Nexigo D90 Gen3 Rear View Mirror Dashcam Review

Testing out the 12″ Nexigo D90 Gen3 4K RVM dashcam with Starvis 2. Purchase the D90 Gen 3: …



  • 0:00 | hey what’s up guys in this video we’re going to be taking a look at a rear viiew mirror style dash cam this is the
  • 0:05 | nexigo D90 gen 3 and compared to a traditional dash cam I see two main
  • 0:11 | advantages here to this rearview mirror style form factor number one instead of a box that attaches directly to the
  • 0:17 | windshield these types of dash cams are designed to attach to your rearview mirror to give you a more Blended and
  • 0:22 | hidden type of install and then number two using the included rear-facing camera you can now get a digital
  • 0:27 | rearview mirror which can be handy of course if you’ve got a bigger vehicle or maybe you’ve got people or boxes back
  • 0:33 | behind you that would otherwise block your rearview visibility and in that case you can switch it to the digital rearview mirror but perhaps more
  • 0:39 | importantly and actually what I’m really interested in is the fact that this display can also double as a backup
  • 0:45 | camera you see for a while now I’ve been wanting to add a backup camera to my mom’s car and this seems like a clean
  • 0:50 | way to do it without having some additional display mounted on her Dash or something now when it comes to rearview mirror style dash cams there’s
  • 0:56 | a lot of different options available on the market a lot of you guys have been asking me for a while to test and review some of these uh and I’ve been
  • 1:02 | researching a whole bunch of them but as I keep researching I wind up finding myself disappointed with almost all of the options that are available you see
  • 1:08 | just like with traditional style dash cams uh these rearview mirror style dash cams are doing a lot of the same fake 4K
  • 1:14 | stuff where they’re basically using lower-end Hardware maybe using a 2K sensor and then afterwards just stretching the image at the end to
  • 1:21 | Output a 4K file without actually capturing in 4k and giving you the detail that’s available with a 4K sensor
  • 1:28 | for example if you take a look at AZ Do’s 4K model uh they say that uses the 2K Sony starvis IMX 335 furthermore even
  • 1:36 | though the sensor supports HDR they’re only using wdr with this dash cam but the main issue really is the fact that
  • 1:41 | they’re using a 2K sensor and I can appreciate the fact that at least they’re telling us this because this is actually not typically the case for
  • 1:48 | example there’s also red tiger which makes a lot of popular fake 4K dash cams uh they’ve got a fake 4K rearview mirror
  • 1:54 | style dash cam the t700 and they won’t actually specify which sensor that they’re using which is always kind of a
  • 2:00 | red flag uh and in fact if you ask them about that they actually say that this is our secret and needs to be kept
  • 2:06 | secret and this is not proprietary information or anything I find that when companies are very proud of the equipment that they’re using they really
  • 2:11 | want to show it off and tell you like hey here’s what we’ve got under the hood here but when companies are trying to lie and hide something they’re like oh
  • 2:17 | this is kind of proprietary information you know uh similar thing actually with wolfbox uh they sell a lot of popular
  • 2:24 | rearview Mir style dash cams on Amazon 2o and with the dash cams that they advertise is recording at 4K a lot of
  • 2:30 | those actually used the same 2K Sony starvis IMX 335 they also used to sell
  • 2:35 | the g910 it recorded a little over 1080p but the main feature that caught my eye
  • 2:40 | uh was their AI pedestrian detection I have no idea how well it worked or anything and that dash cam has since been discontinued but that was kind of
  • 2:47 | something unique and interesting compared to a lot of the other options and then when it comes to dash cams that use good image sensors there’s actually
  • 2:52 | two uh that I’ve been looking at number one is the 70m S500 uh this uses a Sony
  • 2:58 | starvis 2 sensor the 2K IMX 675 though speaking of stretching the truth they
  • 3:04 | actually advertise it as a 3K sensor it’s the first time I’ve seen any company try to do that and there’s no GPS that’s available though it does come
  • 3:10 | with a smaller design which I think a lot of people would appreciate it’s a little over 9 in across now with all that said the other model that I’ve been
  • 3:17 | looking at here is the one that we’re going to cover here in this video it’s the nexigo D90 gen 3 and this dash cam
  • 3:23 | uses a 4K starvis 2 sensor the IMX 678 uh the previous version the Gen 2 also
  • 3:29 | used a 4K sensor it was the original starvest sensor this one actually uses a starvest 2 sensor now one thing that I
  • 3:34 | appreciate here is the fact that with the rear camera uh that records in 1080P they’re also using a Sony starvis sensor
  • 3:40 | as well something that’s not the case with a lot of the other models such as the 70 Mi that I talked about a moment ago it also has a larger 12-in screen uh
  • 3:48 | which is bulkier and takes up more space in the car but it’s something that I think my mom would appreciate when trying to uh use the backup camera just
  • 3:54 | you’ve got more visibility there more real estate makes it a little bit easier to see what’s going on back behind you and so these are the reasons why I want
