INNOVV K7 Motorcycle Dashcam ☑️ INNOVV UK – (use code TEAPOT for 5% OFF all cameras) …
- 0:01 | this is the latest offering from the
- 0:02 | folks over it in of it’s the K7 a dual
- 0:06 | 2K motorcycle dash cam system it’s got
- 0:09 | Eis stabilization but only at 1080 and
- 0:13 | better GPS but is it any
- 0:17 | good phasin bloody
- 0:20 | [Music]
- 0:24 | phasin the K7 comes in the usual high
- 0:26 | quality packaging and presentation you
- 0:29 | expect from in all inside you’ll find
- 0:31 | both cameras securely housed in a
- 0:33 | protective foam layer the cameras and
- 0:35 | DVR module are made from high quality
- 0:38 | aluminum alloy and feature lvds cabling
- 0:41 | with shielding allowing high-speed data
- 0:44 | transfer in a compact form all
- 0:46 | connections are colorcoded and weather
- 0:48 | resistant helping to make the install as
- 0:51 | painless as possible an install vid is
- 0:54 | coming soon folks don’t worry the DVR
- 0:56 | module facilitates SD cards up to 512 G
- 1:00 | which will give you around 20 hours of
- 1:02 | continuous recording at 2K resolution at
- 1:05 | 30 frames per second the K7 features a
- 1:08 | remote same as the previous K3 and K5
- 1:11 | systems allowing you to monitor system
- 1:12 | performance Mark specific sections of
- 1:15 | footage take picks and more the GPS has
- 1:18 | been upgraded on the K7 to 10 HZ giving
- 1:21 | high-speed recording of every aspect of
- 1:23 | your journey now the boxes of bits the
- 1:25 | K7 comes with a wiring harness needed to
- 1:27 | power the unit this connects to your
- 1:29 | bike battery and comes with the terminal
- 1:31 | connectors already in place as before
- 1:34 | with the K3 and K5 systems the K7 comes
- 1:37 | with a built-in lavalier mic meaning you
- 1:40 | can pop it in your helmet and Vlog
- 1:42 | directly onto the DVR module or simply
- 1:45 | use it to record the engine noise of
- 1:46 | your bike the pack comes with a
- 1:48 | selection of mounting options for the
- 1:50 | camera from L brackets to Quality 3M
- 1:52 | sticky pads there’s a solution available
- 1:54 | to cater for the majority of standard
- 1:56 | mounting options lastly you get some
- 1:59 | stickers and the all important
- 2:01 | destructions but who bothers with
- 2:05 | them so the install now I’ve fitted the
- 2:08 | K3 and the K5 to previous gs’s it’s
- 2:12 | generally fairly straightforward but on
- 2:14 | this one on the 1300 there’s really not
- 2:17 | much room underneath the seats at all
- 2:20 | and there’s a few differences at the
- 2:21 | front and there’s definitely some
- 2:22 | differences at the rear it basically
- 2:25 | ended up in a too difficult box for me I
- 2:27 | just couldn’t be bothered with the grief
- 2:28 | so I gave the professional was a call up
- 2:30 | at a bike thing and Steve and Tom took
- 2:32 | care of it all for me I’ve recorded
- 2:34 | everything there’ll be a vid coming out
- 2:36 | on the install of the K7 on this bike
- 2:39 | the r1300 GS that’ll be coming out
- 2:41 | either next or in a couple of weeks you
- 2:44 | can definitely do it yourself folks but
- 2:46 | uh for alumic like me it was just a lot
- 2:48 | less grief to let the professionals take
- 2:50 | care of it and they’ve done a cracking
- 2:51 | job drop Steve a line up at a bike thing
- 2:54 | links on the screen now and they can
- 2:57 | even Supply the K7 for you as well
- 2:59 | telling teapots ain’t you now there were
- 3:01 | a few issues with the installation of
- 3:03 | the K7 on the 1300 namely the yellow
- 3:07 | wire which is the triggered which is the
- 3:09 | triggered live feed that actually wasn’t
- 3:12 | long enough Tom a bike thing he runs he
- 3:14 | takes the triggered live feed from the
