Married at First Sight: S18 E11 | She Said / He Fled – A Detailed Review, Recap & Rant

Welcome to another deep-dive review and recap of Married at First Sight (MAFS) brought to you by your favorite reviewers, …



  • 0:00 | hey guys we are back to do another review of Married at First Sight now M say she gonna stick beside him honey so
  • 0:06 | y’all just take y’all feelings and keep it to yourself cause Dora said he is gonna move back in with um M so stay
  • 0:13 | tuned for more we real expressing how we
  • 0:22 | feel wo come on
  • 0:27 | in family we’re about relationships and riew just for you
  • 0:36 | go it’s time Courtney [Music]
  • 0:48 | and what’s going on Co K folks how y’all doing tonight welcome back to another
  • 0:55 | Video courtne Edit I’m Eddie AKA
  • 1:00 | this my lovely wife I think for you get more Jia when
  • 1:06 | wife this B gonna get go ahead what’s your name tell me your name you know my
  • 1:12 | name y’all know my name and this right here is Courtney in Edie this channel is all about relationships it’s all about
  • 1:19 | reviews and entertainment it’s all about famous Rants and jokes we like to joke and rant over here and tonight we going
  • 1:27 | to be talking about this boring a episode of mar First Sight it didn’t really deliveright I thought was going
  • 1:32 | to deliver how can you give us the goods one week then give us a piece of crap the next week y’all should gave us the
  • 1:39 | next episode this episode CH I went almost went to sleep on this C crap twice tonight you know what I’m
  • 1:46 | saying you pushing my hand away it stay on your side don’t I don’t need it
  • 1:53 | open we ain’t got no issues with each other child Y is
  • 2:00 | and to the person in the comments yes I think it was today talking about I interrupt my wife all the time guess
  • 2:06 | what say something say something see she thought something I interrupt her while she was thinking so
  • 2:12 | I will continue to do that okay so if you’re brand new to this Channel and subscrib go ahead go ahead and hit that
  • 2:17 | subscribe button down below and make sure you hit the like video and um yeah y’all let’s just go ahead and get into
  • 2:23 | it so it started out with Carly now she just start doing that I know black black
  • 2:29 | black be doing ha at the house child but I ain’t think they do it in the whole bathroom but she was in the bathroom
  • 2:34 | child so she was doing that girl cutting that girl in the bathroom honey we go to the black people go to the kitchen
  • 2:40 | living room downstairs basement bedroom but honey they don’t be in the bathroom but that’s what she was honey so her
  • 2:47 | sister came over and and she was um talking about they was eating that food
  • 2:53 | look good what kind of food that was Mediterranean or something and so um they was eating stuff like that so she
  • 2:59 | start talk about what one wanted right yeah yeah it was yeah it was I
  • 3:07 | really wasn’t paying attention it was like the only thing I paid attention to was when she like you said she was doing
  • 3:12 | her clotting hair in the bathroom and I’m like dang we do had in the bathroom when I used to get my hair
  • 3:19 | done they used to do in the living room and in the kitchen CU when they doing my
  • 3:24 | hair I remember some one chick was making popcorn while she was doing my hair you know so yeah I never did never
  • 3:32 | had my hair done in the bathroom in the kitchen it’s a stress but the bath in the kitchen yeah CU I
  • 3:40 | don’t want no hair you want something to drink baby while I’m doing your hair yeah give me a coke I never did yeah
  • 3:45 | anyway so um but let’s move on so Ike is talking to Pastor KY D also known as
  • 3:52 | well he a had that book bag y so um so he was talking to Pascal you know because seemed like he had more respect
  • 3:58 | for the men than he the women not even Dr P because he wanted to amp up with her one time too so anyway um Pascal
  • 4:06 | wants to know what’s going on you know why you moved out and all that stuff whatever so you know he was just saying
  • 4:12 | that you know um he don’t feel comfortable in that space he ain’t got no peace you know and P got like when
  • 4:18 | this happen he said after the honeymoon so it seems like you know she just wants to initiate sex all the time and he not
  • 4:24 | with that he not trying to do that too soon or nothing like that and um
  • 4:33 | um what you want to say something and so anyway so he was saying like you know B
  • 4:39 | trying to you know talk to him and stuff like that just saying like basically it’s issues when it comes to marriage you know that’s just kind of like the
  • 4:45 | norm and he said as far as uh past C was kind of encouraging him
  • 4:52 | to you know move in I don’t know what I was that will you move in after oh yeah
  • 4:58 | yeah yeah Ike was saying that she was even asking um em was even asking like you gonna
  • 5:04 | move in after this process over with and P was like yeah that’s like normal that’s what people you know even the
  • 5:10 | most successful couples that have been on this show have like have planned for longevity they didn’t just playing for
  • 5:16 | just this process time and you know I just didn’t understand that like who say that I’m saying like you were saying
  • 5:23 | when you saying that this is a marriage this whole episode frustrated
  • 5:29 | crap of me my thing is this with Ike man why the hell you get on this show you
  • 5:35 | get married to stay together you knew what the show was all about you knew you gonna get on the show you gonna marry
  • 5:42 | somebody and the process of this show is to stay married not till the show is
  • 5:49 | over for the rest of your lives this ain’t no game man this is real life but
  • 5:56 | apparently you want like oh man I ain’t think it’s going to do that that man you know she asked me well we going to move
  • 6:02 | in together hell man I barely know the chick no that’s your [ __ ] wife
  • 6:08 | man oh blood pressure going up oh show frustrated crap out me and um I was just
  • 6:15 | saying too is that you know him like her attitude you know she be lit on him she make him feel less than no no no no no
  • 6:27 | why you trying to gas light people man is he gaslighting people is he
  • 6:32 | gaslighting is he gaslighting yes he is black panther would you talk to the
  • 6:39 | people stop the point is this man you saying she make you what it is you make yourself feel less that’s your
  • 6:45 | insecurities okay that’s your insecurity because you ran across a woman that had
  • 6:51 | her stuff together and she probably on a level that’s above yours now you feel
  • 6:57 | insecure even being her presence make you feel like oh she trying to be little me all she could be all she can be doing
  • 7:04 | is talking to you just holding a conversation with her you know what I’m saying right but you know when guys have