  • 3:59 | wanted to take a closer look here at this new D90 gen 3 now going through this video we’re going to take a look at
  • 4:05 | everything that’s included here with this dash cam we’re going to take a look at its form factor and its design which is of course different than a
  • 4:11 | traditional style dash cam we’re going to fire it up and play around with its user interface uh we’re going to of
  • 4:16 | course get it installed in the car I’ll show you what the installation process is like we’ll take a look at some sample footage and the video quality that this
  • 4:22 | dash cam can capture I’m going to share some Impressions here the dash cam as well as what it’s like with the rearview
  • 4:27 | mirror form factor using it as a replacement review mirror and then also what it’s like using it as a backup
  • 4:33 | camera which is again one of the main things that I’m interested in here with this style a dash cam and so with all that said let’s go ahead and take a
  • 4:39 | closer look now here at this new nexo D90 gen
  • 4:44 | 3 all right so taking a look at everything that’s included here in the Box uh we’ve got the main rearview mirror style dash cam of course uh we’ve
  • 4:51 | got a cigarette lighter power cable like this uh they also sell an optional hardwire cable if you want a cleaner
  • 4:56 | install or to get the parking mode capabilities working uh the GPS is going to be external like this you’ve got the
  • 5:02 | antenna and it plugs into the top of the dash cam there’s no GPS built into the mirror itself uh here is the rear facing
  • 5:08 | camera SLB backup camera uh you’ve got the cable to again plug into the top of the dash cam and then a second wire like
  • 5:13 | this which is going to plug into your uh reversing lights in your car and this is going to trigger uh when this camera
  • 5:19 | kicks on and comes here as a backup camera uh you’ve got some mounting hardware both screws and double stick
  • 5:24 | tape uh for uh this bracket right here on the camera uh for tucking all these cables away you’ve got a trim tool like
  • 5:30 | this and you got a couple different rubber bands uh for attaching the dash cam itself to your rearview mirror so
  • 5:36 | your rearview mirror is going to go right there this is going to kind of go around and it’s just going to attach onto the rearview mirror like this and
  • 5:42 | depending on how big your rearview mirror is they’ve got a couple different Siz uh rubber bands like this so it can
  • 5:47 | just attach uh directly onto it and then we’ve also got the manual here as well as a lens cleaning cloth here uh for the
  • 5:53 | lens itself and actually here we can go ahead and uh start peeling this off and getting things ready like that now this
  • 5:58 | lens itself is adjustable and the idea is when you’ve got this installed in your car you’re going to be aiming the rear of your mirror to make sure that
  • 6:04 | it’s angled the way that you want and then you can adjust the angle of the dash cam itself separately like this kind of uh up and down left or right as
  • 6:10 | needed now this lens does not actually slide sideways there are some models where this whole part of the dash cam
  • 6:15 | can actually slide over a little bit uh which can be pretty handy but this one doesn’t do that and so the reiew mirror is actually going to sit kind of like
  • 6:20 | right here in this area and then as I mentioned you’ve got these rubber bands just to like attach it uh directly onto the rearview mirror itself uh now if we
  • 6:27 | take a look next at the uh top the dash cam we’ve got a couple different ports available we’ve got our USB type-c port
  • 6:33 | here for power uh we’ve got our rear dash cam cable uh we’ve got a Micro SD card slot it’s going to support cards up
  • 6:39 | to uh 256 gigs uh and then it’s got the GPS antenna right there which is just going to slot in here like that on the
  • 6:46 | bottom of the dash cam you’ve got a power button like that which is also going to allow you to switch from your traditional rearview mirror like this to
  • 6:51 | a digital rearview mirror and you’ve got two microphone ports right there on the bottom and actually with that said let’s
  • 6:57 | go ahead and start plugging in everything here and uh fire this guy up so first let’s go ahead and pop in a memory card here like this uh we’re
  • 7:03 | going to plug in our GPS antenna on top we’re going to get our rear camera plugged in here like this and then we’re
  • 7:08 | going to need our power cable okay get that plugged in here like
  • 7:15 | that all right and hello hello let’s get uh this peeled off here like that all
  • 7:21 | right so now here we are we’re up and running now with our digital re mirror you can see I’m actually plugged in and it’s connected here to my uh backup
  • 7:27 | camera so this is basically now my uh digital rearview mirror if I want I can also just press the button here on the
  • 7:32 | bottom and I can turn it into like a traditional rearview mirror like this looks like it is pretty reflective I’m kind of curious to see like how well it
  • 7:39 | works if you still have some Reflections you can see like this with it uh uh the digital one on so I’m curious to see
  • 7:44 | like what it’s like in practice but anyway let’s go ahead and first Focus here on the UI itself now this is a