- 3:16 | front up near the headlight to do that
- 3:18 | he had to extend the yellow wire by
- 3:21 | about 2 ft obviously if you’re
- 3:23 | shouldering up to par and you know what
- 3:24 | you’re doing with electrics you can do
- 3:26 | that yourself I’m a mere Neanderthal so
- 3:29 | I just let the professionals take care
- 3:31 | of that also for mounting of the rear
- 3:34 | camera again the 1300 is a little bit
- 3:37 | different to the 1250 and the 1200 and
- 3:39 | it needed a small spacer which doesn’t
- 3:42 | come in the kit from inov but Tom up at
- 3:44 | a bike thing had a lovely box of tricks
- 3:46 | and he had one there so again another
- 3:48 | reason why I’d just go to the
- 3:50 | professionals and get it done properly
- 3:52 | up to you though you can fit it yourself
- 3:55 | probably give yourself a couple of hours
- 3:56 | to get it all done
- 3:59 | okay right I’m going to show you how to
- 4:01 | connect to the Wi-Fi on the inov so you
- 4:06 | need to go to your phone Wi-Fi settings
- 4:09 | look for the in
- 4:11 | off in off
- 4:13 | K7 Now the default password is 1 to8 1 2
- 4:18 | 3 4 5 6 7 8 this all comes in the
- 4:21 | destructions that you get boom there we
- 4:24 | go bang we’re in so that’s us now
- 4:26 | connected now if I go you need to
- 4:28 | download the
- 4:30 | in of app again if you go on the
- 4:33 | destructions allow full access yeah
- 4:36 | allow so if I go onto
- 4:39 | that so you can
- 4:42 | see
- 4:44 | I so this main one is uh the front and
- 4:48 | then this inser one that is the
- 4:53 | back so we can change that if you want
- 4:55 | by touching that top right
- 4:58 | button so you can change it so now the
- 5:01 | main camera is the
- 5:03 | rear and the inser one is the
- 5:07 | front or you can make it all
- 5:11 | front all rear but I like to have it
- 5:14 | front with a little bit of
- 5:16 | rear but don’t worry about it cuz
- 5:19 | obviously when it records it’s recording
- 5:20 | full screen so you’re seeing all of the
- 5:23 | front and then you’ll also have a file
- 5:24 | showing all of the rear so don’t worry
- 5:26 | about any of that uh let’s have a look
- 5:29 | here the settings you can change your
- 5:32 | password uh frequency 5G you can change
- 5:35 | it to 2.4 if you wanted resolution I
- 5:38 | have it set at 2K 30 but you can do 1080
- 5:41 | at 60 frames per second uh this one here
- 5:45 | 108030 at Eis that Eis is the
- 5:48 | stabilization image stabilization and
- 5:51 | that is only available when you
- 5:53 | downgrade to 1080 resolution at 30
- 5:57 | frames per second bit rate here here you
- 5:59 | can only have low medium or high Loop
- 6:02 | recording well you want it to
- 6:03 | continually Loop if you don’t want it to
- 6:05 | continually Loop and you don’t want any
- 6:07 | chance of overwriting any of the footage
- 6:10 | on you there you set it off it’s
- 6:12 | currently at 1 minute or you can put it
- 6:14 | at 3 minutes 5 minutes I’m going to put
- 6:16 | it at 3 minutes uh time waterm Mark you
- 6:19 | can have the date and time or just the
- 6:22 | date or you can switch it all off I like
- 6:24 | date and time on my footage cuz if this
- 6:26 | is going to be used it’s going to give
- 6:28 | be cuz Something’s Happened and it’s
- 6:30 | going to be for something like an
- 6:31 | insurance caim so I want the date and
- 6:32 | time on there mic volume from previous
- 6:35 | experience too is a good setting to have
- 6:38 | here the mic is under the seat you could
- 6:41 | run the cable up and into your helmet
- 6:43 | and Vlog with it if you wanted speed
- 6:45 | display you can turn that on or off you
- 6:47 | can set your units at kilm per hour