  • 7:09 | that insecurity that’s what the first thing gonna pop in their mind oh she trying to put me down because I ain’t got what she got because I’m not on her
  • 7:16 | level no man that’s all in your head brother I think too also we have to keep in um look at maybe from um now I know
  • 7:26 | he said his name means EO but as far as M she is I guess Evo Evo or EO or eoic I
  • 7:36 | don’t know I don’t E I don’t know buty in their culture it
  • 7:43 | is probably just how you know some people have a certain tone in their culture you know what I’m saying and is
  • 7:50 | that they have that direct that hey get it done d d and everybody can’t handle
  • 7:56 | that and that’s probably just who she is as a woman which ain’t nothing wrong with that but every man can’t handle a
  • 8:03 | woman being that direct or in charge [ __ ] I me personally I don’t think she asks a lot I don’t I don’t think she
  • 8:10 | asked for a lot I really don’t I don’t think she asked for a lot I’m saying that she asked questions she’s trying to
  • 8:15 | get to know him but he wants to be surfac because he’s artist and she signs
  • 8:20 | and the point is I don’t really I really don’t think she act for a lot I didn’t say she for I’m not saying
  • 8:26 | youing I’m just saying all she doing just be direct with me yes or no I’m asking you a question give me an answer
  • 8:33 | all is I don’t know I gota go and meditate and be you know artistic and stuff like that man like I said on the
  • 8:40 | live if y’all missed it that he wants he needs a woman that is younger than him a
  • 8:46 | woman that’s not on the same level of if he got some maturity as him wrong with
  • 8:52 | that huh something wrong with that and so that he need somebody on his level cuz m is not on his level like however
  • 8:59 | you cook it up and you put it they’re just on two different pages and wave lengths and evolution I’m be honest with
  • 9:07 | y’all okay y’all might get mad at me y’all might think I’m like Ike but this episode here s m basically taking this
  • 9:17 | dude back cend M calling this man my husband after all what he did and said
  • 9:23 | to her embarrass her in front of everybody uh that’s her culture honey but still life
  • 9:29 | I’m sorry you got to have some kind of sense of selfworth in my opinion you know what I’m saying I’m not saying she
  • 9:35 | don’t have it but sometimes you gotta say you gotta walk away got walk away yeah man you’re not gonna dog me out and
  • 9:42 | continue to dog me out you know but she she she want back but go ahead baby I’m
  • 9:47 | this I’m mad I’m mad tonight y’all he he said that he never disrespected her and
  • 9:52 | then PC said hold up you did no he said SC hold up wait a minute let me get just
  • 9:59 | lieing because what you go ahead baby calling your wife an a-hole that’s not
  • 10:05 | where where you well yeah well yeah yeah you did like dude like you did you
  • 10:12 | called her outside her name so now you g basically tell this lie in my opinion to
  • 10:19 | Pastor Cal what else you lied about bro what else like called you trying to you
  • 10:25 | trying to damage her character right you know what I’m saying uh so what else going went on you lied about that you
  • 10:32 | know you not telling everybody yeah past C was saying that you know he he understands that M can be overly
  • 10:39 | ambitious like you know she be saying my man my man my husb my husband you know what I’m saying all of that stuff so he
  • 10:45 | know that that’s you know that like that’s what she can do and stuff like that but he really feels like that they
  • 10:51 | need to sit down you know what I’m saying and have a conversation kind of talk this through because one of Art and
  • 10:56 | one of sence sh but anyway so let’s move on to Madison is on camera saying that
  • 11:02 | uh something happened honey and they went out last night and then came home
  • 11:10 | and he scared out what’s her husband name Allan scared out and say he was G to go
  • 11:17 | home but um they I guess they showed it on camera I think that’s part they showed on camera but it seemed like he had too much to drink and stuff like
  • 11:23 | that but we’ll get into that so Dr Peppa is talking to David and mad Melle honey
  • 11:29 | so um seemed like she was at work but she ended up coming anyway so you know they was just saying it’s rough it’s
  • 11:36 | been rough honey so as they were sitting down talking and stuff uh they had a a p not Pascal Dr Pepper
  • 11:45 | was just talking about so you know what kind of things have y’all what kind of progression y’all made and stuff like that like okay we didn’t had
  • 11:51 | conversation we talk last night we talked like 30 minutes and yada y y y y
  • 11:56 | okay what else criet and crickets and more crickets they were
  • 12:03 | like that was it so Dr Pepper was asking them about the upbringing you know David shared about his being in school and um
  • 12:11 | being what ostracized because he was different right yeah he was U he had
  • 12:19 | little Darkness to the skin yeah he didn’t say black though I noticed that yeah he say blackx he said I just know I
  • 12:27 | have different a different tone and you know it was like me couple more kids and
  • 12:34 | he said it was hard to do because they took him out of private school I’m say they took him out of public school and
  • 12:39 | put him into a private school and you know changing school at a young age after you build your friendships with
  • 12:46 | with kids and stuff then you leave them friends behind and go to a different school and you’re a stranger yeah I
  • 12:52 | guess that can be tough I never had to deal with that though just going from elementary to high school that was like
  • 12:58 | tough but most people I went to elementary school with of went to the same high school I went to so it made it more comfortable um and then Michelle
  • 13:05 | was just talking about her upbringing and stuff like that because she a Dr say tell me about your
  • 13:13 | poess your poess I was like is the way Dr Dr Peppa said it yeah I know that you
  • 13:19 | were po you grew up PO I was like GE Dr Peppa is poor with the o r I think she
  • 13:25 | said poor no she said pop she did say pop she said tell me how use poke so she talked about that and stuff
  • 13:32 | like that but then Michelle also said that David is like 10 years behind her and his maturity wise and you know uh
  • 13:41 | and I guess his emotions his finances all that stuff so she feel like if anybody feel like somebody beneath them
  • 13:48 | Michelle feels like David is beneath her so you know and David was like you know
  • 13:54 | he working on some things and what David said yeah you know I’m about to get this promotion so once I get this promotion
  • 14:01 | I’ll be making the same money you making then after that I know my savings ain’t there yet but it get there it might be
  • 14:08 | like 30 years but it get there but once I get this promotion baby you gonna be Bal you gonna be a power couple so what