  • 7:50 | touchcreen I like the fact that you can actually kind of like swipe to the side and you can switch different modes so I’ve got it right now in like a split
  • 7:55 | screen so here’s the front and the rear camera uh I can slide it again and I can just kind of switch uh the positioning I
  • 8:02 | can slide over and I get just the uh front camera you can see like that but most of the time when you’re driving you can of course switch over and just have
  • 8:07 | it like a backup camera or a digital rearview mirror like this and taking a closer look at the display you can see that it’s got a status indicator that
  • 8:13 | it’s recording tells you the uh resolution options 4K for the front 1080p for the rear 30 FPS with HDR
  • 8:19 | enabled and then it’s also going to tell me my speed here if I like as well uh now when I tap the display let’s tap it
  • 8:25 | again got a couple buttons here on the bottom we can start and stop recording uh with this button here like this I can
  • 8:31 | also just have it take a photo uh so press that I can trigger my emergency recording with that middle button here
  • 8:37 | like this and oh cool gives me a little like emergency recording for however long this is 20 30 seconds or so um I
  • 8:43 | think I can also stop it if I want as well well let me do that maybe I have to stop okay exit emergency recording
  • 8:50 | that’s cool okay uh it’s still recording I’ve got my ability to like play back any of the files that are uh saved for
  • 8:56 | like the front uh or for the rear camera so your traditional video your locked video uh and then also the photos that
  • 9:01 | you’ve gotten we’ve got our microphone right here to turn the microphone on and off little confirmation here at the top
  • 9:07 | to let you know the mic’s disabled we’ll turn it back on for now and then the button right here is going to take us into the uh the settings here for the
  • 9:13 | dash cam now there is going to be a menu here of different options that you can check out most of these options should be pretty self-explanatory like you know
  • 9:20 | factory reset for all the settings and whatnot uh there’s a couple that I kind of want to like just look through here real quick you can of course adjust the
  • 9:25 | resolution here you can see you’ve got a couple different options so 4K uh for the front 1080p for the rear HDR you can
  • 9:31 | turn on and off here like this it doesn’t look like there’s an auto HDR option if you want maybe just HDR in the
  • 9:36 | daytime or sorry at night time for example but turning it off in the daytime it’s just going to be either full-time on or full-time off or you can
  • 9:43 | do a 2K for the front camera and then 1080p HDR uh for the rear the HDR should also apply to the front camera too uh
  • 9:50 | video encoding you’ve got the option for both h.264 for compatibility here like this or hot 265 for slightly smaller
  • 9:57 | file sizes uh We’ve also got uh let’s see g sensor I almost always turn this off whenever I get a new dash cam it
  • 10:03 | just Triggers on like crashes sure but it also Triggers on like speed bumps and potholes and whatnot so I always just
  • 10:08 | wind up turning that off and in case of a crash or something I’m always just grabbing the the memory card anyway so
  • 10:13 | that’s not a big deal uh let’s see screen saver mode this will allow you to control if by default it wants to turn off the screen while you’re driving uh
  • 10:20 | or maybe some of the different uh display options like your GPS and whatnot so you can control all this stuff here screen brightness is
  • 10:25 | adjustable looks like we’ve got uh manual controls here for display brightness rest of the stuff again pretty self-explanatory adjusting time
  • 10:32 | zones and whatnot reverse mode we’ve got two different options one is going to be the full screen option which is going to
  • 10:37 | be the default and you also have the ability to do the second fullframe option instead and then hopping into the
  • 10:43 | car now we can go ahead and take this rearview mirror dash cam and attach it here to the rearview mirror now this is going to work best if you have a simple
  • 10:48 | rearview mirror like this if you have any buttons for like home link or something for your garage door opener they are going to get blocked when you
  • 10:54 | uh cover it up here with this upgraded uh dash cam rearview mirror additionally because it’s bigger and bulkier it’s also kind of blocking my radar detector
  • 11:00 | here so I’m going to have to uh remove it and find I guess a different position for it somewhere else here on the windshield too and because the rearview
  • 11:06 | mirror in this car is pretty thin I’m going to go ahead and use some of these smaller connectors here like this uh so we’ll go ahead and just fit the dash cam
  • 11:12 | here or river mirror I don’t know if it’s called a river mirror or a dash cam but I’m just going to attach it here and just uh slide it on here with these
  • 11:18 | little hooks then we can get it aimed here exactly where I want then to install this GPS antenna here we’ve got a couple different options uh there’s
  • 11:24 | double stick tape here on the back uh and I can always take it maybe just like uh stuff it up here into the headlight ER or another common place is I actually
  • 11:31 | like to put it uh here in the dash area itself a lot of times what I’ll do is I’ll just pop off a side panel like this and then I can just run any cables up in
