Nextbase piqo 2K Dash Camera Review Sleek & High-Definition: Record in 1440p Ultra-Wide Quad HD 145-degree field of view, …
- 0:00 | hello Internet World welcome to my
- 0:02 | review of the NEX based Pico this is a
- 0:05 | 2K or
- 0:07 | 1440p dash cam that was very kindly sent
- 0:10 | into me free of charge by the
- 0:11 | manufacturer no money’s change hands
- 0:14 | haven’t asked me to say anything in
- 0:15 | particular simply sharing this video
- 0:17 | with you so you can make an informed
- 0:19 | buying decision now before we start I
- 0:22 | will just mention there are two versions
- 0:24 | of this there’s the 2K 1440p version
- 0:28 | that I’ve got here there is also a 1080p
- 0:32 | HD version available as well what you’re
- 0:36 | seeing is the Box contents we have got
- 0:39 | some stickers here so we’ve got uh next
- 0:42 | bace Road Safety club and also a sticker
- 0:46 | that you should display in your wind
- 0:49 | screen this is a requirement in some
- 0:51 | countries if you’re recording uh outside
- 0:54 | uh you need to display something like
- 0:56 | this we get two stickers uh to help us
- 0:58 | comply with a laws in your particular
- 1:01 | country we also get some dry wipes wet
- 1:06 | wipe and a little polishing cloth this
- 1:08 | is so we can clean the wind screen where
- 1:10 | we’re going to hear the quick release
- 1:13 | Mount uh so really nice that they
- 1:15 | include those we also get what I call a
- 1:18 | little spudger tool this is used for two
- 1:21 | different purposes in my opinion one is
- 1:23 | to release the um sticky pad if you want
- 1:27 | to remove the dash cam put it in a
- 1:29 | different position the other end I’ve
- 1:31 | always found these useful for if we need
- 1:34 | to run the cable sort of around sort of
- 1:37 | head Linings or in gaps it just allows
- 1:39 | you to push it into place sometimes so
- 1:42 | nice little handy tool included as well
- 1:45 | now I mentioned about the quick release
- 1:46 | Mount this is the sticky pad with the
- 1:49 | quick release portion we also get a
- 1:51 | spare one included inside this packet
- 1:53 | here as well we also get a 12vt vehicle
- 1:57 | accessory adapter and this has got two
- 2:01 | USB C’s on it so we can plug in two USBC
- 2:04 | devices at the same time this is really
- 2:07 | good because it gives away one of the
- 2:09 | really nice features of this and that is
- 2:11 | it it’s USBC so last a dash cam that
- 2:15 | doesn’t use mini
- 2:17 | USB get a nice long cable USBC on one
- 2:21 | end right angled USBC on the other end
- 2:24 | you can use either end in here but it’s
- 2:27 | more than likely you’re going to use the
- 2:28 | right angled end in the dash cam and
- 2:31 | then of course we get the dash camera
- 2:33 | itself this is really lightweight reason
- 2:36 | I mentioned that it’s one of the issues
- 2:38 | I have with a lot of dash cameras is you
- 2:40 | stick them on with Sticky Buds it’s fine
- 2:43 | for certain months of the year but
- 2:44 | because of the weight of the dash cam it
- 2:47 | particularly in the summer when this
- 2:48 | gets warm you find that the weight of
- 2:50 | the dash cam just makes it fall off of
- 2:51 | your windscreen so really nice that this
- 2:53 | is nice and lightweight we’ve got an
- 2:56 | included micro SD card in the side we
- 2:59 | have obviously got the lens on the front
- 3:01 | here so this is the end that’s going to
- 3:03 | be pointing out your front wind screen
- 3:06 | we’ve also got a button that we can push
- 3:08 | here little LED light we’ve also got the
- 3:12 | USBC connector on this side here now if
- 3:15 | we look around on the back of the box
- 3:17 | it’s got some of the main features
- 3:19 | listed including the fact that there are
- 3:21 | two models the PCO 1K 1080p the PCO 2K
- 3:25 | which is what we got here which is
- 3:28 | 1440p Emer Merc SOS so we can send
- 3:32 | automatic alerts to Emergency Services
- 3:34 | witness mode light we can secure
- 3:37 | evidence and notify loved ones just with
- 3:40 | your voice so like a voice activation we
- 3:43 | got parked modes as well we’ve got smart
- 3:45 | parking easy sharing and guardian mode
- 3:48 | like this has got Wi-Fi in it GPS
- 3:50 | location and voice control as well so
- 3:54 | this is packed full of features very
- 3:57 | easy to set up through the app in fact
- 3:59 | let me just give you a quick look at
- 4:02 | this this gives you an idea of the
- 4:03 | interface on the app and it is super
- 4:06 | super easy to set up once you’ve got
- 4:08 | this installed and up and running you’ll
- 4:11 | be really impressed with the video
- 4:14 | quality and it’s really good especially
- 4:17 | in daylight really good video quality in
- 4:19 | daylight nice color rendition nice
- 4:21 | detail but even at night time you’re
- 4:23 | still getting good video quality and
- 4:25 | this all records to the micro SD card it
- 4:29 | does it in a Loop mode so it will record
- 4:31 | until the cards fill up and it will
- 4:33 | start overwriting the oldest
- 4:35 | nonprotected files it supports up to 256
- 4:39 | GB cards as well which is really good if
- 4:41 | I just pop this one out you will see
- 4:44 | that they include a generous 64 GB card
- 4:48 | inside the dash cam so 64 gb’s more than
- 4:51 | enough I wouldn’t see the need to
- 4:53 | upgrade to a larger capacity that is
- 4:55 | more than enough for capturing the uh
- 4:58 | video footage on this camera
- 5:00 | why would you want a dash cam well if
- 5:02 | you are involved in or witnessed to a
- 5:04 | road traffic accident or some sort of uh
- 5:07 | crime being committed the video footage
- 5:11 | could potentially be used as evidence
- 5:13 | also some not all but some insurance
- 5:16 | companies will give you a discount off
- 5:18 | of your insurance premium if you install
- 5:21 | a dash cam and in addition to that it
- 5:23 | gives you peace of mind that you are uh
- 5:25 | protecting your car essentially
- 5:27 | protecting your driving record as as
- 5:29 | well uh because it’s recording what’s
- 5:32 | going on outside the front of your
- 5:34 | vehicle this is the next Bas Pico if
- 5:37 | you’re in the market for a dash cam I
- 5:39 | can certainly recommend it if you want
- 5:41 | to pick up one for yourself please do
- 5:42 | check out those links down in the video
- 5:44 | description there’s also a link down
- 5:46 | there to the manufacturer’s website
- 5:48 | thank you very much for watching I’ll
- 5:49 | see you in another video very very soon