9:12 | depends on what you’re using it for if
- 9:14 | you want to be able to zoom in a lot
- 9:15 | more but the disadvantage of that is
- 9:17 | that the video does become a bit more
- 9:18 | shaky then something like an Oxo which
- 9:20 | has a zoom is a good idea but if you’re
- 9:22 | okay with having one fix distance
- 9:24 | roughly I’m making this up like 3 3 and
- 9:26 | 1/2x equivalent magnification then the
- 9:27 | flamingo is very good like for anterior
- 9:30 | bonding multiple Crown preps implant
- 9:32 | surgical work it’s very good that I now
- 9:34 | use Ergo Loops I got the 6X Urgo so why
- 9:37 | did I get six times why didn’t I get
- 9:39 | more why didn’t I get 10 times well it’s
- 9:41 | because no one talks about this but to
- 9:43 | me it’s really important that the field
- 9:45 | of view I’m getting through my Loops is
- 9:47 | the same field of view that I’m getting
- 9:49 | through the camera I just like to know
- 9:51 | that if I’m seeing it through my Loops
- 9:52 | that the camera is recording it I think
- 9:54 | you can totally do it if you get like a
- 9:55 | stronger magnification but I just like
- 9:57 | the idea of matching the camera and
- 9:59 | matching my Loops it just gives me
- 10:01 | reassurance while filming the other good
- 10:03 | thing about Flamingo actually is the
- 10:05 | light it has a very powerful light it is
- 10:08 | 60,000 Lux I don’t even know what that
- 10:11 | means all I can tell you is that it’s
- 10:12 | actually really really bright so
- 10:14 | compared to the other lights I have like
- 10:16 | I have a dedicated headgear kind of
- 10:18 | light and it’s that’s that’s great but
- 10:20 | it’s still not as bright as a flamingo I
- 10:21 | have the Oxo light that comes with the
- 10:23 | Oxo camera that’s good but is nowhere
- 10:25 | near as bright as the flamingo light so
- 10:27 | actually sometimes have to turn it down
- 10:28 | but if you’re do doing like a an
- 10:30 | intricate procedure on the lower left
- 10:32 | farthest back Moler then this
- 10:33 | illumination you get from Flamingo is
- 10:36 | absolutely brilliant so top marks for
- 10:37 | adch for giving this such a powerful
- 10:39 | light that you can actually tone down
- 10:41 | the way you tone it down is that this
- 10:42 | little compartment that goes in your
- 10:43 | pocket it’s got the on button the off
- 10:45 | button the dim the plus and the minus
- 10:47 | for the power of the light anal
- 10:49 | indicator to show that you’re recording
- 10:51 | now that we’re talking about the
- 10:52 | recording let’s talk about storage of
- 10:54 | the video This is actually really really
- 10:56 | important and there’s a big difference
- 10:57 | in how the flamingo records videos
- 11:00 | compared to the Oxo so if you remember
- 11:01 | my previous review the Oxo does 3 minute
- 11:04 | video chunks so for example if I’m
- 11:06 | recording a half an hour video with the
- 11:09 | Oxo that’s being recorded on a Micro SD
- 11:11 | card and then when you insert your SD
- 11:13 | card into the laptop instead of having
- 11:15 | one half an hour file you have 10 3
- 11:18 | minute files so 10 MP4 files which is a
- 11:21 | little bit inconvenient now I know why
- 11:22 | they do it in case something crashes or
- 11:24 | in case any issues happen you’ve got
- 11:26 | these multiple files and I think for
- 11:27 | that system in an SD card it works well
- 11:29 | but a lot of clinicians want the one
- 11:31 | continuous filming which is what the
- 11:33 | flamingo gives you another wellth out
- 11:35 | benefit is that if the flamingo app
- 11:37 | crashes or if the computer crashes which
- 11:39 | I haven’t experienced but you know
- 11:40 | computers crash right what happens to
- 11:42 | your precious video imagine being at the
- 11:44 | end of a sinus lift and You’ got some
- 11:45 | really good footage of your clinical
- 11:47 | skills but then Windows decides to do an
- 11:49 | update or something just crashes what
- 11:50 | happens well I’ve been told by aditech
- 11:52 | that if something crashes your video
- 11:54 | automatically saves thank goodness for
- 11:56 | that so ask yourself how do you want to
- 11:58 | view the video video files later do you
- 12:00 | want multiple files different Little 3
- 12:02 | minute chunks or would you like one
