Looking for an affordable, reliable dash cam that doesn’t break the bank? Check out our review of the Nextbase Piqo Dash Cam, …
- 0:00 | hey everyone welcome back today um we’re
- 0:04 | gonna be taking a deep dive into the
- 0:05 | world of dash cams oh cool specifically
- 0:08 | next B’s latest release the Pico I’ve
- 0:11 | heard about this one yeah we’re going to
- 0:13 | you know kind of unpack its features
- 0:15 | yeah maybe compare it to its Big Brother
- 0:16 | the IQ all right and hopefully help you
- 0:19 | figure out if this is the dash cam for
- 0:21 | you yeah I think it’s definitely been
- 0:22 | creating a buzz especially with its
- 0:24 | price yeah and you know what we’re
- 0:25 | basing our Deep dive today on a tech
- 0:28 | radar article that literally just
- 0:31 | dropped today October 28th 2024 oh hot
- 0:35 | off to presses so it’s yeah brand new
- 0:37 | information nice so the Pico is being
- 0:40 | touted as the iq’s kind of smaller
- 0:43 | simpler sibling yeah I can see that what
- 0:45 | do you think about that assessment um I
- 0:47 | think it’s pretty accurate you know I
- 0:49 | think the Pico is definitely for a
- 0:50 | different user than the IQ maybe someone
- 0:53 | who wants just the essentials covered
- 0:55 | without breaking the bank okay I like
- 0:56 | that essential protection easy on the
- 0:58 | wallet exactly and it starts it just
- 1:01 | $129.99 for the 1K version so okay but
- 1:04 | one thing that kind of caught my eye in
- 1:05 | the article is the fact that it doesn’t
- 1:07 | have 4K recording right do you think
- 1:10 | that’s a deal breaker you know not
- 1:12 | necessarily next B’s research actually
- 1:14 | suggests that most dashcam users don’t
- 1:17 | even see 4K as a musthave interesting
- 1:21 | they’re really prioritizing things like
- 1:23 | reliability ease of use and of course
- 1:25 | the price yeah price is a big one huge
- 1:28 | especially these days and I was also
- 1:30 | thinking with storage space always being
- 1:32 | an issue oh totally 1080 or 1440 might
- 1:35 | actually be The Sweet Spot yeah if the
- 1:37 | quality is still good yeah and nexace is
- 1:39 | known for their high quality video even
- 1:41 | in their lower resolution models so they
- 1:44 | seem pretty confident that the Pico
- 1:46 | delivers where it counts no another
- 1:48 | interesting choice is the lack of a
- 1:49 | built-in screen oh so everything is
- 1:52 | managed through their brand new app
- 1:54 | that’s pretty cool I mean it’s a pretty
- 1:56 | smart move considering how attached we
- 1:57 | all are to our phones these days right
- 1:59 | probably keeps the Pico’s size and cost
- 2:01 | down too yeah that makes sense so talk
- 2:03 | to me about this app what are we looking
- 2:05 | at here so it’s designed to be super
- 2:07 | user friendly you can view live footage
- 2:10 | you can access recordings download them
- 2:13 | all the basics that you’d expect but
- 2:15 | there’s also kind of a fun element with
- 2:17 | these customizable overlays for your
- 2:21 | video they call them skins yeah the
- 2:22 | Skins about that it’s cool you can
- 2:25 | display like your speed and stuff
- 2:26 | exactly like a little heads up display
- 2:28 | that’s neat yeah you get like one free
- 2:30 | skin with the basic subscription but if
- 2:33 | you opt for their protect plan you
- 2:35 | unlock a whole library of options hold
- 2:39 | on protect plant what’s that so it’s
- 2:41 | basically an optional subscription that
- 2:43 | adds a bunch of benefits okay more skins
- 2:45 | for one but you know more importantly
- 2:47 | you get cloud storage for your videos oh
- 2:49 | that’s cool yeah so even if something
- 2:51 | happens to your pico or even your phone
- 2:54 | your footage is still safe it’s safe and
- 2:55 | sound in the cloud okay you can access
- 2:57 | it from anywhere I like that extra layer
