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- 0:00 | 3 2 1 yo people what’s good it’s manl
- 0:02 | jamama we back outside again doing more
- 0:04 | car content but this time we’re talking
- 0:06 | about this little guy here it’s called
- 0:08 | the next base Pico um little 2K dash
- 0:13 | camera for your car for whatever you
- 0:14 | want to put it on really high Clarity
- 0:16 | 1080p to 2K resolution automatic I’m
- 0:19 | just reading the back of the T do you
- 0:21 | know in fact let me just let you guys
- 0:22 | pause the video read that yourself but
- 0:25 | basically yeah 2K dash camera um I guess
- 0:29 | we just get it plugged into into the car
- 0:30 | and see what the quality is saying there
- 0:32 | there’s no more to it than that big
- 0:34 | shout out to Pico for sending this down
- 0:35 | though they did let me keep it but they
- 0:38 | don’t get to see this video before it
- 0:39 | gets out so let’s let’s see what go on
- 0:42 | in
- 0:47 | it all right now let’s see what we get
- 0:49 | inside this little thing right here
- 0:51 | pretty standard packaging really so you
- 0:53 | got a little USBC to Car cigarette
- 0:55 | lighter thing that you can use to power
- 0:57 | the device I’m assuming what are these
- 0:59 | from looks like you get some kind of you
- 1:01 | get some stickers okay little sticker
- 1:03 | that says protected by next base on
- 1:05 | there you got some other kind of dry
- 1:07 | wipes to clean the area that you’re
- 1:08 | going to stick it to got some more
- 1:10 | warning stickers so that thieves can see
- 1:12 | that your car is being protected and
- 1:13 | things so um yeah no no looks cool looks
- 1:16 | cool all right now this is the little
- 1:17 | device itself let’s see what going on oh
- 1:19 | you got step one on this side and you
- 1:21 | got step two on that side so it says
- 1:22 | step one install the application first
- 1:25 | step two now you install the peo right
- 1:27 | so I got to get my phone install the app
- 1:29 | do you know what how much how much
- 1:30 | daylight have we got all right let me
- 1:32 | try and install the app and see if I can
- 1:33 | show you guys the app quickly choose
- 1:35 | your dash cam okay so right now it’s
- 1:38 | just asking me to choose my dash cam
- 1:40 | okay so that’s the peting right there
- 1:43 | guys that’s the peting looks like it
- 1:45 | just hangs from the top after all that
- 1:47 | it’s got an SD card in there it’s
- 1:51 | actually got an SD card in there I don’t
- 1:53 | know if you guys can see that
- 1:55 | fam
- 1:57 | yeah right right so the SD card’s
- 1:59 | already in there next I need to connect
- 2:01 | the power cable okay I love I love the
- 2:04 | fact that it’s showing me little little
- 2:06 | diagrams on how to connect the power
- 2:07 | cable and stuff like that so it looks
- 2:08 | like we’re going in the car for this bit
- 2:10 | so let’s go get inside all right so I’ve
- 2:13 | connected the power cable like the thing
- 2:16 | asks um I guess now let me stick it up
- 2:18 | on the on the wind screen somewhere oh I
- 2:21 | guess I guess I’ll just put it maybe
- 2:22 | like here all right what’s man got to do
- 2:24 | next power turn on your vehicle’s
- 2:26 | ignition to power up your PCO you should
- 2:28 | see a blue light on the peo when it’s is
- 2:30 | powered up do you know what guys let me
- 2:31 | just skip past all this bit in it all
- 2:34 | right people so you’ll see right here
- 2:35 | we’re finally connected with the phone
- 2:38 | to the dash cam main issue that I was
- 2:41 | having in the first place was the fact
- 2:42 | that my phone being at home right now
- 2:44 | was connected to my Wi-Fi network and
- 2:46 | because it was connected to my Wi-Fi
- 2:47 | network for some odd reason it couldn’t
- 2:50 | stop and switch to my dash cam so I had
- 2:53 | to tell my phone to forget my home Wi-Fi
- 2:55 | network connect to the dash cam update
- 2:58 | the dash cam and then connect back to my
- 3:01 | home’s Wi-Fi network which is a bit
- 3:03 | long- winded I don’t know why you can’t
- 3:06 | just have your Wi-Fi network at home
- 3:08 | connected and connect to the dash cam as
- 3:10 | well I guess it won’t really be an issue
- 3:11 | when you’re driving around because
- 3:13 | obviously you’re not going to be
- 3:14 | connected to any Wi-Fi networks whilst
- 3:16 | you’re driving in the car in it so yeah
- 3:18 | at least the thing is working now and
- 3:20 | we’re good to go and show you the
- 3:22 | features now when you first get the app
- 3:24 | installed you need to download yourself
- 3:25 | a update this update took me ages
- 3:28 | because the application would not
- 3:30 | connect for love nor money to the
- 3:33 | flipping dash camera itself so when man
- 3:36 | finally got all of that sorted the app
- 3:39 | was open I could see all the options
- 3:41 | that it gave me basically all the smart
- 3:43 | features that the dash cam has to offer
- 3:45 | like you can see the witness mode in
- 3:47 | there you can download videos from the
- 3:50 | dash cam wirelessly and you can also go
- 3:55 | on there to have like a live preview
- 3:57 | mode so that you can see exactly what