  • 11:37 | there however I’ve noticed that with this GPS antenna they didn’t actually make the base magnetic and so I can’t just attach it to like uh maybe a plate
  • 11:44 | up in there uh underneath like this and so for that reason I think I’ll just put it up in the headliner here instead uh
  • 11:49 | also making sure that I don’t do it uh too far back cuz then I actually go uh behind the metal uh for the top of the car there now for power unfortunately it
  • 11:56 | only comes with a cigarette lighter adapter here like this I’m going to go ahead and install it here here for now and then just kind of run the cables along the headliner as well and then
  • 12:02 | when the hardwire cable comes I’m going to install that too uh to get myself the parking mode capability and free up the cigarette lighter and if you want to see
  • 12:08 | how to hardwire a dash cam I’ve got plenty of videos to go over how to do that as well so we’ve got our dash cam installed here uh we can also go ahead
  • 12:13 | and start like aligning or aiming the dash cam here on the back of the camera like this uh it can be a little bit
  • 12:19 | tricky I guess since it’s a wider dash cam to figure out like where’s the exact top and bottom of the frame we’re only seeing kind of this like middle sliver
  • 12:25 | here you can also kind of like scroll up here to the top uh and down to the bottom to figure out like exactly where
  • 12:30 | the edges of the frame are now that said we really want this rear viw mirror to be a rear view mirror so we’ll go ahead and grab the uh rear view camera here
  • 12:37 | like this and we’ll head around uh to the back of the car and then to install that rear camera we’re going to put it uh right here just above the rear
  • 12:43 | license plate area uh not in the traditional spot where we usually do like a rear dash cam kind of like right there uh in the rear window uh in this
  • 12:50 | case we’re going to have a slightly lower field of view because we want to use it more as like a backup camera and this rear camera does have a little uh
  • 12:55 | quick release right there you can see in purple and that’s going to be handy so we can go ahead and on the rear camera uh and I noticed the cables actually run
  • 13:01 | here down the left side of the trunk so I think we’ll follow around there uh and then connect to the uh rear kind of reverse light right there and to mount
  • 13:07 | this rear camera using the bracket here on top you can either use uh the two screws or the included double stick tape
  • 13:13 | and I think I’m going to go for the double stick tape route we can clean off the mounting area and then peeling the tape off the dash cam we’ll go ahead and
  • 13:18 | attach the dash cam uh to that rear trunk lip then once we’ve got this cover off here we’ve got access to uh getting
  • 13:24 | into the uh license plate area right there now something I was actually wondering about is uh as far as the tail
  • 13:29 | lights or the reverse lights is it these upper ones or is it these lower ones now there’s a cool trick to actually uh
  • 13:34 | figuring this out especially if you’re doing this by yourself we’ll first go ahead and kick on the E braake here for safety uh and then I’m going to go ahead
  • 13:40 | and turn on the uh accessories but not the full ignition uh without moving the car we’re still going to have the
  • 13:45 | ability uh to actually put the car into reverse gear here like this and then checking out the back of the car we can see now that it’s these upper white
  • 13:51 | lights that are reverse lights that we’re going to want to tap into here for the backup camera and then to get the cable from the backup camera into the
  • 13:56 | car we’re going to run here back behind the license plate light and the cable’s going to run this way uh because inside
  • 14:02 | the trunk there’s a little hole right here uh with a grommet uh this is here to help with weather sealing to ensure
  • 14:07 | that there’s no water intrusion into the trunk uh I cut a little slit into here that’s going to allow uh the cable here
  • 14:13 | to pass through and then I just sealed it with a little bit of electrical tape and a zip tie for reinforcement obviously some of these specifics are
  • 14:18 | going to vary from one car to another I actually looked up some YouTube videos to figure out how to do like backup camera installation luckily there’s a
  • 14:24 | lot of people who’ve done this before so shout out to my fellow YouTubers who’ve also done tutorials on this kind of thing and because things are always
  • 14:29 | going to be different for each individual car you can always look up videos for your specific vehicle as well and then back inside the car we’ve got
  • 14:35 | the cable that’s going to run back up to the front camera here from the backup camera uh there is a quick release connector right here uh that we can use
  • 14:41 | to go ahead and connect back to the uh camera running to the outside of the car and then of course there’s going to be uh this cable which is going to wire
  • 14:47 | here to the uh reverse light uh as our backup camera trigger now that’s going to be uh this light that I’m going to
  • 14:53 | tap into right here uh reading online evidently uh the cables that come out of it there’s always going to be two uh one
  • 14:59 | for positive one for ground typically black is going to be ground but I do want to double check before I uh tap into it and then to measure all this
