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- 0:00 | hello folks a dash cam review for you
- 0:02 | today but this is a bit of a different
- 0:03 | one this is an AI dash cam um it’s
- 0:06 | called the eyes and it’s from AO and
- 0:09 | it’s called a bionic AI Dash Canam we’re
- 0:11 | going to do a little unboxing in a
- 0:13 | second but the AI thing comes in because
- 0:15 | it’s got lots of driver assistance and
- 0:18 | safety things that are prevalent in
- 0:21 | brand new cars but not so much in
- 0:24 | slightly older cars now you can have
- 0:26 | those on or off you can have them making
- 0:29 | a sound or not making a sound um they
- 0:31 | can just do visual alerts and things
- 0:33 | like that but it’s things like um
- 0:35 | fatigue alerts for the driver Lane
- 0:37 | departure warning pedestrian assist so
- 0:41 | if a pedestrian walks across the front
- 0:42 | of the car it will make you aware so
- 0:45 | that hopefully you don’t run anyone over
- 0:47 | um rear Collision assist so if
- 0:49 | something’s really close to the back of
- 0:51 | the car it will pick all that up for you
- 0:54 | um lots of useful stuff like that it’s
- 0:57 | also got two lenses so let’s have a look
- 1:00 | at that during the unboxing the idea
- 1:02 | there is you’ve got one wide angle lens
- 1:04 | and one telephoto lens so that you can
- 1:07 | get really good detail from that
- 1:09 | telephoto but the wide angle still
- 1:11 | delivers a really nice uh field of view
- 1:14 | so you can get as much information and
- 1:16 | data in as possible but that telephoto
- 1:19 | will give you the detail for things like
- 1:22 | registration plates now it’s a bit of a
- 1:24 | Mucky day outside today a bit gray and
- 1:27 | dull so um for the actual test footage
- 1:30 | I’m going to go out now kind of this
- 1:32 | afternoon since I’ve done the unboxing
- 1:34 | and get some footage of that and then
- 1:36 | we’re also going to do some footage at
- 1:38 | night so we can see how it performs in
- 1:40 | the dark and see how much glare and
- 1:43 | stuff you get from it um The lenses in
- 1:45 | this are very good the uh Sony starvis 2
- 1:48 | lenses and the rear camera has got
- 1:52 | 154° uh viewing angle so that’s quite
- 1:55 | wide for a rear camera okay so let’s
- 1:57 | start the unboxing uh first thing to
- 1:59 | show you
- 2:00 | is there
- 2:03 | is a hard wiring kit here so if you’re
- 2:06 | that way inclined and you want to keep
- 2:08 | all your cabling as tucked away and
- 2:11 | discreet as possible it does come with a
- 2:13 | proper hard wiring kit I would strongly
- 2:15 | suggest you get someone that knows what
- 2:17 | they’re doing to do this it’s not the
- 2:19 | most complex thing in the world but if
- 2:21 | you get it wrong you could set fire to
- 2:24 | your car so get that done properly folks
- 2:26 | um but hard wiring kit is there should
- 2:28 | you want it
- 2:31 | okay we’ve then got a couple of
- 2:34 | boxes within this box you actually get
- 2:37 | some electrostatic film um for mounting
- 2:40 | on your wind screen before you mount
- 2:42 | this so that should make life a bit
- 2:44 | easier if you ever want to remove it
- 2:46 | because this 3M uh sticky stuff that
- 2:49 | they use on these things is very very
- 2:52 | solid and it does a great job of keeping
- 2:54 | the camera nice and firm and in place
- 2:57 | but it can be quite difficult to get off
- 2:59 | when the the time comes um so there we
- 3:01 | go you can immediately see we’ve got the
- 3:04 | two lenses at the front so that is your
- 3:06 | telephoto lens and your wide angle lens
- 3:09 | on the back you’ve got a 4in screen or a
- 3:12 | 3.99 in screen which all looks nice that
- 3:16 | is a full touch screen um there’s a
- 3:18 | button on the side here for if anything
- 3:20 | happens say you’re involved in an
- 3:21 | accident and you want to store that
- 3:23 | information you just hit that button and
- 3:24 | it will store it for you uh and we’ve
- 3:27 | got I guess a power button on the side
- 3:29 | here here so that all looks quite nice
- 3:31 | you can see the power goes into the unit
- 3:34 | there um I’m going to be using a 12vt
- 3:37 | plug because I’m just doing this as a
- 3:39 | temporary fix in my car um but if you’re
- 3:42 | doing this permanently that’s where your
- 3:43 | hard wiring kit would Mount into the
- 3:45 | actual device that the CA in would then
- 3:48 | go up into the headliner and around the
- 3:50 | trim of the car so it should give you a
- 3:52 | really nice neat fix um in here I dare
- 3:57 | say we’ve got the 12vt
- 4:00 | connector and some other bits of
- 4:03 | loveliness uh we’ve got a couple of
- 4:05 | little adapters there if you want to
- 4:06 | mount it in a different
- 4:08 | way there is a USB a to USBC cable and
- 4:13 | another USB a to USBC
- 4:16 | cable some more sticky
- 4:19 | pads and
- 4:21 | finally you’ve guessed it the 12vt USB
- 4:25 | adapter for your cigarette lighter in