- 12:04 | continuous video in terms of storage the
- 12:06 | Oxo has micro SD cards so I have got so
- 12:10 | many of these SD cards and I’m always
- 12:12 | chopping and changing and I’m always
- 12:13 | dumping onto my Google Drive and I’ve
- 12:15 | got terabytes of video data now like I
- 12:17 | said I’m obsessed the whole thing with
- 12:19 | SD cards can get a little bit annoying
- 12:21 | sometimes making no marking them are
- 12:23 | they full are they empty having to
- 12:25 | reformat them every time the constant
- 12:26 | fear of dropping or losing a little mic
- 12:29 | SD card so the real advantage of
- 12:31 | flamingo is that it doesn’t rely on an
- 12:33 | SD card component it records wirelessly
- 12:36 | to your laptop so your laptop is on and
- 12:39 | actually the you can see on the laptop
- 12:40 | what you’re recording so usually my
- 12:42 | laptop is like in front of me somewhere
- 12:43 | on a chair and I’m doing my procedure
- 12:45 | and I might just glance up my eyes now
- 12:46 | and again without moving my head just
- 12:47 | moving my eyes and just see okay we’re
- 12:49 | still filming still going well and then
- 12:50 | when you save the video you can label it
- 12:52 | which is pretty cool so on the Oxo you
- 12:54 | can’t label it then and there you have
- 12:55 | to then do all the labeling with the SD
- 12:57 | card later but at the point of saving on
- 12:58 | the laptop using the flamingo software
- 13:01 | on my Mac it’s also compatible with
- 13:03 | Windows I’m able to give it a name and a
- 13:05 | description which I find very handy cuz
- 13:07 | when you have so much video like me it’s
- 13:09 | really useful to be able to label your
- 13:11 | video at the point of recording and at
- 13:13 | the point of saving so then that video
- 13:15 | is saved on your laptop within the
- 13:17 | flamingo app and then you can export it
- 13:19 | as well so ask yourself what do you want
- 13:21 | do you want an SD card system that
- 13:22 | relies on SD card storage or would you
- 13:25 | like to record direct to a laptop and
- 13:27 | the way the laptop actually records
- 13:28 | everything is there’s no wires you don’t
- 13:30 | need anything plugged in it’s all
- 13:31 | Wireless for example the battery pack is
- 13:33 | connected to the flamingo on your Loop
- 13:36 | so that’s like a little wire running
- 13:37 | from your head to your pocket and then
- 13:38 | there’s no wire connecting anything to
- 13:40 | the laptop the laptop is far away it’s
- 13:42 | all Wireless through a little
- 13:44 | transmitter receiver kind of thing the
- 13:45 | Oxo is also Wireless and you need like
- 13:48 | an iPad or a mobile phone for the Oxo to
- 13:50 | kind of check your framing but it
- 13:51 | doesn’t actually record on the mobile it
- 13:53 | records on the SD card but the flamingo
- 13:55 | is giving you the preview on a laptop
- 13:57 | and you’re filming and saving on a
- 13:59 | laptop as well now let’s discuss the
- 14:01 | battery life on the flamingo to use the
- 14:03 | camera and the light together it’s
- 14:05 | roughly 4 hours and that has been my
- 14:08 | experience but the beautiful thing is
- 14:10 | that it comes with a spare battery so
- 14:12 | really you can get 8 hours of filming
- 14:13 | which is fantastic I didn’t notice my
- 14:15 | Flamingo heating up although I did
- 14:16 | notice my battery pack in my Pocket heat
- 14:18 | up a bit whereas with the Oxo the
- 14:20 | reverse happens the battery pack in my
- 14:21 | pocket doesn’t heat up but the camera
- 14:23 | can get very hot especially if you’re
- 14:25 | filming in 4k the Oxo didn’t have a
- 14:27 | spare battery pack I’m sure you can
- 14:28 | probably buy one but it’s nice that Adit
- 14:30 | attac give you this spare battery so if
- 14:32 | you’re someone doing major surgeries and
- 14:34 | doing lots of filming and you want to
- 14:36 | aim you know 8 plus hours then the adch
- 14:39 | flamingo is probably the best shout for
- 14:40 | you the charge time is pretty quick at 3
- 14:42 | hours as well now what if you’ve got a
- 14:44 | really long procedure and your battery
- 14:46 | runs out what happens to the video well
- 14:48 | the way it works is that Flamingo
- 14:50 | actually pauses the video and then when
- 14:51 | you change the battery over it resumes
