NextBase iQ 2K Smart Dash Cam Review Get your NextBase iQ 2K Smart Dash Cam here UK USA …
- 0:00 | hello Internet World welcome to my
- 0:02 | review of the next base IQ dash cam this
- 0:05 | was very kindly sent into me free of
- 0:06 | charge by the manufacturer no money
- 0:08 | change hands they haven’t asked me to
- 0:09 | say anything in particular I’m simply
- 0:11 | sharing with you my opinion so that you
- 0:13 | can make an informed buying decision so
- 0:16 | first of all I want to let you know that
- 0:18 | this is available in I think three
- 0:20 | different versions we get an HD version
- 0:22 | we’ve also got the 2K version I’ve got
- 0:24 | here and also a 4K version there is also
- 0:29 | an optional rear view camera this is a
- 0:32 | dual cam but there is an optional
- 0:34 | separate rear view camera as well it
- 0:36 | comes in this really nice box and on the
- 0:39 | back here we got some details about some
- 0:41 | of the main features including a Smart
- 0:44 | Sense parking feature for 24/7
- 0:47 | protection to your vehicle also got a
- 0:49 | guardian mode emergency SOS a witness
- 0:52 | mode as well Road watch AI voice control
- 0:56 | and then you’ve also got the fact that
- 0:59 | this next B has got a 32 GB u3 micro SD
- 1:03 | card and a 4G sim card
- 1:06 | pre-installed there are these versions I
- 1:08 | mentioned earlier the IQ 1K which is
- 1:11 | 1080p on the front camera 1080p on the
- 1:15 | cabin View Camera and then you’ve got
- 1:17 | the optional rear view camera sold
- 1:19 | separately which is
- 1:20 | 1440p we also got the IQ 2K which is
- 1:23 | this model I’ve got here which is
- 1:26 | 1440p on the front and cabin camera
- 1:30 | and then the same optional rear view
- 1:32 | camera and then the top of the range is
- 1:34 | the IQ 4K which adds 4K resolution to
- 1:38 | the front-facing camera obviously it
- 1:41 | works with an app and the app is
- 1:43 | available in the IOS app store and I
- 1:45 | believe the Google Play Store as well
- 1:47 | this is the Box contents it’s run
- 1:49 | through these very quickly we have got
- 1:51 | the stickers here so you can actually
- 1:53 | put these in your car windows we’ve also
- 1:56 | got a support card which is going to
- 1:59 | give you assistance if you need support
- 2:00 | with your unit we got some installation
- 2:03 | bits and pieces here so we got some
- 2:05 | window wipes uh a dry and a wet wipe and
- 2:08 | a little cloth as well you’re going to
- 2:10 | use this to clean your window before
- 2:11 | installation we’ve got a sticky pad as
- 2:14 | well for the mount we’ve also got what I
- 2:17 | call a little Spud
- 2:20 | Spud this is to help you with um sort of
- 2:24 | maybe poking the wires behind head
- 2:26 | Linings and making just a neat
- 2:28 | installation it can also used if you
- 2:30 | need to remove that sticky pad Mount
- 2:32 | from your wind screen we’ve also got
- 2:35 | some cable ties again to make for a nice
- 2:37 | neat installation and then we’ve got a
- 2:39 | whole host of wires that are used for
- 2:41 | the
- 2:42 | install some flat blades uh various
- 2:45 | wires that are used for the installation
- 2:48 | this looks like another little cable
- 2:50 | tidy it’s got a little sticky pad on it
- 2:52 | and then the main connection is a little
- 2:55 | bit different to normal uh dash cams is
- 2:58 | this connects to your OBD socket so this
- 3:01 | connects to the socket on your car and
- 3:03 | takes power from it all the way through
- 3:05 | to this cable which connects to the dash
- 3:08 | cam so do check that your vehicle is
- 3:11 | suitable you can see here is a power
- 3:14 | cable 12vt 16vt DC and it outputs 12vt
- 3:18 | to 16vt 2 amps Max says about the red
- 3:22 | and the black ground wires they are used
- 3:24 | with 12v DC only so installation cable
- 3:29 | included if you’re not confident
- 3:31 | installing yourself then obviously uh go
- 3:34 | to a professional installer and they
- 3:36 | will do a good installation job for you
- 3:39 | this is the camera itself very very nice
- 3:42 | looking camera so this is like the cabin
- 3:45 | View Camera this one here really nice
- 3:49 | Optics if we look around on the side
- 3:51 | profile it looks very different to
- 3:53 | normal uh dash cams and then this here
- 3:57 | is your sticky pad which is going to
- 3:59 | stick to your car wind screen and this
- 4:01 | this is the front view camera and of