- 6:49 | miles per hour GPS uh again you can have
- 6:53 | your GPS coordinates showing up on the
- 6:55 | footage or you can switch that off if
- 6:57 | you want Watermark text you can have
- 6:59 | whatever you like I’m going to put
- 7:03 | twoot
- 7:05 | one
- 7:07 | boom oh let’s just have
- 7:11 | teapot F okay so my Watermark is now
- 7:14 | going to be teapot rather than in off
- 7:17 | parking monitor I want that switched on
- 7:19 | Gravity Sensor again from previous
- 7:21 | experience 2 is okay maybe one might
- 7:24 | actually be um even better there’s all
- 7:27 | sorts here there’s loads of stuff just
- 7:29 | have a play but now I’m happy let’s hit
- 7:32 | the
- 7:35 | road so how does it actually perform
- 7:38 | excuse to stay at the office much like
- 7:40 | my life at the moment it’s in utter
- 7:42 | chaos but let’s just draw a discrete
- 7:44 | Veil over that okay
- 7:47 | so here we go this is us at 2K 30 frames
- 7:51 | per second no stabilization at this it’s
- 7:55 | actually pretty
- 7:57 | good I’ll do some comparisons in a
- 8:00 | minute with the 1080 at stabilization
- 8:03 | also with the K5 K3 that sort of stuff
- 8:06 | but you can see here I think the
- 8:07 | coloring is really good so if I stop it
- 8:11 | if I just Freeze Frame you can see here
- 8:13 | we can read the number plates fairly
- 8:15 | well what are we looking at there
- 8:17 | November uniform 66 Juliet No November
- 8:21 | Victor on the left Yankee 5 uh Sierra
- 8:25 | Lima Juliet over on the right what do
- 8:28 | you need to remember folks is this sort
- 8:30 | of stuff this isn’t as crucial with dash
- 8:33 | cam systems because if we’re ever going
- 8:35 | to need these dash cams there’s
- 8:36 | generally been some sort of contact
- 8:39 | which would suggest we’re in close
- 8:41 | proximity and stationary even if only
- 8:45 | for a couple of frames so we should be
- 8:47 | able to grab those number plates without
- 8:49 | issue obviously there could be times
- 8:51 | when you’re not going to be able to have
- 8:52 | grabbed the number plate so this sort of
- 8:54 | footage could come into its own Then
- 8:57 | This Is Us in straights Broad daylight
- 9:00 | good sunny day what we like here if we
- 9:03 | pause again November Victor 23 Echo
- 9:07 | Alpha Oscar so if we move on to the 1080
- 9:11 | with Eis
- 9:13 | stabilization well we can see there
- 9:16 | that’s fairly easy to read uh Papa X-Ray
- 9:19 | 14 Delta Delta foxt this is evening sort
- 9:23 | of just as the sun’s going down again
- 9:26 | that’s very easy to read so that Eis
- 9:29 | stabilization really comes to the for
- 9:31 | when you grab the Stills here yeah
- 9:34 | that’s actually a lot better so even
- 9:37 | though it’s not quite as good resolution
- 9:38 | this is only 1080 resolution because of
- 9:41 | the Eis stabilization when it comes to
- 9:44 | grabbing a still so say say you’ve had a
- 9:47 | collision uh and the car’s gone you know
- 9:50 | the other vehicle involved has uh Fox
- 9:54 | dra Oscar out the scene it’s disappeared
- 9:55 | out the scene you could maybe check your
- 9:58 | dash cam footage just to say right just
- 10:01 | before that Collision or maybe as the
- 10:03 | car or vehicle was disappearing you
- 10:05 | might be able to do a freeze frame and
- 10:07 | grab that registration plate so let’s do
- 10:10 | a little comparison so there we go here
- 10:12 | we’ve got on the left 1080 30 with st
- 10:15 | stabilization on the right 2K at 30 so
- 10:18 | both exactly the same frame rates one’s
- 10:20 | 1080 one’s 2K 1080 is obviously
- 10:23 | stabilized 2K isn’t both in broad
- 10:27 | daylight but as you can see there
- 10:30 | I’d say it’s actually easier to read the
- 10:32 | number plate with a 2K