  • 15:05 | I’ve got this simple voltmeter that’s pretty handy uh this one actually just connects to like a part of the vehicle’s chassis and then sticking my probe into
  • 15:11 | the back of the light bulb like this uh it looks like I am getting a voltage it’s actually surprisingly low it’s 10.8
  • 15:17 | volts uh it’s actually fixed on screen in real life I know it kind of looks like it’s flashing on camera uh that voltage is actually really low I might
  • 15:23 | actually need a new battery here for my mom’s car but either way it does look like this uh gray wire here is indeed
  • 15:28 | the one that want to tap into here for power uh for the backup camera and then to access this gray wire I want to go
  • 15:33 | ahead and strip back some of this excess insulation here uh making sure obviously I don’t cut the uh cables themselves and
  • 15:39 | in the manual they recommend stripping off some of the insulation on the power wire uh and then connecting the dash cam
  • 15:44 | wire directly to the inner wire there that said I happen to have some of these uh quick splice connectors laying around the house and the idea is it makes it a
  • 15:50 | little bit easier to connect the cables uh we’re going to take the uh Factory wire and just put it in here like this
  • 15:56 | uh and then we can take our addin wire and we can slide it here uh onto the second side then we’re going to go ahead
  • 16:01 | and uh bite down here with this metal connector it’s going to bite through the insulation on both cables uh and then
  • 16:06 | allow us to connect both of them directly and to see if this is all working I went ahead and uh plugged in the backup camera here into the uh
  • 16:12 | rearview mirror uh we can of course uh switch modes and just kind of take a look and we can see yep we’ve got both the front and rear uh cameras that are
  • 16:19 | connected and functional obviously I need to adjust the angle here so it’s not looking directly at the license plate uh but the main thing is if I put
  • 16:25 | the car into reverse that should engage the backup camera and there we go there’s my backup camera there’s my uh reversing lines and I should be able to
  • 16:31 | adjust the exact angle of that backup camera here too put the car back into park let’s see what happens boom now
  • 16:37 | we’re set up back to uh the previous mode that I had uh before and now that we know that that’s good we can go ahead and start running this cable here into
  • 16:44 | the car I’m going to go Ahad and start zip tying everything into place here uh like this and then of course it’s just going to run all the way back up into
  • 16:50 | the front of the car uh and then I can put uh this panel cover back in place and then to aim the backup camera we’ve got a pair of little screws there we can
  • 16:56 | go ahead and uh just aim it up like this and then tighten those screws down now hopping back into the car let’s see how it turned out so I’ve got it set up here
  • 17:02 | first with the split screen so front and rear I can switch over to the digital rearview mirror here like this and then
  • 17:07 | when I engage the backup camera uh putting the car into reverse it looks like it uh flips down so I can see like maybe the road below me uh the lanes
  • 17:15 | that kind of stuff I’ve also got these indicators here uh red yellow and green for different distances I can adjust
  • 17:20 | exactly how far away they are like that and kind of play around and see what works best here for my car uh and I also have the ability to kind of like uh put
  • 17:27 | this up and down as I want to figure out kind of the best location and then again if I go into like park or something I get out of reverse it’ll go back to my
  • 17:34 | digital review mirror now another option that I like here for the backup camera uh is there’s another display mode where
  • 17:39 | instead of just seeing like the whole view like this taking up the whole uh rearview mirror if you want to see everything all at once you can actually
  • 17:45 | hit this button here on the corner and now we can see like everything that the uh rear camera can see so if you want to
  • 17:50 | see maybe like cars going by and the lines on the road or something uh that is going to be a nice option too now
  • 17:55 | let’s go ahead and get the dash cam updated too and to do that we’re going to head on over to nex’s website and you can grab the latest copy of the firmware
  • 18:01 | available for download and then we can copy the file over to the root directory of the micro SD card and put it back
  • 18:07 | into the dash cam then powering our car back on uh let’s let it boot up and see what the update process is like here
  • 18:13 | okay do you want to upgrade now uh we’ll say confirm start to upgrade the firmware
  • 18:20 | all right pretty quick process I like that we’ve got the LCD display here to see
  • 18:25 | what’s going on uh I’m assuming it’s going to be uh yeah
  • 18:31 | looks like it does reset all our settings back to default so we are going to have to go in here uh and start adjusting everything the way that we
  • 18:36 | want and now that we’ve got everything set up and dialed in let’s go ahead and take a look at the video quality here with this dash cam now starting off with
  • 18:43 | some Daytime footage overall the video quality looks pretty good here it’s even able to grab the license plates of