- 4:04 | course you can change the angle of this
- 4:06 | so you can get a really good uh sort of
- 4:09 | position for the camera we’ve also got
- 4:11 | connections here for the power the rear
- 4:14 | camera and reset as well these are
- 4:18 | little antennas to extend the range and
- 4:22 | it just looks absolutely fantastic
- 4:24 | really very very neat
- 4:27 | design just remove this
- 4:31 | here underneath here we have got the
- 4:33 | micro SD card as I mentioned before with
- 4:36 | this one you get 32 GB micro SD card
- 4:40 | included on the bottom here we have got
- 4:42 | a protection button so that’s if you’re
- 4:44 | recording and you need to protect a file
- 4:47 | so it doesn’t get overwritten then you
- 4:49 | can press that button now how do a dash
- 4:52 | cam work and why would you need one well
- 4:54 | let’s cover off why you might want a
- 4:56 | dash cam first of all well this
- 4:58 | continually records out of your front
- 5:00 | wind screen and also inside the cabin of
- 5:03 | your vehicle and it records on like a
- 5:05 | loop so it continually records until the
- 5:09 | micro SD card is full up and then it
- 5:11 | will start overwriting the oldest
- 5:13 | nonprotected files first so if you’ve
- 5:16 | got protected files on there it won’t
- 5:18 | overwrite them and then it just
- 5:20 | continually records and then you’ve got
- 5:23 | some videos of what’s going on on the
- 5:25 | inside and outside of your vehicle so if
- 5:27 | you’re unfortunately involved in or
- 5:30 | witness to a road traffic accident then
- 5:32 | you have got some video footage that
- 5:34 | could potentially be used as evidence
- 5:36 | also worth noting some not all but some
- 5:40 | insurance companies if you have got a
- 5:42 | dash cam installed you will get a
- 5:44 | discount off of your car insurance
- 5:46 | premium so it’s well worth checking with
- 5:48 | them now the beauty of this particular
- 5:51 | dash cam is that you’re going to get
- 5:53 | notifications direct to your phone even
- 5:55 | if you’re away from the vehicle there
- 5:57 | are also additional features you can add
- 5:59 | on Via Subscription Service which extend
- 6:01 | the feature set even more but in its
- 6:03 | simplest form it is a fantastic quality
- 6:07 | dash camera 1440p footage out of the
- 6:11 | front Optics just here really good color
- 6:14 | rendition excellent Clarity plenty of
- 6:16 | detail you can read number plates at a
- 6:18 | good distance very very good night
- 6:21 | vision as well and then the cabin dash
- 6:23 | cam in my opinion a little bit less
- 6:26 | useful for me personally but it does
- 6:28 | record what’s going in on inside your
- 6:31 | car and that will uh certainly add to
- 6:35 | the feature set of this and add to the
- 6:37 | popularity of this particular uh dash
- 6:39 | cam the IQ the 2K resolution on this
- 6:43 | particular model I think is a really
- 6:45 | good sweet Point obviously 4K is going
- 6:47 | to capture more detail and the lower
- 6:50 | resolution might possibly be better in
- 6:52 | low light I’m not too sure on that
- 6:54 | because I haven’t tested it but
- 6:55 | certainly this captures great quality
- 6:58 | video footage and then of course you’ve
- 6:59 | got access to all of those videos if you
- 7:01 | need them for evidence it is a great
- 7:04 | product really well made good speaker
- 7:07 | good microphone built in it’s just a
- 7:09 | stunning dash cam really welld designed
- 7:11 | and it’s got those intelligent IQ or AI
- 7:15 | features in here as well which really do
- 7:18 | extend the feature set next Bas have
- 7:21 | done a fantastic job on this they’re
- 7:23 | really trusted brand when it comes to
- 7:25 | their dash cams and this is certainly
- 7:27 | something that takes a step Po in
- 7:29 | features the fact that we’ve got this
- 7:31 | Guardian mode the parking mode as well
- 7:34 | really do help protect your vehicle I
- 7:37 | can certainly recommend that if you want
- 7:39 | a top end dash cam this is certainly the
- 7:42 | future it’s one of the latest models and
- 7:44 | I can highly recommend it if you want to
- 7:46 | pick up one for yourself please do check
- 7:48 | out the links down in the video
- 7:49 | description I also leave a link down
- 7:51 | there to the manufacturer’s website
- 7:53 | thank you very much for watching please
- 7:55 | do hit that like button don’t forget to
- 7:57 | subscribe and I’ll see you on another
- 7:59 | video very very soon