Testing the Latest Escort Updates: Redline 360c & Max 360c Mk II

As technology continues to improve, the world of radar detectors is no exception. With new models being constantly released, it can be difficult to determine which ones truly stand out. That’s why we put the latest updates from Escort – the Redline 360c and Max 360c Mk II – to the test. In this post, we’ll explore the features and performance of these two models, providing you with all the information you need to make an informed decision on your next radar detector purchase.

Testing the Latest Escort Updates: Redline 360c & Max 360c Mk II

Radar detectors are an essential tool for avoiding speeding tickets and other traffic violations. Escort is a brand known for producing high-quality radar detectors, and their latest offerings, the Redline 360c and Max 360c Mk II, have received firmware updates in recent months. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at these updates and see how they impact the performance of these two radars.


The firmware updates released for the Redline 360c and Max 360c Mk II promised improvements in various areas, including GPS accuracy, range, and filtering. However, some users reported encountering new issues after updating their devices. In this article, we’ll examine these reports and test the updated radars in various scenarios to see how they perform.

The Updates

According to Escort, the latest firmware updates for the Redline 360c and Max 360c Mk II provide several benefits, including improved GPS accuracy, enhanced range, and better filtering. The updates were also intended to address specific issues reported by users, such as alert muting and false alerts. Additionally, the updates included new features like Photo Radar detection and band segmentation.

However, some users reported issues with the updates, such as lost settings, increased falsing, and reduced sensitivity. Many users on forums like rdforum.org and escortradarforum.com reported experiencing problems after updating their radars.

Reactivity Testing

To test the impact of the updates on the Redline 360c and Max 360c Mk II, we conducted reactivity testing using the Genesis II Select radar gun. The results revealed some issues with the Genesis II Select and how it interacts with the updated radars. The Genesis II Select caused increased falsing and reduced sensitivity for both the Redline 360c and Max 360c Mk II.

K / Ka Falsing Issues

Users on rdforum.org also reported issues with K / Ka falsing after updating to the latest firmware. We tested this issue by driving in areas with K / Ka false alerts reported by users. While driving, we noticed that the K / Ka falsing was less frequent than before the update. However, we still observed some false alerts in areas with many sources of K / Ka signals.

Photo Radar Clarification

One of the new features included in the firmware updates is Photo Radar detection. On escortradarforum.com, users were confused about how this feature worked and whether it would interfere with other radar signals. We tested this feature by driving past several known Photo Radar locations. The radars detected the cameras without causing any interference with other radar signals.

Genesis II Reactivity, Rampup, Increased Falsing, Band Segmentation, and Photo Radar

In a video review on YouTube, Vortex Radar tested the Redline 360c and Max 360c Mk II extensively, including the Genesis II reactivity, rampup, increased falsing, band segmentation, and Photo Radar. Vortex Radar praised the devices for their excellent range and filtering, but also noted some issues with reactivity and false alerts, especially when encountering newer radar guns.

Purchase Recommendations

Vortex Radar is known for providing unbiased reviews and recommendations for radar detectors, laser jammers, and dash cameras. While their videos contain affiliate links to purchase these devices, they strive to give honest opinions and highlight both pros and cons. If you’re in the market for a radar detector, it’s worth checking out their channel for a comprehensive analysis of the latest devices.


In conclusion, the latest firmware updates for the Redline 360c and Max 360c Mk II promised several improvements but also introduced new issues for some users. While our testing revealed some issues with reactivity and false alerts, the devices still provide excellent range and filtering. The new features, such as Photo Radar detection and band segmentation, are useful and effective. Remember to do your research before purchasing a radar detector and read reviews from trusted sources like Vortex Radar.


  1. Can I update my Redline 360c or Max 360c Mk II with the latest firmware?
  • Yes, the firmware updates are available on the Escort Radar website.
  1. Will the updates improve the performance of my radar detector?
  • The updates are intended to improve GPS accuracy, range, and filtering, among other things. However, some users reported issues after updating.
  1. What is Photo Radar detection?
  • Photo Radar detection is a new feature included in the latest firmware updates that allows the radar detector to detect speed cameras and red-light cameras.
  1. Does Vortex Radar recommend the Redline 360c or Max 360c Mk II?
  • Yes, Vortex Radar recommends both devices for their excellent range and filtering.
  1. Can I trust reviews from Vortex Radar?
  • Yes, Vortex Radar is known for providing unbiased reviews and recommendations for radar detectors, laser jammers, and dash cameras.

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