  • 18:48 | oncoming vehicles for example now with the rear camera though this is tougher to do but that makes sense because we’re
  • 18:54 | dropping from 4K down to just 1080P and the same is true when you’re driving around in Cloudy and overcast conditions
  • 19:01 | I find that the video quality looks better from the front camera while the quality from the rear camera is not quite as good and it does struggle a
  • 19:06 | little bit more and then comparing it to the thinkware u3000 I find that the daytime video footage from the front
  • 19:12 | cameras are pretty similar which makes sense uh with the rear cameras though the 2K video from the u3000 does let you
  • 19:19 | capture details a little bit farther away however the exterior camera of the D90 does seem to help avoid some of the
  • 19:25 | issues with the rear window Reflections or those horizontal the froster lines that can reduce some of the rear
  • 19:30 | visibility similarly if we take a look at some driving footage in the rain with the u3000 mounted on the rear window it
  • 19:37 | can be obscured by some raindrops in the window but if you have a rear wiper in your car that can certainly help with
  • 19:42 | rear visibility and then with the D90 on the other hand its exterior Mount seems to be more affected by Mist being kicked
  • 19:49 | up by the rear tires as you drive however there is no rear wiper option available for its exterior camera next
  • 19:56 | let’s take a look at some nighttime video overall I find that this nexico camera here is actually pretty decent uh
  • 20:01 | it’s able to record what’s going on around you both front and rear and for better context we can compare it to the
  • 20:07 | thinkware u3000 but it’s not quite going to be an Apples to Apples comparison you see the thinkware has a polarizer
  • 20:13 | installed which is great for knocking out Reflections in the daytime but it does cut down on the light that can get
  • 20:18 | to the sensor in fact it’s a similar idea as if you’re wearing polarized sunglasses while driving around at night
  • 20:24 | now the u3000 polarizer is not designed to be removable once it’s installed it just sticks directly to the lens the
  • 20:30 | nexigo on the other hand doesn’t actually offer a polarizer at all either way these are the generally recommended
  • 20:35 | configurations and they are the setups that I run now taking a look at some nighttime video footage from both cameras I find that the u3000 footage
  • 20:42 | does look grainier there’s a loss of color info like it’s more black and white and I also do notice more motion
  • 20:49 | blur with longer shutter speeds again its polarizer here is not doing it any favors and then when it comes to
  • 20:55 | grabbing license plates even though the nexo does have HD R in dark situations I
  • 21:00 | find both of them can still struggle to freeze license plates even on stationary vehicles that said looking at some other
  • 21:07 | examples I do think I would give a slight Edge to the nexo in terms of clarity and detail and then flipping
  • 21:13 | around and looking at the rear cameras the biggest difference I notice at night is the fact that the nexigo exterior
  • 21:19 | camera seems to be less affected by glare from street lights you’ll see the reflections on the rear window from the
  • 21:25 | uh think wees camera setup additionally because the NEX also adds HDR in some
  • 21:30 | situations it can be beneficial in freeze framing details while driving and then a few other quick things to note uh
  • 21:37 | there’s going to be some GPS info that’s stamped onto the video footage including your latitude and longitude for privacy
  • 21:42 | reasons I would rather not have that information on all the video footage and so for that reason I brought this up with nexo and they sent over a custom
  • 21:49 | firmware that I can load into the camera that would not display the exact coordinates on any of the video footage
  • 21:54 | now this is just a temporary test for war version there is no option to turn the GPS information on and off but it
  • 22:01 | looks like they are going to be working on giving us that option uh at some point in the future and then the last thing to mention when it comes to video
  • 22:07 | quality I do notice that there can be some slight shakiness or vibration in the video footage it’s not a huge deal
  • 22:13 | but I do notice it a little bit more compared to dash cams with more solid mounts now there are some other rearview
  • 22:20 | mirror style dash cams that allow you to actually replace your existing rearview mirror and connect your dash cam
  • 22:25 | rearview mirror directly to the rearview mirror stem next to go doesn’t offer amount like this and so for that reason you’ve got to use the uh kind of rubber
  • 22:31 | bands to wrap around your existing review mirror which can introduce a little bit of vibration which is what I
  • 22:37 | then notice in the video footage either way though when it comes to video quality I think that the nexico does its
  • 22:42 | job here pretty well now that said I have seen some situations where the dash cam can actually skip some frames while
  • 22:48 | it’s recording so far in my testing it’s only happened once uh it didn’t seem to apply to the rear camera it only
  • 22:53 | happened here on the front camera now I was talking this over with nexo and it looks like it’s actually a memory card issue in fact they’ve seen similar