- 14:54 | the video without you even having to
- 14:56 | press a button which is pretty cool so
- 14:58 | it’s nice that they’ thought out this
- 14:59 | feature about what happens for longer
- 15:01 | procedures and your battery runs out
- 15:02 | just in case you’re doing a full day of
- 15:04 | recording another feature which I’m
- 15:06 | actually not using so much like with the
- 15:07 | Oxo I paid some extra money to get the
- 15:09 | Bluetooth foot pedal I never used it
- 15:11 | never got on with it and the aditech
- 15:13 | also send you a foot pedal again I’m not
- 15:15 | just just don’t want another foot pedal
- 15:16 | like my feet are already so congested
- 15:18 | with the the chair unit and the foot
- 15:20 | pedal for your hand piece I don’t want
- 15:22 | anything else so I’m happy just use the
- 15:23 | battery pack to hit record so there is a
- 15:25 | foot pedal that exists that you may wish
- 15:27 | to use now this is jazz from the future
- 15:29 | I.E I recorded this video and then now
- 15:30 | I’m adding to it a few months later and
- 15:32 | actually since I told you that I’m not a
- 15:34 | big fan of the foot pedal that’s now
- 15:35 | completely changed I now routinely use
- 15:37 | the foot pedal because two reasons one I
- 15:39 | get to control what’s being recorded and
- 15:41 | what’s not being recorded without having
- 15:43 | to use my hands and number two cuz
- 15:45 | everyone else is using the foot pedal
- 15:46 | and I was like wait wait a minute am I
- 15:47 | missing something out and I was and I
- 15:49 | started to use it and it’s actually so
- 15:50 | much better than actually changing your
- 15:52 | gloves and pressing the record button I
- 15:53 | now am very selective about which
- 15:55 | footage I record and the foot pedal is
- 15:58 | super super easy to use and it just
- 15:59 | works it just works seamlessly so I take
- 16:02 | back any negative things I said about
- 16:03 | the foot pedal foot pedal is awesome now
- 16:05 | we’ve got this far on the video and I
- 16:07 | know what you’re thinking is the number
- 16:08 | one question and message I got when it
- 16:10 | came to the other video Even though I
- 16:11 | mentioned how much it costs you’re
- 16:13 | always in anticipation but tell me how
- 16:14 | much does this cost so the aditech
- 16:16 | flamingo is ยฃ3,300 obviously different
- 16:19 | currencies around the world it may vary
- 16:21 | but that’s how much it retails for in
- 16:22 | the UK I have no financial interest in
- 16:25 | this but adch are giving a 15% discount
- 16:28 | and they said that they’ll give give me
- 16:29 | a link which I’ll put in the description
- 16:30 | below so that brings it to about
- 16:33 | ยฃ285 I know it’s a fair chunk of money
- 16:35 | and a decent investment but it really
- 16:36 | depends on how eagly you want to Access
- 16:39 | Dental videography when I bought the Oxo
- 16:41 | just from comparison I paid over ยฃ4,000
- 16:44 | including vat because I wanted the light
- 16:45 | as an additional I also bought the foot
- 16:47 | pedal which unfortunately I don’t use
- 16:48 | and I was happy with that purchase with
- 16:50 | so many different Dental video cameras
- 16:52 | out there now that are Loop mounted and
- 16:54 | and also mounted on different parts of
- 16:55 | the operat Tre remember the flamingo is
- 16:57 | specifically for your Loop which kind of
- 16:59 | dentist is the flamingo rightful well
- 17:02 | let’s have a look at the list if you
- 17:03 | want high definition recording long
- 17:06 | recording times I.E the second battery
- 17:08 | is included in the cost if you want the
- 17:10 | ease of recording and the quickest setup
- 17:12 | if you want to be able to record on your
- 17:14 | laptop and not on like a SD cards if you
- 17:16 | want the fewest number of MP4 files so
- 17:18 | for example if you want to do a 2hour
- 17:20 | procedure 3-hour procedure and you just
- 17:22 | want just one video file at the end then
- 17:24 | that’s where the flamingo comes in if
- 17:25 | you want something that’s super
- 17:26 | lightweight and that’s important to you
- 17:28 | aord
- 17:29 | relatively speaking compared to the
- 17:30 | other brands out there and if you want a
- 17:32 | bright light like the brightest light
- 17:34 | then the flamingo is probably the best