- 3:00 | of security and peace of mind exactly
- 3:02 | okay that makes sense MH now let’s shift
- 3:04 | gears a little bit to the Pico’s leite
- 3:06 | smart features okay you seem to be kind
- 3:09 | of a big selling point yeah it’s like
- 3:10 | they took some of the iq’s best features
- 3:13 | and made them a bit more accessible okay
- 3:16 | for everyone I like that give me an
- 3:18 | example what is uh Guardian mode light
- 3:20 | all about so the iq’s guardian mode it’s
- 3:23 | the one that will like instantly send
- 3:26 | video footage right to your emergency
- 3:28 | contact if it detects like an accident
- 3:30 | right but the Pico it just sends a text
- 3:33 | message instead okay so less data heavy
- 3:35 | way less data but it still kind of gets
- 3:37 | the message across it gets the point
- 3:39 | across do you think that compromises its
- 3:41 | effectiveness at all though I mean it’s
- 3:43 | definitely a trade-off a video would
- 3:45 | obviously provide you know more
- 3:47 | immediate context but a text still
- 3:50 | alerts your loved ones that something’s
- 3:52 | up right and it pinpoints your location
- 3:55 | yeah that’s true so it just depends on
- 3:56 | the situation I guess it’s better than
- 3:58 | nothing definitely okay what about
- 4:00 | witness mode how is the uh Elite version
- 4:04 | different from the IQ so witness mode on
- 4:06 | the IQ is constantly uploading footage
- 4:09 | to the cloud but witness mode light it
- 4:12 | only uploads when you’re back on Wi-Fi
- 4:14 | so you have to like remember to connect
- 4:17 | to Wi-Fi for to upload yeah it’s a
- 4:19 | little bit more
- 4:21 | manual that seems like it could be a
- 4:22 | downside yeah could be what if something
- 4:25 | happens when you’re you know out and
- 4:27 | about and you haven’t connected to Wi-Fi
- 4:28 | in a while right but it’s saves on your
- 4:30 | data and your battery life you know
- 4:32 | that’s true I think next base is really
- 4:33 | focusing on giving users options with
- 4:35 | the Pico yeah I like options they do so
- 4:38 | last one smart parking okay I know this
- 4:42 | one needs a constant power source it
- 4:44 | does I it’s designed to capture you know
- 4:47 | any bumps or incidents while your car’s
- 4:49 | parked MH but it won’t work without that
- 4:51 | continuous power so you’d need to buy
- 4:54 | like a separate hard wirring kit from
- 4:56 | next space okay so that’s an extra cost
- 4:58 | to consider it is what exactly does a
- 5:00 | hard wirring kit do it basically
- 5:02 | connects your dash cam directly to your
- 5:04 | car’s fuse box okay so it’s providing it
- 5:07 | that constant power supply even when the
- 5:09 | engine’s off okay that makes sense so
- 5:11 | with all these leite features it sounds
- 5:13 | like the Pico is a pretty capable little
- 5:15 | dash cam it does yeah how does it
- 5:18 | actually stack up against the IQ that’s
- 5:20 | the question isn’t that is what we will
- 5:21 | be tackling next sounds good stay tuned
- 5:25 | you know these uh these Elite features
- 5:27 | they kind of got me thinking about the
- 5:28 | target audience for this dash cam oh
- 5:30 | yeah who do you think they’re going for
- 5:32 | M how do you think it seems like they’re
- 5:35 | really catering to a younger more uh
- 5:39 | techsavvy crowd you know yeah I think
- 5:42 | you’re out people who are comfortable
- 5:44 | managing everything through their phone
- 5:45 | right exactly like it’s a generation
- 5:47 | that’s just so used to app-based control
- 5:50 | they probably don’t want to be fiddling
- 5:51 | with a bunch of buttons on a separate
- 5:53 | device totally and they’re also more
- 5:56 | likely to be you know cons of things
- 6:00 | like data usage and battery life which
- 6:03 | the Pico kind of addresses with its
- 6:05 | Wi-Fi Reliance yeah that’s a good point