  • 23:00 | results too when running the D90 with the Samsung Evo select memory cards and so for that reason instead they
  • 23:06 | recommend running one of the higher-end red or blue Samsung u3 cards or running
  • 23:11 | some of the other brands like your SanDisk or Kingston u3 cards and so for that reason I’ve since switched to a
  • 23:17 | different memory card and I’ll link to the recommended cards for you down in the description below next let’s talk about the D90 specifically as a digital
  • 23:24 | rearview mirror and backup camera again that’s really the primary reason why I picked this unit up and here in my mom’s
  • 23:29 | car she doesn’t have a backup camera or anything and having that backup camera is of course very useful and with the backup camera there’s two different
  • 23:36 | modes we’ll go ahead and put the car into reverse here and the main mode that she likes is this one here uh where you can see the entire thing all at once
  • 23:42 | there is a second mode that’s available where you can see uh like it takes up the whole rearview mirror and you can kind of pan up and down as needed to get
  • 23:47 | it exactly where you want uh but driving around with it she actually prefers the option where you can see everything at
  • 23:53 | once like this even though it is a little bit smaller on screen and then when it comes to the digital rear viiew mirror I find that there’s some times
  • 23:58 | when the digital mirror is better while other times the traditional mirror is better for example I’ve also got a digital reiew mirror in my Kia ev9 and I
  • 24:05 | find that it’s especially helpful if I can’t see out the back if there’s a bunch of luggage in the back or people’s heads or something I can just switch it
  • 24:11 | over to the digital Rew mirror and now I’m able to see everything going on back behind me another difference that I’ve noticed coming back in here to my mom’s
  • 24:17 | car again real quick you’ll notice that there’s a bit of tunnel vision trying to look out the rear window here in the car you’ve got headrest and the C pillars
  • 24:23 | blocking some of the field of view if we switch it on over now to the digital rearview mirror we actually have a wider field field of view available and we
  • 24:29 | don’t have those same things actually blocking uh the rear visibility you’ll notice that depending on the angle we can still get some Reflections like this
  • 24:35 | that can block uh and make it harder to see what’s going on back behind you uh one trick to that that I’ve noticed is if you just kind of like flick the uh
  • 24:41 | mirror down like that that can help it depends like if you’ve got maybe the seats in the light or something other times if you’re driving around the
  • 24:47 | interior of the car is not in the light it does work a little bit better so your mileage may vary on that but this actually brings me to a second key
  • 24:53 | difference that you may have noticed when I’ve been shooting this video is the fact that you’re actually going to have to refocus your eyes depending on where you’re looking you see when you’ve
  • 24:59 | got it set up to just the traditional mirror like this I can focus with my ey straight ahead on the road ahead and I can just kind of glance up to the
  • 25:05 | rearview mirror and see exactly what’s going on back behind me that’s not the case if you’re using the digital rear of your mirror here I’m going to go ahead
  • 25:10 | and uh Focus the camera uh the digital rear of your mirror it’s about a foot away from my face and so I actually have to refocus my eyes in order to be able
  • 25:16 | to see what’s going on back there and that’s kind of annoying when I’m like looking forward like this uh and I’ve got to focus my eyes here and then if I
  • 25:22 | just want to glance at the rearview mirror everything’s going to be kind of blurry so I have to like refocus my eyes like that and then refocus my eyes uh up
  • 25:29 | ahead that’s kind of annoying when you’re driving and you just want to quickly see what’s going on back behind you uh that’s not an issue if you’re using this the traditional rearview
  • 25:35 | mirror where your eyes are basically focused far away uh either way and so for these reasons I typically prefer running with the traditional rearview
  • 25:42 | mirror and then uh when the digital version is better I can just switch on over to that as needed and it is nice having the option next let’s talk about
  • 25:48 | parking recording it is available here in the D90 uh it’s fairly simplistic but it is available now in order to get the
  • 25:54 | parking recording you do need to purchase the optional hardwire cable from nexico it’s a pretty traditional three-wire hardwire cable uh and in
  • 26:00 | order to shut off the dash cam before it fully drains your car battery it’s got a fixed voltage cut off threshold of 11.8
  • 26:06 | volts you can’t actually adjust that threshold the way you can with some other uh dash cams Plus in the dash cam
  • 26:12 | itself you can choose how long the dash cam records for before it shuts off again just to avoid uh maybe draining your car battery too far now to access
  • 26:18 | the parking recording modes we’re going to go over here into the settings uh and then in the top right we’ve got an option here for timlapse recording and