  • 14:15 | you see as far as you know getting your own place and stuff like that my own place my own place sh about one to two
  • 14:23 | years said what you take it too long CH he didn’t do all that for the people that didn’t watch the show
  • 14:29 | I’m I’m getting some action because they have nothing tonight and he said by
  • 14:34 | place man I stayed at home my parents for three years to save up to get my own
  • 14:39 | place told and I can get my own place next week but that was a lie he told her
  • 14:45 | a year and two a year or two I said a year or two but you you you you moved
  • 14:50 | back home to your parents claiming that you move back to save money and you said
  • 14:56 | in the honeymoon of the what you call the the wedding that I can move out anytime I
  • 15:02 | want to what he say you know I I can get a place just like that anytime I want to now we hearing you don’t have a
  • 15:09 | savings now we we’re hearing that it’s gonna take you one to two years to get
  • 15:14 | your own place and is it that both of your jobs don’t even equal up to what
  • 15:19 | she making baby and then then y’all say she a secretary she can’t be B baby he’s
  • 15:24 | about to get his promotion once he get to promotion baby it’s on the if he was to get the promotion and he
  • 15:31 | said I probably be right there I should be right there where you at so y’all gonna be equally making the same what
  • 15:38 | about your second job all joking aside David wasn’t ready to be on this
  • 15:44 | show emotionally was not either yeah but when it comes to finances David wasn’t
  • 15:49 | ready I don’t think David David was ready to get married you know I’m saying David is a good time like madon Here for
  • 15:56 | a Good Time child but to be a rock or a foundation in a marriage
  • 16:02 | David is not there yet and to be the one that say I got us or I got you and stuff like that so I mean my person I can
  • 16:10 | understand Michelle like fight a flight honey she flighting right now honey she is like and then Dr PPP was like okay
  • 16:16 | well can y’all work through this I said can’t you see the girl checked out you know I’m saying
  • 16:22 | Michelle but girl is checked out like she is really trying to go on wrap these weeks up because it’s gonna be a nowh
  • 16:28 | the in so she can go on by her business all these some bisc GNA be saying no
  • 16:34 | they are except for probably David and not David Thomas do David like that
  • 16:40 | Thomas like that so Thomas and Camille but let’s move on Madison and Allan are in the car and this what we have more um
  • 16:47 | conversation about and it seems as though she really TR was upset that he had a few beers and stuff like that
  • 16:54 | and he drove home you know now I’m trying to figure out why he went home cuz I feel like he more to the
  • 16:59 | conversation I think it was too something happened when they went out something Alan didn’t like and he
  • 17:07 | probably had some drinks he said you know what you know I didn’t like how what whatever went down he didn’t like
  • 17:12 | so he decided to go home you had said that’s why you went home yeah that’s why you went home no oh the other thing what
  • 17:18 | was the other it pointed out nothing baby I just said I was
  • 17:24 | joking say he probably left the house to go street racing no that a no was some else later on you said that’s probably
  • 17:30 | why he left and went home with you no yeah I remember what you’re saying I you feel like you know he just kept thinking about how she treated him you know he
  • 17:39 | you know he kept thinking about how she wasn’t attracted to him and he probably just finally set in you know he said you
  • 17:45 | know what I’m tired of this bull crap you know saying she try to change the way I dress she triy change the way I
  • 17:51 | you know my my jokes my my personalities like what do you like yeah what do you like about me so my thing is okay so how
  • 17:58 | did y did y’all get a uber home so you talking about you want to drink and you keep saying I marriage K you not in
  • 18:04 | this like you not in this oh my husband my marriage and stuff but I do
  • 18:10 | understand now later on that certain stuff was triggering which I get that but still don’t be trying to act like you so cared about this man like that
  • 18:16 | hone like if it ain’t that deep H you pray for him and send
  • 18:22 | bye because I did say that to that you don’t know to me you ain’t probably got
  • 18:28 | to know him well to know his tolerance when it comes to drinking I don’t think so so I don’t know you know so anyway
  • 18:35 | but let’s move on so Emma’s talking to do um to Dr P she was asking her what’s
  • 18:40 | really going on so em was just saying that you know she honestly don’t think that the man ain’t ready to be married I said There You Go D ding ding
  • 18:49 | ding she frustrated me this episode she really did if you claim that this man is
  • 18:56 | not ready to be married but you continue to call him your husband and you want him to move back in
  • 19:03 | but you you yourself said he’s not ready to be married why put yourself through that why go through that stuff again
  • 19:10 | they need to see your eyes when you see it no they don’t need to see my eyes because you gonna see fire red in my
  • 19:16 | eyes so that’s why I get glasses on why put yourself through that again I wish I had my shoe I don’t have no shoes on you
  • 19:25 | know I don’t know what the cousin at that’s all I got say so we try to get the cousin now cuz good say y’all done
  • 19:31 | dog me out honey y’all soak in and deal with it so um so yes she so she said she
  • 19:38 | don’t feel like he ready be married and the stuff that he was saying it was really truly kind of deflecting and you
  • 19:43 | know um she said that that she really Cho she just wants to like work it out
  • 19:49 | something about being with her husband see my husband she said she want to see her husband Dr P said why you know okay
  • 19:56 | so first of all he called you outside name he said def flammatory stuffs about
  • 20:02 | about you and he called you aggressive and you saying I still want him she said
  • 20:09 | and you saying stuff like my man my man my husband my husband and she said no
  • 20:17 | he’s not my man he is my husband and then Dr P was like see that spice you
  • 20:22 | kind of got a little spicy with me she said oh did I she said yeah you got the little spice with me which is probably
  • 20:27 | the spice that you kind of giv him which I’m telling y’all some stuff like I think somebody said everybody don’t
  • 20:34 | always see they self everybody don’t perceive everything the same way I can say a b and c to you but somebody else I
  • 20:41 | say ab and C to why you got to say it like that do you see what I’m saying everything is not perceived in the same
  • 20:47 | way you know M comes from probably a Stern upbringing you know what I’m