- 6:07 | speaking of the app you mentioned
- 6:09 | earlier that it’s completely redesigned
- 6:11 | what makes it stand out what’s new and
- 6:12 | cool about it aside from like the design
- 6:15 | it’s really sleek and userfriendly okay
- 6:18 | it’s the level of customization I think
- 6:21 | that’s really impressive yeah it’s not
- 6:23 | just about functionality right it’s got
- 6:25 | some personality exactly and for those
- 6:27 | who want even more control there’s the
- 6:29 | protect right the subscription service
- 6:31 | yeah you get more skins with that but
- 6:34 | the real draw seems to be the cloud
- 6:36 | storage right it’s huge I mean imagine
- 6:38 | you’re in an accident and like your pico
- 6:41 | gets damaged oh that’s a good point with
- 6:43 | a protect plan that crucial footage is
- 6:46 | like safe right it’s in the cloud you
- 6:48 | can access it from anywhere Peace of
- 6:50 | Mind exactly especially if you need that
- 6:52 | footage for insurance or something
- 6:54 | exactly and it’s a relatively affordable
- 6:56 | plan too like what 30 bucks a year no
- 6:59 | not bad not bad at all okay let’s dive
- 7:01 | back into those uh Elite features okay
- 7:04 | I’m still kind of curious about how they
- 7:06 | perform in real world scenarios yeah
- 7:08 | yeah so like take Guardian mode light
- 7:10 | for example is a text message really
- 7:12 | enough in a serious accident I mean
- 7:15 | that’s a valid concern I think while a
- 7:17 | text message lacks you know that visual
- 7:20 | context of a video right it still
- 7:22 | provides crucial
- 7:24 | information the fact that an incident
- 7:26 | occurred and your location right you
- 7:29 | know that can be you know invaluable for
- 7:31 | First Responders it gets the information
- 7:32 | out quickly exactly okay that makes
- 7:34 | sense it’s better than nothing it is and
- 7:36 | you know I was also thinking maybe not
- 7:38 | everyone is comfortable with the idea of
- 7:40 | their dash cam automatically sending
- 7:42 | videos to other people oh good point so
- 7:45 | maybe this text message approach is a
- 7:46 | nice balance between safety and privacy
- 7:48 | it is okay now you mentioned that uh
- 7:51 | witness mode light only uploads when
- 7:53 | you’re connected to Wi-Fi so doesn’t
- 7:55 | that make it kind of less reliable like
- 7:57 | what if something happens when you’re
- 7:58 | out and about
- 8:00 | right there is a delay in getting that
- 8:02 | footage backed up right but you know the
- 8:04 | Pico itself it still records
- 8:06 | continuously okay so unless the device
- 8:09 | is damaged you know the footage is still
- 8:11 | there okay you just need to connect to
- 8:13 | Wi-Fi to upload it later so it’s like a
- 8:15 | manual backup system it is you’re
- 8:17 | trading convenience for potentially
- 8:19 | lower data costs and better battery life
- 8:22 | exactly it’s all about choosing the
- 8:23 | features that best suit your needs right
- 8:25 | exactly all right last one smart part
- 8:29 | light okay we know it needs a constant
- 8:32 | power which means investing in a
- 8:34 | separate hardwiring kit it does is it
- 8:37 | really worth the extra Hassle and
- 8:39 | expense though I mean it depends if you
- 8:41 | live in an area with like a high risk of
- 8:45 | parking related incidents like hit and
- 8:47 | runs or vandalism I see what you’re
- 8:49 | saying then yeah smart parking light
- 8:50 | could offer some really valuable
- 8:51 | protection it’s like having an extra set
- 8:53 | of eyes on your car even when you’re not
- 8:54 | around exactly but you know if you park
- 8:57 | in a secure garage or generally feel
- 9:00 | safe about your parking situation yeah
- 9:03 | maybe it’s not a necessary expense yeah
- 9:05 | that’s fair so with all these Elite
- 9:08 | features and the abcentric control the