- 10:34 | now is there much in it you know what I
- 10:38 | don’t think there is I think the
- 10:39 | coloring is better at
- 10:41 | 2K what about okay so again here we go
- 10:45 | this is uh sort of more built up areas
- 10:48 | if you like sort of slower speeds not
- 10:50 | Motorway speeds what we got here uh on
- 10:53 | the left I can make that out I think
- 10:56 | just but it’s not Crystal Clear is it
- 10:58 | golf November
- 11:01 | 58 ooh course this is like doing the
- 11:03 | optician ey chart test isn’t it what
- 11:05 | about the one on the right 2K uh yeah
- 11:09 | Yankee foxr 70 x-ray Hotel Lima so
- 11:12 | that’s without stabilization that’s at
- 11:15 | 32 M hour uh the other one was at 31 m
- 11:19 | hour so they’re the same speed okay the
- 11:22 | one on the left is probably slightly uh
- 11:25 | later in the day so lower sunlight which
- 11:28 | does affect the picture quality for sure
- 11:31 | but on this time the 2K at 30 with no
- 11:34 | stabilization that is actually giv a
- 11:36 | better
- 11:37 | result but what about at nighttime
- 11:42 | daytime the inov K7 that’s currently at
- 11:49 | 1080 resolution 30 frames per second
- 11:53 | with the E Eis
- 11:56 | stabilization on
- 11:59 | so this is us we’re in somewhere with no
- 12:01 | street lights at all so this is Pitch
- 12:03 | Black other
- 12:05 | than the 1300
- 12:08 | GS
- 12:10 | [Music]
- 12:11 | headlights so let’s go up here so this
- 12:15 | is a real bumpy back road now the S Pros
- 12:19 | have um low light stabilization feature
- 12:22 | so they’re
- 12:23 | stabilized how does the inov look I mean
- 12:27 | the inov it’s entire dependent really on
- 12:30 | its mounting I think
- 12:32 | personally I’ve got the rear camera
- 12:34 | mounted where everyone will normally put
- 12:36 | that or just uh above the rear indicator
- 12:40 | and I’ve mounted the front underneath
- 12:42 | the front beak because on the
- 12:44 | 1300 there’s nowhere really suitable to
- 12:48 | mount it you could use
- 12:51 | the sticky uh 3M pad I suppose to stick
- 12:56 | it on the beak on the top
- 12:59 | but it’s fairly in yourf face I quite
- 13:02 | like the almost covert nature of
- 13:05 | sticking it underneath this is just a
- 13:07 | little bit of Motorway riding how is it
- 13:10 | with number
- 13:12 | plates how are we doing there can we uh
- 13:14 | if we pause can we see everything okay
- 13:17 | what about in the rear cam is that
- 13:19 | picking up number plates
- 13:22 | okay do we get glow off any of my rear
- 13:25 | lights what about if I hit the
- 13:27 | indicators
- 13:29 | there anything showing on
- 13:32 | that I’ll be hitting my Brak soon as we
- 13:35 | come towards the roundabout how does the
- 13:38 | front look with the headlights and the
- 13:40 | spots actually I’ve got spots on this as
- 13:42 | well how does it
- 13:45 | look okay so we just indicate right into
- 13:48 | the into lane
- 13:51 | two so coming up to the roundabout now
- 13:56 | breaking how is that on the rear C
- 13:58 | camera
- 14:00 | and then there’s some indicator as
- 14:04 | well coming off here left indicator how
- 14:07 | is that looking it’s off
- 14:11 | now more streight lights here how is
- 14:16 | that how are we doing there all good
- 14:20 | what I’ll try next is I want to try um
- 14:23 | not only the inov back at
- 14:27 | 2.7k but also want to try the microphone
- 14:32 | for the inov as well see how that
- 14:37 | sounds back to recording 2.7 at 30 on
- 14:41 | inov
- 14:42 | K7 2.7 at 30 on the insta Ace Pros front
- 14:47 | and rear in low
- 14:50 | light now I’ve also got the inov
- 14:54 | mic up in my lid so this is me talking
- 14:58 | on the the inov mic uh how does that