  • 20:53 | saying like people it’s it it’s sometimes people upbringing so she don’t see see
  • 20:59 | herself as saying what she’s saying make a long story short some women just have a smart
  • 21:07 | mouth yeah but they don’t perfect example people have said I have a smart
  • 21:12 | mouth but I don’t see myself as having a smart mouth now some stuff I say oh yeah
  • 21:18 | I’m being smart in that moment but I’m not even being smart when I say certain stuff and they like why you got to say
  • 21:24 | it like that smart mou I I’m not it was how it’s perceived or how you feel that
  • 21:31 | I’m saying it which is why sometimes I feel like I have to watch what I say because smart to you say you say things
  • 21:40 | smart to me all the time but when I say it back to you you getting your feelings that’s not the truth Chad please come on
  • 21:46 | here you go lying just like I Dora so anyway um so yeah that it’s that was a
  • 21:52 | good example so you know sometimes you know some just come off a certain way and people feel like why you get smart
  • 21:58 | when that’s just who you are that’s not really getting smart a lot of y’all women got smart mouth that’s botom line
  • 22:04 | and a lot of y’all men got smart mouths as well tolerate y smart mouths anyway
  • 22:10 | so let’s move on so yeah um so that’s what Dr a was saying to her so she was like okay you know I’m saying see it
  • 22:17 | like that or whatever so uh but yeah she did ask him you know as far as that that’s the part that you she was saying
  • 22:23 | my H my hus why you keep calling that that irritated me after that man basically will embarrass you in front of
  • 22:30 | the rest of the people rest of castmates the man say you was a a-hole the man say
  • 22:36 | you made feel like crap in front of people at dinner and you still claim that’s your husband if that’s was your
  • 22:42 | husband your husband won treat you like that I agree that’s just my personal opinion but again I don’t know I would
  • 22:48 | have to do research on how the her culture and all of that stuff I think she needs a father figureing her life
  • 22:55 | her father passed away I know but who who’s to say that he wasn’t that dude and he could some people when they get
  • 23:02 | married baby they like this it you know what I’m saying sck by your man
  • 23:08 | but a traditional marriage yeah I can say that yeah I agree with you but this is not traditional okay well they do
  • 23:14 | believe in what I say marriage but the point about arang marriage you still know that person or that you know that
  • 23:21 | you know what I’m saying the property yeah they know their family they don’t know nothing about these people yeah so
  • 23:27 | let’s move on so Dr P is talking to uh no excuse me Dr Peppa Dr Peppa listen
  • 23:33 | quit coming on this show making the folk cry honey but I guess that’s your job so Dr Peppa um is talking to Camille and
  • 23:39 | Thomas and and she was like I see you got them earrings in your ear came on
  • 23:44 | with a suit and everything like yeah I just got off the job at the bank he didn’t say the bank he just got off the
  • 23:50 | job know what job you have that you got to wear a suit gotta be in the branch he
  • 23:57 | work okay not in a corporate room s in the corporate Room shirt and
  • 24:04 | TI suit earrings on or he can put him on when he leave he got have the car I’m about to
  • 24:11 | go home put my earring in for my wife put his studs in and stuff so yeah so I
  • 24:16 | don’t know I think I think he probably tell at the bank or or I know he Branch
  • 24:24 | um what is a uh branch manager are you going to deposit this or you want
  • 24:30 | doing that I’m telling you at the bank at the bank the dress he could be a long
  • 24:35 | officer okay I can see that but I can’t see going through the drive-thru you want to deposit it or you want withraw I
  • 24:41 | can’t see Tom I’m sorry you want big bills or little
  • 24:48 | bills you want an envelope put your drive license in there too see maybe a long officer so you know
  • 24:56 | what you’re right what we youo silly right damn
  • 25:03 | y’all so yeah it’s like that that’s part what it is I hope he I hope he is try Hey Thomas
  • 25:12 | we like you though we just we don’t know what you do all we doing specul what’s that little thing that come to the shoot
  • 25:18 | I’m send the shoot in you want pin with it so you want big Bill small bills you want
  • 25:25 | F50 okay yeah I got a little spong oh yeah one
  • 25:32 | two three four you want to envelope yeah okay drive Li your bit C here and then
  • 25:38 | he said thank you Miss thank you Mr Smith thank you for coming by have a good day and then when he get out he
  • 25:43 | gotta be a thug put them earrings in everything C that’s what his girl want
  • 25:51 | what’s wrong what I do I thought you took the joke too far what I do you took it too far how they called we still in
  • 25:57 | the back okay stay in the bank anyway so then when he get off he
  • 26:03 | put the STS in and stuff like that and then you know he’s he’s a long officer though like he’s a long offic he he gets
  • 26:10 | you your Mor your your mortgage loan your car loans that’s what he does he he’s he’s have to drive through one them
  • 26:17 | of course not so anyway so let’s move on so as they were sitting there talking and so you know um he start
  • 26:25 | talking about his dad because uh Dr Dr Peppa start cuz Dr Peppa ain’t been in
  • 26:30 | here that long I keep saying Dr P because I ain’t seen Dr Pepper in a minute but anyway so she start asking about the upbringing and stuff like that
  • 26:37 | and how he was brought up and of course he talking about his dad and you know the times when he really needed his dad
  • 26:43 | he was in some dark places and stuff like that his dad you know wasn’t there because he had passed away and you know
  • 26:48 | he gets emotional so then she asked Camille about her upbringing and she was just saying um that her parents got
  • 26:54 | divorced when she was young and she felt like she had to step in said oh wait me
  • 26:59 | Camille you done made me cry girl you cry yeah for real now Thomas I mean to
  • 27:04 | be fair we didn’t seen you very vulnerable and we just said heard you know seen you shed a few te Bas she was
  • 27:11 | she saying you cry baby no I wasn’t saying that you cry so much that we used to you crying so when Camille start
  • 27:18 | crying it was a shock to it was a shock to me and she was saying that you know um so she had to step in and kind of
  • 27:25 | like be like the parent yeah kind of like the parent but however Dr uh Dr
  • 27:32 | Peppa had said that in therapy they call it such and such parent when a child have to step in to be a parent so you
  • 27:38 | know um and Camille gets emotional and I said that’s probably why she acts older than what she actually is I did the same
  • 27:46 | thing I watched my brothers and sister off the oldest but they didn’t get a divorce your parents didn’t get a