- 9:11 | Pico is shaping up to be a really
- 9:12 | compelling option I think for a certain
- 9:15 | type of driver it’s a smart choice for
- 9:17 | those who prioritize Simplicity you know
- 9:19 | yeah affordability and just that
- 9:21 | seamless integration with their
- 9:23 | smartphone definitely but the question
- 9:25 | remains how does it truly stack up
- 9:28 | against the you know the more advanced
- 9:30 | more featur next Bas IQ that’s the
- 9:33 | million dooll question that is the
- 9:34 | million dollar question and that’s
- 9:36 | exactly what we’ll be diving into next
- 9:38 | stay tuned okay so it’s decision time
- 9:41 | yeah the Moment of Truth we’ve explored
- 9:43 | the next Bas Pico its features the the
- 9:45 | abcentric design those Elite smart
- 9:47 | features right we’ve really gotten to
- 9:48 | know this little dash cam we have but
- 9:51 | the IQ is still out there it’s looming
- 9:53 | yeah with its 4K recording and you know
- 9:56 | full-fledged smart capability what’s the
- 9:57 | big brother the powerhouse exactly but
- 10:00 | you know power comes at a price always
- 10:02 | does so is the IQ worth that extra
- 10:05 | investment that’s the question let’s
- 10:07 | break it down okay let’s do it so first
- 10:09 | off 4K video recording on the IQ right
- 10:13 | so you’re capturing every detail and you
- 10:15 | know incredible Clarity it’s a big step
- 10:17 | up from the Pico’s resolution right so
- 10:19 | for those who just absolutely demand the
- 10:21 | best video quality the IQ wins for sure
- 10:25 | and then there are those full-fledged
- 10:26 | smart features right the ones we talked
- 10:28 | about earlier Guardian mode for example
- 10:30 | it instantly sends that video evidence
- 10:33 | to your emergency contact right not just
- 10:35 | a text message right so compared to the
- 10:37 | Pico’s you know text message it’s a
- 10:39 | whole other level of immediacy in detail
- 10:41 | I mean you see the accident as it
- 10:43 | happens versus oh something happened
- 10:46 | exactly and then witness mode on the IQ
- 10:49 | is constantly uploading that footage to
- 10:50 | the cloud yeah always backing up so
- 10:52 | that’s you know a big plus for Peace of
- 10:55 | Mind knowing your evidence is safe No
- 10:57 | Matter What totally even if some happens
- 11:00 | to the device itself but of course all
- 11:02 | of that connectivity comes at a cost it
- 11:04 | does literally with the iq’s higher
- 11:06 | price tag right and then figuratively in
- 11:09 | terms of data usage oh yeah you need a
- 11:11 | data plan for the IQ to use those
- 11:13 | features right so that’s an ongoing cost
- 11:15 | that the Pico just you know completely
- 11:17 | avoids right because it relies on Wi-Fi
- 11:20 | so it really comes down to you know what
- 11:22 | are your priorities I think what do you
- 11:23 | need from a dash cam if you want the
- 11:26 | best video quality the most advanced
- 11:28 | features the most security yeah then the
- 11:31 | IQ might be worth that Splurge but if
- 11:34 | you’re on a tighter budget you want
- 11:36 | something simpler yeah covers the
- 11:38 | essentials easy to use integrates with
- 11:40 | your phone the Pico seems like a great
- 11:42 | choice it really does and it’s a really
- 11:44 | good balance it is it’s a really good
- 11:45 | balance between features affordability
- 11:47 | ease of use couldn’t have said it better
- 11:49 | myself yeah so there you have it the
- 11:53 | next base Pico a dash cam for the modern
- 11:55 | driver and for those who you know want
- 11:58 | the best of the best there’s the IQ
- 12:00 | always an
- 12:01 | option this has been everyday Tech
- 12:03 | explained if you found this deep dock
- 12:05 | helpful hit that like button to help us
- 12:07 | out and subscribe for more Tech insights
- 12:09 | we’ll see you next time