- 17:36 | bet for you however if you want the
- 17:39 | ability to record sound if you want to
- 17:41 | be able to film 4K and be able to zoom
- 17:43 | in without losing some detail then I
- 17:45 | would look at other brands such as the
- 17:46 | Oxo I keep mentioning the Oxo throughout
- 17:48 | this video because that’s the main one I
- 17:49 | have hands-on experience with to see how
- 17:51 | these cameras stack up against you know
- 17:52 | GoPro and futu Dent we did cover this in
- 17:55 | the previous review video so do check
- 17:57 | that one out if you haven’t already the
- 17:58 | last thing to just mentioned is support
- 18:00 | adch have been very very useful they
- 18:02 | very generous with their time to talk
- 18:03 | about how the technology works and help
- 18:05 | me get it set up very quickly very
- 18:07 | responsive by email so support for any
- 18:09 | product is very important I have to say
- 18:11 | that when I bought the Oxo and all the
- 18:13 | other cameras I’ve been dealing with the
- 18:14 | support in the UK that I’ve experienced
- 18:16 | has been good overall I just think it’s
- 18:18 | an important consideration because
- 18:20 | whichever country you’re in you should
- 18:21 | test the support this this is just
- 18:23 | generic life advice I’m giving you if
- 18:24 | you’re looking to make a significant
- 18:26 | Dental purchase what is the support like
- 18:28 | in your country so if this is something
- 18:30 | you’re serious about I would email
- 18:31 | whichever supplier so if you’re looking
- 18:33 | for a flamingo email adch if looking for
- 18:35 | food toen Oxo whoever find your nearest
- 18:37 | supplier in your country and email them
- 18:39 | and see what’s their responsiveness like
- 18:41 | are they helpful can you think that if
- 18:43 | something goes wrong in the future they
- 18:44 | will be there to help you so my
- 18:46 | experience of adch was very good but I
- 18:47 | want that to be the true for you as well
- 18:49 | in your country so in summary aditech
- 18:52 | Flamingo is really good I was very very
- 18:54 | impressed with the build quality the
- 18:56 | quality of the footage I did desire a
- 18:58 | little bit more Zoom but when I look
- 18:59 | back at my footage I can see the details
- 19:01 | I want to and it’s very nice to have one
- 19:04 | big file rather than multiple little
- 19:05 | chunks my teamm at protrusive also happy
- 19:07 | to have one file rather than managing
- 19:09 | these hundreds of files I often have in
- 19:11 | my Google Drive folder the ability to
- 19:13 | label these within the flamingo software
- 19:15 | is also fantastic so congratulations to
- 19:18 | adch for launching this relatively new
- 19:20 | camera I think you’ve done a great job a
- 19:21 | few minor points I’ve listed for
- 19:23 | improvement but with such a lightweight
- 19:25 | camera and a bright light with a really
- 19:27 | easy setup and I love now having my
- 19:29 | dedicated loops with the camera screwed
- 19:31 | in I’m very happy and I will be
- 19:33 | continuing to use the flamingo hope you
- 19:35 | guys enjoy this video before I now just
- 19:37 | play some test footage I’m just going to
- 19:39 | give you more and more test footage cuz
- 19:40 | I know that’s what you want to see right
- 19:41 | so the rest of this video it’ll just be
- 19:43 | a test footage I’ll put some nice
- 19:45 | background music on you so you get to
- 19:46 | see what kind of filming I’ve been doing
- 19:48 | while I’ve been testing this camera if I
- 19:50 | zoom into any footage I’ll label it as
- 19:51 | Zoom so you can see how does it look
- 19:53 | like when it zoomed in I’ll show you
- 19:55 | something anterior and something
- 19:56 | posterior so you get to see how the
- 19:57 | footage looks in different areas of the
- 19:59 | mouth don’t forget to check out the link
- 20:01 | if you’re looking for the discount and
- 20:02 | while you’re scrolling down don’t forget
- 20:03 | to give this video a thumbs up to let me
- 20:05 | know you made it this far thanks so much
- 20:07 | once again drop a comment if you have
- 20:09 | any questions I’d love to answer them
- 20:10 | catch you soon
- 20:14 | [Music]
- 21:13 | n
- 21:21 | [Music]
- 21:28 | a
- 21:33 | [Music]
- 21:58 | a
- 22:09 | [Music]
- 22:31 | nah nah
- 22:37 | [Music]