  • 27:51 | divorce take your brother with you I don’t want to take it with me go to the mov take your brother with you I little
  • 27:58 | Joker stuck with me everywhere I went why I got older siblings have to do
  • 28:03 | stuff like that but we’re talking about a whole divorce ja so trying to put yourself in Camille Place honey stop
  • 28:10 | just stop it go to church of chicken take your brother with you so Tom Thomas was just saying that you know it was
  • 28:16 | good to see Camille in a vulnerable place because he haven’t seen her this the first time he seen her cry I was like child but us too so let’s move on
  • 28:23 | um Carla and ju is um is out to dinner no one is acdal yeah one E I don’t know
  • 28:31 | just sitting there taking notes dang dude you what you gonna do oh you got an
  • 28:40 | envelope oh you G oh yeah that’s a good every question you asked her you
  • 28:46 | had to take a bite of food and baby it was about gone by the time Carla probably got finished I bet you one said
  • 28:53 | did Mar the first that they paying for it oh yeah bring it on I ain’t ate the DAT got what you call high
  • 28:59 | metabolism that joke was e he he works out and he go bike riding at 2 o00 in
  • 29:05 | the morning po caller she ain’t get no food yeah so carer was up there saying
  • 29:10 | yes yes and so okay I’mma take the notse and so he was like yeah you need to get you know promoted on Facebook then you
  • 29:17 | you got your client then do this and and do that and you at home you got all the
  • 29:22 | time on your hand do something child got do the content do this do this that okay she pull out her
  • 29:29 | okay then you got to make some gold one mon go six month go four year go five year go 10 year go got to make some go
  • 29:36 | then you got you know what and collar collar
  • 29:42 | collars call I said collar collar collar C anyway stop the cap you know you GNA
  • 29:47 | take no notes you prob he one Sushi two sushi
  • 29:54 | sushi you know you w taking no notes girl stop stop the
  • 30:00 | cap sorry had to on so anyway so Camille and Thomas they folding clothes so I
  • 30:06 | guess she’ll not FL cold she not no his way it seemed like I thought she was
  • 30:11 | folding them to pack them up as a gift to somebody but that’s that everything so he’s very OCD and we seen his closet
  • 30:20 | all them suits and stuff like so he like his stuff a certain way actually I ain’t gonna lie to y’all Real Talk sh for the
  • 30:28 | close up I said no she ain’t she W that Shir going to take it back to the
  • 30:35 | store did I said she gonna take it back to the store I man that’s cold blooded
  • 30:40 | you bought the clothes you gonna take it back get your refund that’s what I thought for real when she was pulling over why you thought
  • 30:48 | that anyway so um so yeah so as they was sitting there talking you know then again they was talking about her being
  • 30:54 | vulnerable and all that stuff whatever and um
  • 30:59 | yeah she said that as far as the crying that’s all you gonna get honey she don’t reach her quarter for the whole year so she ain’t G A gonna see too much of that
  • 31:06 | I was like I hope that she don’t be like that and he say he hopes that she is more vulnerable because you know it
  • 31:12 | ain’t just f for him to be sheding tears and her not yeah you got to be more open you know I understand you know Camille’s
  • 31:19 | trying to trying to protect her heart what not but you you know now you just got to be more transparent now you know
  • 31:25 | just let it go let it go let the tears flow that’s yeah let them flow that what
  • 31:31 | I be telling you when you want to cry it’s all right baby I got you I refuse last time I cried you laughed at I did
  • 31:38 | you did I didn’t you did I’m cry hard you know you laugh at cry some
  • 31:44 | more she laugh me so anyway um Allan is on camera and
  • 31:51 | he’s basically saying that you know I can’t be changing for folks like you want me to change we talked about that
  • 31:56 | you want me to change this this and this and next thing you old child I’m changing everything for you and what am I getting out the deal honey cuz you
  • 32:02 | don’t even like me you need to change that car that’s what you need to change I told you about that car man change it
  • 32:08 | Allan was in our chat if y you need get your real sports car man that Jaguar is cute and all but you need get you
  • 32:13 | something with some power a real spoks carard yeah you need get some with power I’m see that thing probably making 500
  • 32:20 | you need a six or or 700 horsepower car that’s a real car 500 horsepower cars a
  • 32:26 | cutting no more no more so let’s move on so Michelle is with her friend and she
  • 32:32 | said friend we got to Jazz this man up that ain’t attracted to and ain’t gonna stay married to honey but I gotta do
  • 32:38 | some air time on this show Honey fill in some stuff so we got to do something with David and that
  • 32:44 | ponytail I really truly wish that he could cut it off and I put on the back of my head as a ponytail man I look like
  • 32:51 | a Puerto Rican like T they said what Puerto Rica Puerto Rica yeah
  • 32:58 | so um so anyway so David come in and I don’t know if they were saying
  • 33:04 | that he had these like the clothes they was talking about the clothes he wearing stuff like that and these distressed
  • 33:09 | jords so I’m think are they talking about distressed Jordans or Jord as jeans or what is it
  • 33:16 | when they say George Jordan they Jordans that’s what I’m thinking this
  • 33:22 | like man was Das oh I’m just saying look but
  • 33:28 | but he look like he got on some U th bottoms rebok I was like is that inside
  • 33:34 | I don’t I don’t like the way name j he really dressed like he’s just going to uh to get tacos every dayn his okay I
  • 33:41 | know most of our our follow was are older in the 40s and 50s you had
  • 33:47 | something in their 30s and 20s I looked at the how many of y’all used to wear GE Das back in the
  • 33:53 | day y’all thought yall was cute yeah that Sal know Sal had the hair the
  • 33:58 | bamboo earring yeah thought y was cute yeah the question is can y’all still
  • 34:04 | wear them same Jord jeans now no I bet y’all can’t one leg in
  • 34:10 | this just recently since I hit menopause I gained weight in my hip area but I
  • 34:17 | still used to be able to get in some clothes back in the day now I did put my
  • 34:22 | my Army uh uh fatigues when I was in the military I put my my class A jackets you
  • 34:31 | know you did the hook you bust out I gain some weight boy Dam I became a fat
  • 34:37 | boy always call people fat now I’m joining them I refuse you ate your own
  • 34:43 | Karma calling other folks but I’m still be on 200 pound so what that matter what
  • 34:49 | that matter CU you short you CA you short it it weighs on you so
  • 34:56 | when you short I know they call me
  • 35:03 | [Music] fat so anyway um so David is oh yeah was