- 15:02 | sound how’s everyone
- 15:04 | doing and this is me talking on the uh
- 15:08 | insta S pro La mic how does that sound
- 15:12 | how’s everyone
- 15:14 | doing okay turn into little back road
- 15:18 | again same back road as before there’s
- 15:20 | no straight lights here at all none
- 15:24 | whatsoever so how are both cameras
- 15:26 | coping obviously the inov the K7 no
- 15:29 | longer has the Eis stabilization
- 15:33 | feature but it’s now 2.7k resolution
- 15:37 | rather than 1080 is there any difference
- 15:40 | either in stabilization
- 15:43 | or in camera quality and picture quality
- 15:46 | tell me tell me what you
- 15:48 | think okay there we go we’re just coming
- 15:52 | back
- 15:54 | out onto some Motorway there some
- 15:56 | overhead lights
- 15:59 | difference does it make then between
- 16:00 | stabilized and unstabilized 1080
- 16:04 | 2.7 at night what’s it
- 16:14 | like so this is currently at level one
- 16:18 | again 50 mph let me let me just wake out
- 16:22 | to here get up to Motorway speeds all
- 16:25 | right so that’s us at Motorway speeds
- 16:27 | how does that sound what’s the it like
- 16:30 | what does the inov sound like can it
- 16:32 | cope with this sort of uh level of wind
- 16:35 | turbulence lovely glorious British
- 16:38 | summer weather here awesome is it just
- 16:42 | the way to go into June
- 16:44 | fantastic my car F ride’s going all
- 16:47 | green now no I’m not dyslexic folks I’ve
- 16:50 | not got one of those filters on it the
- 16:53 | uh screen’s just gone on the blink it’s
- 16:55 | about 2 weeks old 3 weeks old only to uh
- 17:00 | contact the seller on Amazon where I
- 17:02 | bought it okay so what was that audio
- 17:05 | like how did that work I’m going to just
- 17:10 | change the audio up to level
- 17:14 | five give me two ticks and I’ll
- 17:17 | do just
- 17:20 | that okay helmet cut the so you can hear
- 17:25 | there the only real usable Audio Level
- 17:28 | for me on the in of K7 is at level one
- 17:31 | the quietest one don’t be fooled by
- 17:33 | testing it in your garage or when you’re
- 17:35 | stationary because level two sometimes
- 17:37 | even level three can sound fine the
- 17:39 | second you start moving and you get the
- 17:41 | ambient wind noise and things like that
- 17:43 | all the the volume levels go to pot so
- 17:46 | test it whilst you’re actually riding if
- 17:49 | you’re going to put that mic up into
- 17:50 | your lid if it’s just going under the
- 17:52 | seat to capture engine noise or uh you
- 17:55 | know ambient noise when you’re on the
- 17:57 | bike then definitely itely level two you
- 18:00 | can get away with ish it’s probably
- 18:02 | better for picking up any vocals that
- 18:05 | are said when the bike is stationary but
- 18:08 | if it’s going up into your lid I would
- 18:10 | strongly suggest level one okay what
- 18:13 | about that remote how do you walk the
- 18:15 | remote when you’re on the bike funny you
- 18:17 | [Music]
- 18:21 | that okay I’ll just push the button on
- 18:24 | the remote which should log this section
- 18:27 | so that’s how you do it you just push
- 18:29 | the silver button and you can see that
- 18:30 | the green video camera is now flashing
- 18:34 | GPS is solid so that shows we’ve got a
- 18:37 | full GPS signal the Wi-Fi blue Wi-Fi uh
- 18:41 | that is flashing at the moment cuz I’m
- 18:43 | not connected to my
- 18:45 | phone so once you’ve got those files how
- 18:47 | do you access those files well you have
- 18:49 | to go into the app you open up the app
- 18:51 | you find the file that you want and then
- 18:52 | you could download that to your device
- 18:55 | now this is real time on here this is