- 4:00 | the web camera can see and you can just
- 4:02 | obviously fit it to your dash cam to
- 4:04 | make sure that it’s seeing everything
- 4:06 | that’s on the road ahead of you so yeah
- 4:08 | pretty much simple situation for the
- 4:10 | dash cam application but getting it
- 4:13 | connected in the first place hella
- 4:15 | jaring cuz all right now let’s get into
- 4:17 | the nitty and gritty of this thing
- 4:19 | because as a dumb web camera yeah in
- 4:22 | terms of it just reading the license
- 4:25 | plates of the cars in front of you it
- 4:27 | you know having a good enough microphone
- 4:29 | to hear what’s going on in the cockpit
- 4:31 | if there is an altercation it pretty
- 4:33 | much does that really well fam like you
- 4:35 | can see from the footage that I’m
- 4:37 | showing you here it’s very clear whether
- 4:39 | it’s daytime or whether it’s nighttime
- 4:42 | fam and you know the very basic
- 4:44 | necessity of a dash cam is just to see
- 4:46 | what’s going on in front of you and read
- 4:48 | the license plat so if anyone tries to
- 4:50 | hit and run you’ve already got them on
- 4:53 | camera one time cuz and like I said the
- 4:56 | next Bas Pico does that effortlessly but
- 5:00 | where it starts to fall short is the
- 5:02 | Smart features and if you’re getting
- 5:04 | something like this it’s most likely
- 5:06 | because you want the smart features now
- 5:08 | one of the smart features that does work
- 5:09 | really well is the voice activated
- 5:12 | witness mode where you literally say
- 5:13 | next base Pico witness mode activate and
- 5:17 | it will start recording anything that’s
- 5:19 | going on in front of you until you tell
- 5:21 | it to stop so let’s say for example if
- 5:23 | there’s like an alocation someone’s
- 5:25 | trying to get out their car and try and
- 5:27 | go into you um you can tell to go into
- 5:30 | witness mode and it will discreetly
- 5:31 | start recording everything that’s going
- 5:33 | on microphone and everything so you have
- 5:36 | that for evidence when you need to snake
- 5:37 | anyone that is moving mad on road now
- 5:41 | that’s the only smart feature that kind
- 5:43 | of works really well because it’s also
- 5:45 | supposed to let you download your
- 5:47 | footage wirelessly from the dash camera
- 5:51 | directly to your phone without you
- 5:53 | needing to you know plug out the SSD put
- 5:56 | that into like another laptop and
- 5:58 | download your footage that way the
- 6:00 | oldfashioned way conneting which you
- 6:01 | would do to be honest with most other
- 6:04 | dash cams however the clunkiness and the
- 6:08 | lack of connectivity with the
- 6:10 | application I don’t know the application
- 6:12 | is just not applicationing for me
- 6:15 | personally on my smartphone I got Google
- 6:17 | pixel9 pro it just wasn’t working so
- 6:19 | when I was trying to download the stuff
- 6:21 | it was just taking ages and it’s like yo
- 6:23 | by this time I could have dragged out
- 6:24 | the SD card gone into my yard and just
- 6:27 | transferred the stuff over the old
- 6:29 | fashioned we another smart feature that
- 6:31 | I think is really overlooked is the fact
- 6:33 | that it has all the relevant information
- 6:35 | that you need automatically attached to
- 6:38 | every video it records so it’s got the
- 6:41 | speed that you’re going it’s got the
- 6:43 | time of day it’s got the date itself and
- 6:46 | it’s got the license plate of your
- 6:48 | carfam so when you drag a video off the
- 6:51 | dash camera it’s basically a complete
- 6:53 | file and anyone who gets it knows
- 6:56 | exactly what where when and who it
- 6:59 | happened to and here’s a little clip to
- 7:02 | let you know what the sound quality from
- 7:03 | the microphone on the dash cam sounds
- 7:06 | like weding
- 7:10 | house continue on Wick Road for half a
- 7:13 | mile once I secure my venue babe save
- 7:16 | the date save the
- 7:17 | date so yeah in terms of smart features
- 7:21 | it’s not as smart as I would have hoped
- 7:23 | it was kind of thing which kind of puts
- 7:26 | me into a difficult situation because
- 7:28 | obviously it’s kind of pricey for a 2K
- 7:31 | webcam like obviously you can get 2K
- 7:33 | webcams on Amazon for like under 50 now
- 7:36 | this is nearly twice that price which
- 7:38 | could be justified if the smart features
- 7:41 | were working efficiently kind of thing
- 7:43 | but because they’re not um it’s a little
- 7:46 | bit hard for me to recommend over any
- 7:48 | other 2K web camera but saying that
- 7:52 | again the 2K resolution on this thing is
- 7:54 | plenty enough plenty efficient to see
- 7:57 | what’s going on in front of your car get
- 7:59 | all the license plates as I said before
- 8:01 | and that’s all you need a dash cam for
- 8:04 | really so like for me personally yeah as
- 8:07 | a dumb dash cam it’s really good but the
- 8:11 | fact that it’s not supposed to be a dumb
- 8:13 | dash cam it’s supposed to be a smart
- 8:14 | dash cam the smart features just ain’t
- 8:17 | kind it but let me know if the smart
- 8:19 | features actually matter to you and
- 8:21 | whether this dash cam on its own is
- 8:23 | still a purchase for you