  • 26:24 | there’s two different parking recording modes the first one is going to be for your impact detection additionally if you turn this off you’ve also got a
  • 26:30 | second option here for the time-lapse recording uh and so you can set it up here to record for different periods of time and time lapse uh if you turn this
  • 26:36 | on then you’ve got a third option that pops up that allows you to choose uh how many frames per second the dash cam records so one two or three frames per
  • 26:44 | second here now first let’s talk about the Collision boot recording mode this is essentially impact detection in case
  • 26:49 | of like a hit and run or something that impact can wake up the dash cam and then it’s going to begin recording now two things to note number one it’s
  • 26:55 | nonbuffered impact detection meaning it’s actually going to wait for an impact to uh wake up and begin recording this is different from some other dash
  • 27:01 | cams like for example I’ve got the thinkware u3000 here installed as well and I did a quick test of just kind of going in front of the car and waving
  • 27:07 | around and then actually whacking the windshield and if you take a look at the differences you’ll notice that the u3000 wakes up when it starts sensing the
  • 27:13 | motion of me uh kind of walking in front of the car uh and then it’s also going to record the impact of me whacking the
  • 27:19 | windshield but the nexo is actually going to take a full 5 Seconds to detect that impact and then begin recording and
  • 27:25 | so as you can see with the nexico there’s no motion detection and there’s only impact detection that takes 5 seconds for the dash cam to wake up and
  • 27:31 | begin recording and so yes while there is impact detection here it’s not going to be as capable and sophisticated as what we’ve got with some other dash cams
  • 27:37 | and then the second parking recording option is going to be for your time-lapse recording and again you can choose how many frames per second it
  • 27:42 | records in this is going to be more of your continuous is parking recording mode that records video only and no
  • 27:48 | audio now I tried actually hitting the windshield when the dash cam was set up here in timelapse recording mode and it didn’t actually switch over uh and give
  • 27:55 | me a traditional video recording after detected the impact and so for that reason time-lapse is only going to be time-lapse recording mode if you want
  • 28:01 | you can of course go back frame by frame uh if you notice something happen and try to see exactly what happened around
  • 28:07 | your car but that is going to be a manual process the dash cam doesn’t indicate when an impact was detected in time-lapse recording mode or anything
  • 28:13 | plus you’re going to have to go frame by frame could be hours worth of video to figure out exactly where that event was and there’s no video and audio of uh any
  • 28:19 | sort of impacts that are recorded so again it’s strictly going to be uh time-lapse parking recording mode and so while yes the D90 here does have parking
  • 28:26 | recording mode and actually two different parking recording modes overall I find them to be fairly basic and simplistic and with that said what
  • 28:33 | are my overall thoughts here with this dash cam well overall I quite like the D90 gen 3 here it’s the only true 4K
  • 28:40 | dash cam that’s using a Sony staris 2 sensor there’s a lot of fake 4K models out there and this one actually does
  • 28:45 | record in 4k and for that reason the video quality is quite good here in fact somewhat surprisingly in some situations
  • 28:51 | it’s actually better uh than the thinkware u3000 in part because of the fact that it does have HDR that said the
  • 28:57 | main reason that I opt for this dash cam was to get the backup camera functionality and we definitely do find it to be helpful particularly my mom
  • 29:03 | here if you don’t have a car with a backup camera this is an easy way to add it which is very nice plus you don’t have any additional like screens on the
  • 29:09 | dash or anything it’s just right into your uh rearview mirror uh the digital rearview mirror I find to be less
  • 29:14 | helpful there are a couple situations where it is useful but not in every situation in many situations I prefer
  • 29:19 | actually running with the traditional rearview mirror and then just switching it over to the digital one as needed and it is nice to have that option it does
  • 29:25 | offer parking recording capability but the implementation here is fair simplistic and so if you want really good parking recording capability there
  • 29:32 | are better dash cams available but for just something simple and basic this will do the job and so if you’re looking for a dash cam that integrates with your
  • 29:37 | rearview mirror that has good video quality and a reasonably good feature set I think this nexo D90 Gen 3 is a
  • 29:43 | good option here uh if you want to pick one up I’ll put a link down in the video description to where you can purchase the dash cam along with any other
  • 29:49 | recommended accessories like the parking mode cable uh good memory cards at work with the dash cam Etc if you have any
  • 29:55 | questions please feel free to ask down in the comment area below other than that thanks so much for watching hope you guys are doing great and I’ll see
  • 30:01 | you in the next one bye

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