- 18:58 | actually how long it took to download it
- 19:01 | way quicker than the K5 was and the K3
- 19:04 | much much quicker really easy to use and
- 19:07 | that’s it and that then just gets saved
- 19:09 | into your uh phone’s photo album so how
- 19:13 | does the inov K7 how does that compare
- 19:16 | to some of its competition or some of
- 19:18 | its predecessors well I’ve had the C5
- 19:21 | I’ve had the K2 the K3 and the K5 so
- 19:24 | I’ve got some comparisons here between
- 19:26 | the K3 and the K5 systems have a look
- 19:29 | see what you think so you can see the
- 19:31 | k7s on the left the K3 is over on the
- 19:35 | right K7 is at 2K K3 is at 1080 both are
- 19:40 | at 30 frames per second but there’s a
- 19:42 | clear difference there clear Improvement
- 19:44 | K7 is definitely way better this is the
- 19:47 | K7 and the K5 K5 is a 4K system K7 is 2K
- 19:52 | both at 30 frames per second again I
- 19:55 | think uh I I think the coloring is
- 19:58 | better in the K7 but there’s not that
- 20:00 | much of a difference there now I just
- 20:02 | chucked this one in because I had I have
- 20:04 | reviewed that techic dc1 that was the
- 20:07 | little helmet camera that has two lenses
- 20:09 | one fac in the front one face in the
- 20:11 | back uh it’s very basic image on this
- 20:14 | bit of an unfair comparison to be honest
- 20:16 | K7 is 2K the dc1 that’s 1080 but here we
- 20:21 | go have a little look I mean there’s
- 20:23 | clear differences there in my opinion K7
- 20:25 | wins that hands down next up the chies
- 20:29 | now obviously the chies are taking the
- 20:31 | BMW World by storm at the moment
- 20:33 | everyone seems to be getting them fitted
- 20:35 | they are the chies if you’re not
- 20:37 | familiar they do a dash cam option with
- 20:40 | integrated screen which then has Android
- 20:43 | and Apple carplay featured in it so you
- 20:46 | can then stream or screencast whatever
- 20:49 | you call it your uh navigation whatever
- 20:52 | using Google Maps way Coto lots of other
- 20:56 | different ones you can cast that up onto
- 20:58 | the
- 20:59 | uh LCD screen and that’s it up there
- 21:02 | like a dash on your bike so what’s the
- 21:04 | quality of their dash cam systems so a
- 21:07 | massive thanks to Adventure Brett advore
- 21:10 | Brett here from Instagram Brett’s down
- 21:12 | in uh in Oz and he gave me some files
- 21:15 | from his system just to have a little
- 21:17 | comparison so obviously this is the K7
- 21:19 | here let’s put the two of them side by
- 21:21 | side and have a look chiggy is 1080 30
- 21:24 | the K7 is 2K at 30 obviously Oz is much
- 21:28 | better lighting it’s bright Sunshine
- 21:30 | down there but if we pause both of these
- 21:32 | and have a little look I’d say they’re
- 21:34 | fairly comparable there there not too
- 21:36 | much in that probably the K7 is easier
- 21:39 | to read but then kind of unfair cuz it’s
- 21:42 | a blue background with white writing
- 21:44 | massive thanks Brett thanks for giving
- 21:45 | us that over on to Pete English now
- 21:48 | Pete’s giving me uh his chiggy files
- 21:52 | that’s Peter brownsmith doing something
- 21:53 | to a bag uh again both uh 30 frames per
- 21:57 | second chiggy again is only
- 22:00 | 1080 both are 30 frames per second but
- 22:03 | the chiggy is only 1080 whereas the K7
- 22:06 | that’s 2K K7 image is definitely just
- 22:09 | that little bit clearer a little bit
- 22:11 | sharper but again there’s not a huge
- 22:14 | amount in it to be perfectly
- 22:16 | honest the K7 the inol K7 dash cam
- 22:20 | system that’s retailing for
- 22:24 | 32995 let’s have a look what is the
- 22:26 | chiggy going
- 22:27 | for so the chiggy here in the UK that’s