  • 35:11 | it me I’m sorry Dr Peter why she got the the
  • 35:18 | Barney color scheme on y’all notic that I love you you I said why she dress like
  • 35:26 | Barney because you look like them that was the high five for the lady
  • 35:33 | said get him I got I know y’all five get they can’t high five
  • 35:45 | get it’s okay and so is yours
  • 35:50 | y don’t don’t let him cuz he wear the little sport shirts and don’t work out
  • 35:56 | don’t y’all let him foood
  • 36:02 | don’t y let him fool you he’s having to go on the Trad me oh me
  • 36:08 | yeah about 10 15 minutes that’s all I need that’s all I did y’all see that
  • 36:15 | that’s all he need that’s all I need your body say otherwise I got I got use restroom that’s why I like that that is
  • 36:21 | not no five years about no it ain’t no it ain’t brother but anyway so um
  • 36:28 | so they really truly David did a whole fashion show and stuff like that or whatever which I felt like some of that
  • 36:34 | stuff he were that anyway so I don’t know what they was fashioning but um so she was like okay you know you throw the
  • 36:39 | blue jean jacket on you know kind like Drake and whoever you know he’s like okay you like Drake you like she was
  • 36:45 | like yeah he’s okay then so he need I know I told you rewind she like Drake
  • 36:51 | cuz he went in there get him some some snacks that’s what in a Coke I restroom
  • 36:58 | and came back with a Coke when they keep it in the toilet a Coke I had to drink something to keep it up watching this
  • 37:05 | episode okay anyway oh she like Drake that’s why I don’t like her so yeah you
  • 37:10 | know I’m a k dot fan so anyways okay kri Lamar okay let’s move on so anyway dare
  • 37:19 | BR show his name like that and I will because I’m doing Married at First Sight this not about Kendrick and I hope he I
  • 37:25 | do a diss track on you he do he going to do what on you so
  • 37:31 | anyway so as they was you know doing all that stuff or whatever he was like you know he’s okay you so she was like yes
  • 37:36 | she like Drake so anyway at the you know when they got finished he said I’m G say I
  • 37:41 | like this blue jean jacket and not because you like Drake or said you know that’s how Drake Drake dress or nothing
  • 37:48 | like that or whatever so anyway regardless to the point honey he is up there uh sending little notes and eating
  • 37:55 | his fat fingers is feed Madison so child man fingers got to be fat did you not
  • 38:00 | see them thick fingers his thick fingers It Go his thick body so let’s move on so anyway so
  • 38:08 | Madison and Allen are sitting down talking to Dr Pepper and Al just ad Alan
  • 38:14 | basally said why you don’t like me you never tell me I look good you try to change me you don’t like the way I dress
  • 38:22 | you don’t like my jokes why you don’t like me he didn’t say why you don’t like me not saying that like not in that tone
  • 38:31 | no I’m just paraphrasing but basically that’s what we trying to get at you know not physically attracted to me he’s like so tell me some stuff that you do like
  • 38:37 | about you want me to change all of that like he was saying in the thing that’s right pause pause pause he said why I
  • 38:46 | want her to feel the same way about me when she get like she gets around her friend her friends and David ah the
  • 38:53 | David name popped up intriguing yeah I’m glad you brought that up because I
  • 38:59 | think I oh I missed that did I wrote it down but no it’s down here no it’s down here you move too fast fast
  • 39:09 | forward yeah still mad and eject the
  • 39:14 | tap BL see that see now now you see when
  • 39:19 | you go to grabing lusciousness down here then he yeah he shy away he shy away but
  • 39:26 | anyway so yeah so basically that’s what he was saying you know in his confession I don’t know did he say that to her no
  • 39:33 | yeah in the confession he was like you know when she around the girls and they you know he had why he had to use his
  • 39:39 | name because it’s other guys right yeah but she he said something about huging yeah he was like you know I see how you
  • 39:46 | interact with them and hug them and stuff like that it’s all natural with them and David but not it’s not with me
  • 39:52 | right exactly intriguing and so um and so she he was like was is it anything
  • 39:58 | that you like about me she was like well I like your thoughtfulness and your efforts friend onone friend onone
  • 40:05 | friends on and the woman tells you she like your personality how you know whatever she
  • 40:11 | was telling him oh she put you in friends all brother and he said um are
  • 40:16 | you attracted to me and she was like that’s a weird question like why I’m
  • 40:22 | saying girl what are you talking about she did get defensive she did like and just say yes or no like that was weird
  • 40:30 | for her to act that way yeah I I can the man can take it like you know what I’m saying it you say well you know I don’t
  • 40:38 | I thought at one point she said the attraction was I don’t know what she said child a St m
  • 40:44 | point folks you can say anything and everything it’s your actions yeah ex
  • 40:50 | that’s what that’s what Allan trying to say your actions don’t speak that that’s right because you know when me and my husband watching this I grab his hand
  • 40:59 | no no no we don’t need that face you pay for the glasses don’t try
  • 41:05 | break the glasses shoot man you can get some more from Teo
  • 41:13 | so you know I don’t shop places like that no my dad always told me quality
  • 41:19 | over quantity that’s right and teu has quality that’s why I was spend $100 on a
  • 41:26 | shirt and a heart do do I not and teu has quality yeah low
  • 41:32 | quality very low how do you know CU I went through your [Laughter]
  • 41:40 | closet I have never purchased anything from T okay neither have I now we
  • 41:46 | offending a lot of people shot T now my brother told me T have some good stuff I
  • 41:52 | said I ain’t trying t she I do I’m a Sheen girl
  • 41:58 | y you I think you bought me something machine I a never bought you nothing somebody bought me something machine I
  • 42:04 | thought it was you anyway well you get me mixed up with your pants a she was
  • 42:12 | out folks start telling them didn’t you purchase this for me no so anyway um so
  • 42:20 | as they was talking about that you know Dr Pepper was asking them you know about their upbringing and it seems as though
  • 42:26 | you know um Allan child he almost launched at the
  • 42:32 | judge like that black man did H in court CA um it was so much stuff going on and
  • 42:37 | he was he he almost knocked over the ba BFF to Lunge at the judge because he just wanted to be heard when it came to
  • 42:43 | his custody battle between his parents see Allan you have privilege brother
  • 42:48 | because if I would have did that and knocked the big I would been in jail Behind Bars and T you know what I’m