- 4:28 | the car so that that’s all good we’ve
- 4:30 | then got the rear camera in this box
- 4:33 | actually no we don’t we’ve got um the
- 4:35 | power cable so this is obviously a USBC
- 4:38 | extension cable and the camera I’m
- 4:41 | assuming will be in this
- 4:44 | box and there we
- 4:47 | go so this is the USB cable that’s
- 4:50 | connected to the rear view camera
- 4:52 | there’s another sticky pad for that
- 4:53 | review camera there is the camera
- 4:56 | itself and then we’ve got another single
- 4:59 | wire I’m guessing that goes to your um
- 5:02 | brake uh reversing light so the car
- 5:04 | knows when you’re reversing but I could
- 5:06 | be completely and utterly wrong with
- 5:08 | that let’s just take the lens cover off
- 5:11 | and there we go one thing that strikes
- 5:13 | you immediately is that these are both
- 5:16 | fairly Hefty and very very good build
- 5:19 | quality obviously with the reversing
- 5:21 | camera you can twist that so you can get
- 5:23 | the perfect viewing angle for your
- 5:25 | particular car and that will differ
- 5:27 | depending on sort of how this is mounted
- 5:29 | and how much of a slope you have on your
- 5:32 | rear window um but they both feel really
- 5:34 | heavy and chunky and well built um there
- 5:37 | is an SD card socket here and you can
- 5:41 | see a microphone here on the main camera
- 5:44 | so I will be putting an SD card into
- 5:46 | that it’s going to be a Micro SD they
- 5:48 | haven’t supplied me with an SD card so
- 5:50 | you need to add that to your shopping
- 5:51 | list and I assume it will just overwrite
- 5:54 | itself every time it gets full um apart
- 5:57 | from the information that you store by
- 5:59 | pressing the uh the lock or keep button
- 6:02 | so let’s go and get this mounted up in
- 6:04 | the car I’m going to do a really
- 6:06 | temporary job of that because you know
- 6:08 | this this is not going to be a permanent
- 6:10 | uh fixture in my car this is in for
- 6:13 | review I do a lot of the dash cam
- 6:14 | reviews so I’m going to do a fairly
- 6:16 | temporary fix of it in the car and then
- 6:18 | we’ll go out and get the sample footage
- 6:20 | and I’ll put a voice over over the
- 6:22 | sample footage when I come to edit it
- 6:24 | later because obviously at the time I’m
- 6:26 | driving around I’m going to be looking
- 6:28 | at the road and not at this now they
- 6:30 | have sent me this unit for review um
- 6:33 | it’s on a Kickstarter at the moment and
- 6:35 | I’ll put a link to that Kickstarter in
- 6:37 | the video description I think it works
- 6:38 | out around about 200 quid at the moment
- 6:41 | so click that link and have a look um I
- 6:44 | have sent me this for review I don’t
- 6:45 | have to say anything nice about it this
- 6:47 | is my complete open and honest opinion
- 6:50 | and I can assure you nothing more than
- 6:53 | that so here we are with the
- 6:54 | forward-facing camera this is in wide
- 6:57 | angle lens mode just going to look at
- 6:59 | this fan as it approaches you can’t see
- 7:01 | a great amount of detail we’ve gone on
- 7:02 | the other lens mode now and you can see
- 7:05 | lots more detail much closer picture and
- 7:09 | you can make out those registration
- 7:11 | plates at least a lot better on that
- 7:14 | close-up lens than with the wide angle
- 7:16 | so we’re back on the wide angle again
- 7:18 | now um really good picture quality
- 7:21 | generally I would say but when you get
- 7:23 | onto the telephoto look at this just how
- 7:25 | much more detail we get on this pickup
- 7:28 | truck ahead
- 7:30 | look at that I mean that is absolute
- 7:32 | Clarity you can see everything really
- 7:36 | really well I mean that’s a fantastic
- 7:39 | quality picture In fairness and if we
- 7:42 | just cut between the two lenses I think
- 7:44 | that really does stand out now we’re
- 7:48 | just going to go from wide angle to
- 7:49 | telephoto again here just to so you can
- 7:53 | see the difference in everything the
- 7:55 | quality of picture is so much better on
- 7:56 | that telephoto but look at this this is
- 7:58 | the wide angle
- 8:00 | I’m just trying to read the registration
- 8:01 | number on those cars there and now look
- 8:04 | at it on the telephoto you know you’ve
- 8:07 | got a much better chance of being able
- 8:09 | to pick up that Vital Information with
- 8:11 | that second camera but of course without
- 8:14 | the wide anle you’d sometimes Miss some
- 8:16 | of the other detail that’s going on
- 8:18 | maybe oun shot of this one so it does
- 8:21 | seem like a really sensible design and
- 8:24 | one that I don’t think I’ve seen before
- 8:27 | pretty impressive stuff now just some
- 8:29 | sample footage uh from the cameras at
- 8:32 | night um I’m also just going to leave a
- 8:34 | bit of the background audio here for
- 8:41 | you just so you can hear how well the
- 8:44 | device picks it up I am in an electric