- 22:31 | currently going
- 22:34 | four
- 22:37 | 47995 to
- 22:41 | 52690 including that let’s just look for
- 22:44 | the built-in storage because you don’t
- 22:46 | get an SD card with the inov uh what is
- 22:49 | that going for £
- 22:50 | 47995 so that’s for the dash cams and
- 22:54 | the screen which has the integrated
- 22:56 | Apple carplay uh and Android whatever
- 22:59 | Android is so you get a little bit more
- 23:01 | for the chiggy but it is only 1080
- 23:03 | resolution and as we’ve seen I think the
- 23:05 | K7 beats that in terms of image quality
- 23:08 | so what are my final thoughts on it um I
- 23:11 | definitely recommend you have a dash cam
- 23:13 | system of some kind on your bike this
- 23:16 | day and age first thing Insurance asks
- 23:18 | if there’s any issue at all involving
- 23:20 | another car they’ll ask is there CCTV
- 23:22 | generally so it’s good to have it there
- 23:25 | K3 system is great uh the K5 system
- 23:30 | again that’s great but it’s quite hard
- 23:32 | to mount because of that big front
- 23:33 | camera uh this K7 sort Best of Both
- 23:36 | Worlds it’s the same form sort of
- 23:38 | features of the K3 with the two smaller
- 23:41 | cameras and the DVR module in the middle
- 23:44 | and it’s 2K resolution you can stabilize
- 23:47 | it obviously at the 1080 but does that
- 23:49 | make that much of a difference it really
- 23:51 | depends on the lighting at the time and
- 23:54 | to be honest we’ve got no control over
- 23:56 | that do we cuz it could be a beautiful
- 23:58 | bright sunny day out there but the
- 23:59 | actual incident might happen inside a
- 24:01 | tunnel or under an underpass or under
- 24:03 | some trees or something like that so uh
- 24:07 | K7 at the moment I would say is the best
- 24:09 | one out the range uh for inov themselves
- 24:12 | watch this space though because inov are
- 24:16 | soon to be releasing in fact it looks
- 24:18 | like it’s even released now the N1 which
- 24:21 | is basically going to be their version
- 24:23 | of the chiggy and have a look at that
- 24:27 | £334 95 I am not sponsored by inol at
- 24:31 | all the channel used to be but we’re not
- 24:34 | anymore okay 1080 as well so same as a
- 24:37 | chiggy basically looks identical to the
- 24:39 | the chiggy but over 100 quid cheaper
- 24:42 | I’ve just noticed the m1’s got a parking
- 24:44 | monitor did I mention the parking mode
- 24:46 | on the K7 I don’t think I did but it’s
- 24:48 | the same as the K3 and the K5 got
- 24:50 | parking mode which you can switch on and
- 24:52 | off I would keep it switched on if IOU
- 24:55 | basically it just monitors the bike
- 24:56 | while you’re away so any sort of
- 24:58 | movement of your bike will automatically
- 25:00 | wake up the uh dash cam system and as
- 25:03 | long as the culprits move in front of
- 25:06 | either the front or the rear camera
- 25:08 | you’ve got them if you fancy getting
- 25:10 | your hands on the inov K7 then make sure
- 25:12 | you check out the inov website whether
- 25:14 | the UK one or the Doom version both
- 25:18 | links will be down below tell them to
- 25:20 | put1 sent you you used to get a discount
- 25:22 | I’m not sure if you still do but details
- 25:24 | will be down below big thanks to ino for
- 25:27 | supplying the case 7 unit for test folks
- 25:30 | hope you’ve enjoyed this video let me
- 25:32 | know in the comments down below don’t
- 25:33 | forget to like to share don’t forget to
- 25:35 | subscribe if you haven’t already tell
- 25:37 | all your friends about the channel keep
- 25:39 | looking after those that you love get on
- 25:41 | out there whenever you can but most
- 25:43 | importantly most importantly live your
- 25:47 | life wooa