  • 42:55 | saying and then Madison brings up her talk about her upbringing that’s why she didn’t want you know him drinking
  • 43:02 | because it seemed like her mama dealt with some alcohol issues in the past she drinks and she yeah she drinks I guess
  • 43:08 | she drinking pass out wherever she at so she said that was triggering for her and she shed some tears and stuff so Dr
  • 43:15 | Peppa out here getting tears out of folks honey she didn’t get out of Allen he was like I wish I was there she would
  • 43:21 | got me what you talking about Dr P huh so um me Po i a oh
  • 43:28 | yeah so doing now they doing the reading of the letter to their younger self you say you don’t like that I don’t like I
  • 43:35 | don’t know I just don’t like seeing it I don’t I just feel like it’s like we can leave that part out or Married at First
  • 43:41 | Sight now is it a act actual exercise that I think the couple probably should do or a person should do to themselves
  • 43:47 | is triggering to you or something no it ain’t triggering because when I start thinking about my younger self I started getting a little tear
  • 43:54 | oh don’t see but they only show Thomas and Cam I don’t know if they gonna show the rest of them but it’s okay if they
  • 44:01 | don’t but um so anyway Thomas and cam they read to each other you know they had a moment and all that stuff so now
  • 44:07 | let’s move on to one and Carla they doing polites and I don’t know if I was
  • 44:12 | the instructor honey having somebody butt Ted up in the air like that honey it poses danger well that’s a yoga dude
  • 44:19 | took yog I know but the the instructor she right there over one while he trying to get it oh yeah that time we took that
  • 44:26 | yoga class well I a liy it it releases a lot of stuff yeah a
  • 44:32 | lot embarrassed I want to ride that cry flapping
  • 44:37 | all we need to go to another yoga class I gotta get my stomach right first I ain’t got time to embarrass myself put
  • 44:44 | me on YouTube it actually was good man it really truly like we was turned up all but yeah it’s in on our YouTube
  • 44:51 | channel somewhere honey but um but yeah so um so yeah they was doing the polit
  • 44:57 | and stuff like that and so you know when you’re doing Pilates and you’re doing meditation you got to lower your tongue
  • 45:02 | you got to talk like that so what what’s the difference between Poes and R exercise um a lot of stretching oh yes a
  • 45:10 | lot of stretching and um and so um when it doing the meditation so you know as
  • 45:17 | Ed was like where everybody talking like that when doing meditation you got to talk like that honey you gotta be and see that’s how I do like in the morning
  • 45:23 | time when I do my morning meditation because I do it sometimes with the app and stuff and so you know they tell you breathe
  • 45:30 | in let out all that negativity from last night in your sleep and in your dreams
  • 45:37 | and Bre in all of that good energy the Sun the moon the stars the
  • 45:45 | light see I couldn’t do that I fall asleep you know what I’m saying I need something like this
  • 45:51 | bre that’s why I need somebody screaming at me man that’s what I need man in blow
  • 45:58 | it out no that’s what you need bre in do
  • 46:03 | it removes all that cortisone right there so you got to get rid of all of that so releases all the
  • 46:11 | toxins and then when you breathe in go and then you breathe out you
  • 46:18 | go snatch that thing off your head and I would look like Sate 2.0 I’ll show the
  • 46:23 | world who you truly are and I will edit it cuz all y’all will see it being y’all
  • 46:28 | see that and y’all W see nothing else all right so anyway let’s go and wrap this up so um mm is sitting down with
  • 46:38 | um oh yeah she’s sitting down she waiting on her husband to come H and
  • 46:43 | da because she sitting down with Pastor Cal as well as Dr Pia and so um they not
  • 46:51 | sure if he gonna show up or stuff like that but he did show up oh yeah this is where um um Ike was saying M was saying
  • 46:58 | that you know she GNA come and sit down with her husband and stuff like that Ike was saying that you know
  • 47:05 | uh sometime he said he would admit that he wrong but then sometimes people make
  • 47:12 | you do what the things that you do and all that stuff what boy he said he might have done
  • 47:19 | something wrong but it was what was done to him that was wrong so he ain’t F to admit to that cuz you caused me to do
  • 47:26 | what I did you acting just like a Ike so anyway um some people call them Ike
  • 47:31 | Turner honey so they sit down and they talk and here come D I said is he
  • 47:36 | homeless why is him in his book bag in Chicago y’all ain’t got no C say about I
  • 47:42 | say something about the book bag book bag is a part of the of the Wardrobe that makes
  • 47:48 | you look intelligent like you got a lot of books not that kind they look cish I’m just saying a lot of guys that feel
  • 47:55 | like they arst Artic or or you know in the Arts or
  • 48:00 | whatnot go yeah he must be you know very you know Arty like so that’s why he has
  • 48:07 | the book bag so he sit down and you could tell his energy off you know what I’m saying those I’m fine you know
  • 48:13 | Pastor C say you go yeah I’m fine I can’t oh that right there short pass aggressive that that whole energy was
  • 48:20 | just black I’m out like I’m not F to deal with that because that’s how he did
  • 48:25 | when he walked in that dinner you know what I’m saying like he come in like he already on the defense like bro ain’t
  • 48:31 | nobody did nothing to you if you don’t want to work this out you ain’t got to so anyway
  • 48:37 | Pascal asked about how did the conflict start between y’all and she said um you
  • 48:44 | know it was at the dinner or whatever that was the housew or whatever when she was called aggressive and he was like
  • 48:51 | yeah I felt that’s what she was you know and Dr Pier said you know
  • 48:57 | um it Dr P was saying something it seems about as far as sex she was saying
  • 49:02 | something about sex and all that stuff with that whatever and so Ike was just saying um said I don’t
  • 49:11 | know he was talking about oh yeah he was talking about going out you know he’s the type of person that like to go out
  • 49:17 | she want to sit here and talk she want to ask questions she was like yeah I’m a direct person I like to ask questions
  • 49:24 | people used to say I ask too many questions but to me that’s how I got to know you you know I have been told that
  • 49:31 | by friends or co-workers like dang you ask a lot of question I been asked that told that about him because I’m very
  • 49:38 | analytical I like to know people I like to get to know people I like to know things about people and that way I can
  • 49:44 | just kind of like be able to compute with them better your a knows it it’s keep it like it is you know that would