- 8:45 | car so there’s not a great deal of noise
- 8:48 | um but you can see the microphone is
- 8:49 | fairly sensitive and does a good job of
- 8:52 | picking up noise from within the
- 8:54 | car now funnily enough I actually think
- 8:57 | the image from the wideangle lens is
- 9:00 | better at night than on the telephoto
- 9:02 | here’s an example of it
- 9:04 | here you can see a bit more digital
- 9:07 | noise from the telephoto lens and the
- 9:10 | wideangle lens actually retains quite a
- 9:13 | lot of its Clarity and you get a much
- 9:15 | cleaner picture let’s just look at this
- 9:17 | car here obviously at night you get some
- 9:19 | dazzling from light sources uh that’s
- 9:22 | often helped by polarizing filter um but
- 9:25 | you can see the telephoto lens on this
- 9:27 | one although it comes in much closer we
- 9:29 | can’t really make out the registration
- 9:31 | plate and you’ve probably got a better
- 9:33 | chance of reading that registration
- 9:35 | plate on the wide angle lens um although
- 9:38 | you know there is still a bit of glare
- 9:40 | that a polarizing filter might help to
- 9:44 | counteract overall though a more than
- 9:47 | acceptable nighttime performance and a
- 9:50 | really quite fantastic daytime
- 9:52 | performance from this forward-facing
- 9:55 | camera now we’ve got the rear facing
- 9:58 | footage um bit oversaturated with color
- 10:01 | but very bright very bold perfectly
- 10:03 | clear um no issues with this whatsoever
- 10:06 | really um we’re not looking to make a
- 10:09 | movie with this footage it’s there to
- 10:11 | give you evidence if someone drives into
- 10:13 | the back of you and I think you’ll
- 10:14 | probably agree that this is more than
- 10:16 | adequate for the job at hand so thumbs
- 10:19 | up on the rear-facing camera as
- 10:21 | well so I’ve just logged into the app
- 10:23 | I’m sharing the screen with you now um
- 10:27 | if we go into camera files
- 10:29 | you’ll see it’s got everything um that’s
- 10:33 | stored in the camera so all my previous
- 10:35 | trips and everything so that’s quite
- 10:38 | nice and handy uh they look easy enough
- 10:40 | to access my internet connections pants
- 10:42 | here um so I’m using the Wi-Fi from in
- 10:44 | the house and I’m outside of it but
- 10:47 | there you go that’s quick enough and
- 10:48 | clear enough I think and then you’ve
- 10:50 | also got the live picture that’s coming
- 10:53 | from the camera right now and if you
- 10:55 | want you can also take a snapshot from
- 10:58 | it and that saves as a photo so that’s
- 11:01 | great you can also get into the camera
- 11:03 | settings go through everything there I
- 11:05 | must say that from the dash cam apps
- 11:07 | that I’ve used in the past this is one
- 11:10 | of the more intuitive and one of the
- 11:12 | most simple it’s just really
- 11:14 | straightforward and there’s not a lot of
- 11:15 | fluff involved and I think it it
- 11:17 | benefits because of it so yeah it’s a
- 11:20 | big thumbs up on the app now it’s time
- 11:22 | to test those AI functions very
- 11:25 | difficult to film this and my camera
- 11:26 | just seemed destined to focus on
- 11:28 | anything but the but you get the idea
- 11:30 | here front car starting so that’s the AI
- 11:34 | warning to tell me that the car in
- 11:36 | front’s pulled away at the traffic
- 11:37 | lights uh that could be useful if you’re
- 11:40 | otherwise distracted so safe in the
- 11:42 | knowledge that I’d trigger something in
- 11:44 | this car park I’ve come around the
- 11:47 | corner here watch out for
- 11:49 | pedestrians and there we go could be
- 11:52 | very useful could possibly save a life
- 11:56 | now I just had the settings for AI
- 11:58 | functions the driver
- 11:59 | assist functions uh set to medium
- 12:02 | sensitivity if you turn it down to low
- 12:04 | it goes off far less often if you turn
- 12:06 | it up to high surprisingly enough it
- 12:08 | goes off more often you can also adjust
- 12:11 | the volume of alerts and all that kind
- 12:13 | of stuff so um it you don’t have to have
- 12:15 | it as a distraction and you can turn any
- 12:17 | of those features on and off it’s really
- 12:19 | quite impressive so there we go folks
- 12:21 | what did you think of the dash cam if
- 12:23 | you liked it and you want to find out a
- 12:25 | bit more click that link in the video
- 12:27 | description and it will take you to the
- 12:29 | Kickstarter where you can read up on it
- 12:31 | a bit more and indeed order one if you’d
- 12:33 | like to hope you’ve enjoyed the video my
- 12:36 | honest opinion as always in this one
- 12:39 | please give the video a thumbs up please
- 12:40 | subscribe to the channel and please
- 12:42 | consider becoming a channel member
- 12:44 | thanks have so much for watching folks
- 12:46 | I’ll see you on the next one huge thanks
- 12:48 | to all my channel members for your
- 12:49 | continued support I really do appreciate
- 12:51 | it