  • 49:51 | be you know that one is knows it right there what he said well who you
  • 49:57 | what they and then what they say and how they do it why
  • 50:04 | you curious is totally different okay I’m just that’s called nosy when you
  • 50:09 | said and who that was on the phone and what they said did you ask about this I
  • 50:14 | wonder what happened did they really shut your mouth okay that’s him all
  • 50:20 | right I am nosy I give for my mama that’s right I’m nosy we are a nosy a
  • 50:25 | family there you go we got to know everything because we got to know because we want to make sure we in the
  • 50:30 | right situation okay the more you know the better off you are there you go so
  • 50:36 | there you go he confessed thank you Thomas gonna cry too so anyway is what
  • 50:41 | it is so um so M so basically you know Pastor K was just saying you know both
  • 50:46 | of y’all are kind of set up different you’re into science you like to know the things you like to know how the Earth
  • 50:52 | move and how the moon and all the signs about stuff I think am probably the same
  • 50:57 | way you know you you want to know yeah you know my old saying when you when you
  • 51:03 | have trouble you want to know what caused the trouble you know what I’m saying you want to know the corporate
  • 51:09 | the the the corporate of the trouble you know what I’m saying cause guessing and brushing over the trouble it’s gonna
  • 51:16 | drive me up the wall until I find out the answer yeah some people are good at just like okay you know we we it’ll pop
  • 51:23 | up when it pops up yeah it’s kind of like with a lot ofu you want to know the cause of the effect right you know what
  • 51:29 | I’m saying what was the what what what caused this you know situation to happen not just you know let’s just move on
  • 51:35 | some people say oh it’ll show his head so let’s move on to the next thing I’m not that type of dude yeah I need to
  • 51:42 | know what’s the issue cause issue praying for the people in California because when I have felt cause and
  • 51:47 | effect because you know that’s kind of like you want to know what caused the fire you know what I’m saying thought
  • 51:53 | about that so you know praying for those people and if you in Cali you guys if y’all are one of our
  • 51:58 | subscribers then drop down in the comments let us know okay you okay we sending love and light and you know
  • 52:05 | restoration to those that you know have lost everything because it wasn’t just celebrities praying for them as well I
  • 52:11 | know people feel like celebrity they got all the money not all celebrities because they got a name or a face or
  • 52:16 | they famous don’t mean they got all the money look at me don’t mean they got all the money so
  • 52:23 | uh so yeah so definitely you know praying for everybody that lost a lot of
  • 52:28 | stuff people lost everything and somebody lost their life too several people lost their life yeah so um but
  • 52:34 | you know wrapping this up they was talking about all of that or whatever so I guess for the fact that you know past KY was able to break it down he said hey
  • 52:41 | we done done this for 18 season so we know what we know and we know how to read this right here and so you sence
  • 52:48 | and you as artsy so it seemed like y’all got to learn to to you know communicate
  • 52:54 | in a way that fits both of y’all to understand each other better actually I think that was a good metaphor Pastor
  • 53:00 | Cal used for that you know arts and science that was a good metaphor but to say y’all know what y’all know for 18th
  • 53:07 | season and no y’all don’t y’all percentage rates are very very low they
  • 53:14 | didn’t say they were good at what they do they said they know like a therapist know well they knew they I get that but the people they do
  • 53:21 | put together it don’t work out and and my thing is this okay fine but if you see you’re a therapist I see it you see
  • 53:28 | it these people’s not clicking if they’re not clicking why TR why trying to make them go back together because we
  • 53:35 | got a show to do you signed up for what three months but still man y’all try to
  • 53:40 | put these people back together man and to me you know it’s just you know abuse
  • 53:47 | in my opinion especially when it comes to him but once again yeah she invites it now but go ahead she said there’s her
  • 53:54 | husband hone pretty white tee that’s my hus my thing is this if he gives you
  • 53:59 | that business if he gives you that smoke and he is he that’s on you he ain’t
  • 54:05 | through he said he really don’t Dr P said okay so the only way y’all gonna work this out y’all gota move back
  • 54:11 | together and so how she do it gonna move back in that right there
  • 54:17 | when she did that that like ah where the cousin
  • 54:24 | at where where she did you’ll move back in and he said
  • 54:30 | reluctantly he said yeah I guess so he said I guess so he said yeah I know but
  • 54:37 | but in his confession like I really don’t want Tove back do
  • 54:43 | it like what why you do it you know it’s a trip he’s half steing and it’s like d
  • 54:51 | you see she trying you see what type of God this is right you see how he did you
  • 54:58 | and you said it yourself you don’t think he’s here for the right thing he’s not ready for marriage you said it out of your own mouth but you turn around and
  • 55:07 | invite this dude back to the house I I hate the fact that she asked him to move back in I would have kept my mouth shut
  • 55:13 | until he said I’m moving back in I would to say you gonna move now it puts her in a place of I’m acting like I need you I
  • 55:21 | don’t need you yeah are you sing like she’s sing now man
  • 55:26 | I know what that is when you like s for a guy or a girl like you like weak I
  • 55:32 | like come on man now you giving this dude all the power now when you did when like you said when she asked him to move
  • 55:37 | back in she gave him the power yep because I wouldn’t have said like I said I would have asked she said y’all can’t
  • 55:44 | do without you move back in honey we had a stay in contest CU I would have said he I don’t think he was gonna say it either I don’t think he was until she
  • 55:50 | said will you move back in with me right like Mar would you marry me right so
  • 55:57 | yeah man she gave the power away man so hey anyway on that note you guys that’s all we got y it wasn’t much but we gave
  • 56:03 | y’all about hour content honey so enjoy I hope you watch that’s entertain people
  • 56:09 | when you don’t have crap you make something out of that crap that’s what we do that’s what we always done why you
  • 56:16 | think the people say they come over here honey they come over here all right you guys on that note we will see you guys
  • 56:21 | on the next video don’t forget to go with God and let God go with you’s put God first Deuces hey
  • 56:27 | I was put God first

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