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- 0:00 | hello and welcome back to the channel
- 0:02 | now thinkware have sent me their u3000
- 0:05 | dash cam that is the latest in dash cam
- 0:08 | technology this is not just a 4K Ultra
- 0:11 | HD front dash cam it’s packed with so
- 0:13 | many more features that includes safety
- 0:16 | camera alert that will let you know if
- 0:18 | you’re going into a Zone where there’s
- 0:19 | known to be a mobile speed camera or
- 0:22 | you’re coming up to some fixed cameras
- 0:24 | this will let you know just to make sure
- 0:26 | that you’re not going a little bit too
- 0:27 | fast plus it’s got a radar built into
- 0:30 | the front of this that means that if
- 0:31 | you’re in a car park and somebody hits
- 0:33 | your car walks in front of it it will
- 0:35 | switch on and it will capture that exact
- 0:38 | moment not just that it has super night
- 0:41 | vision and a Drivin assist system this
- 0:44 | is full with so much technology but it’s
- 0:46 | been sent to me for an 11 out of 10
- 0:49 | review that will include unboxing
- 0:50 | installation and a real well test so
- 0:53 | let’s cue the
- 0:56 | [Music]
- 0:58 | intro
- 1:00 | [Music]
- 1:04 | let’s start with the great unboxing the
- 1:07 | packaging feels good quality and well
- 1:09 | printed Inside the Box the first thing
- 1:11 | you’ll see is the u3000 dash cam this
- 1:15 | feels really high quality and wellmade
- 1:19 | there is a selection of buttons that
- 1:20 | seem easy to press and you’ve got all
- 1:22 | your connections for your wires on the
- 1:24 | top and it already comes with a 64 gig
- 1:27 | SD card what’s plenty of space to
- 1:29 | capture to all of your footage you’ll
- 1:31 | find a generous power lead that will
- 1:33 | plug straight into your cigarette
- 1:34 | lighter and into the back with plenty of
- 1:36 | cable to run and hide out of the way
- 1:39 | also you get this hardwired cable that
- 1:42 | again is really generous it comes with a
- 1:45 | nice sturdy trim tool a hard plastic
- 1:47 | windscreen mount with a 3M sticker also
- 1:50 | you get a heat blocking film that will
- 1:52 | stop your device from getting super hot
- 1:54 | in the sunshine plus a spare 3M sticky
- 1:57 | pad three cable clips to make your weing
- 2:00 | a nice easy tidy job the user manual is
- 2:03 | well printed in depth and easy to read
- 2:05 | and that’s everything you’ll find in the
- 2:07 | box now it’s time to move on to
- 2:09 | installation the first thing to do is
- 2:11 | take your SD card and put it into your
- 2:13 | u3000 attach your Moun plate remove the
- 2:16 | sticky pad make sure your wind screen is
- 2:18 | clear and with a firm push put it into
- 2:20 | the location you wish your dash cam to
- 2:22 | be next take your power cable plug it in
- 2:25 | u3000 hide the cables behind your sun
- 2:28 | visor use use the trim tool to hide it
- 2:31 | behind the pillar and then just run the
- 2:33 | rest of the cable underneath the carpet
- 2:36 | and plug it into your cigarette lighter
- 2:38 | please have a safe drive today with
- 2:40 | installation complete now it’s time to
- 2:43 | download and install the app I’d really
- 2:45 | recommend going to the website and
- 2:47 | watching the video because there’s two
- 2:48 | apps to install in the correct order for
- 2:50 | it to work you will need a Wi-Fi hotspot
- 2:53 | on your phone will be parked close
- 2:55 | enough to a Wi-Fi signal to be able to
- 2:58 | complete registration and set up to
- 3:00 | unlock all the features of your device
- 3:02 | with all that complete it’s now time for
- 3:05 | the real world test as you can see
- 3:07 | straight away the great image quality
- 3:10 | from this 4K Ultra HD Camera it’s got a
- 3:14 | Sony staras 2 sensor what really brings
- 3:18 | out this crisp quality as you can see
- 3:20 | the person crossing the road and all the
- 3:22 | detail that you can pick up clearly
- 3:24 | seeing all the number plates and the
- 3:26 | vehicles as they go by once you’re out
- 3:28 | moving you can can see as well that
- 3:30 | there is no motion blur at all from the
- 3:33 | camera that gives you that real crisp
- 3:35 | image what’s really important when it
- 3:37 | comes down to dash cams CU what you can
- 3:38 | find with some of the cheaper ones is
- 3:39 | you get that slight blur and you’re not
- 3:41 | able to recognize pause or check the
- 3:43 | footage out to get the information that
- 3:45 | you need later now I want to test out
- 3:47 | the smart parking recording this is done
- 3:50 | via the radar on the front so if any
- 3:52 | movements detected on the front of your
- 3:55 | car it will capture the image to say for
- 3:57 | instance one of these cars in the spaces
- 3:59 | in front reverse back hit my car I would
- 4:02 | have the actual footage from as soon as
- 4:05 | it detected movement this is such a nice
- 4:08 | feature for peace of mind to know that
- 4:10 | you’re never going to miss an incident
- 4:12 | if for any reason you’re worried about
- 4:14 | your battery while using parking mode
- 4:16 | you really don’t need to because within
- 4:17 | the settings you can set up the voltage
- 4:20 | that means that it will smartly turn the
- 4:22 | device off if it gets under that voltage
- 4:24 | that means your vehicle will have no
- 4:26 | power problems when you’re trying to
- 4:28 | start it whatsoever ever this is what
- 4:31 | the audio sounds like from inside the
- 4:34 | vehicle so if you were for instance to
- 4:36 | have an accident or a crash and somebody
- 4:38 | came to your window like a police
- 4:40 | officer to give you some information or
- 4:42 | say the person that’s pumped into your
- 4:44 | car to give you some information and
- 4:46 | apologize for hitting your vehicle
- 4:48 | you’ll capture every single piece of
- 4:51 | audio what means that you can use that
- 4:54 | to get your case proven that it wasn’t
- 4:56 | your fault another really good and
- 4:59 | unique feature to the
- 5:01 | u3000 is the safety camera alert so as
- 5:04 | you’re going down the road if you enter
- 5:05 | a known area for a mobile speed camera
- 5:08 | or fixed camera you will get an audible
- 5:11 | warning mobile speed camera Zone this
- 5:14 | dash cam also has super night vision
- 5:18 | what this means is it brings in more
- 5:19 | light into the camera so you’ll get a
- 5:22 | better picture as you can see from this
- 5:24 | example I’m actually driving in really
- 5:27 | bad rainy weather on a very dark Street
- 5:30 | and you’re able to take all this light
- 5:32 | coming into the camera so you shouldn’t
- 5:33 | Miss a Thing the u3000 also has a g
- 5:36 | sensor in it that means if it feels a
- 5:38 | slight jolt or difference in speed it
- 5:40 | will automatically capture the footage
- 5:43 | so if an accident was to happen there
- 5:44 | was an impact it knows to save that
- 5:46 | footage in a different file to make sure
- 5:49 | you don’t lose it also it comes equipped
- 5:51 | with a built-in GPS so what you can see
- 5:54 | down the bottom left of the screen is
- 5:55 | your GPS coordinates plus the speed that
- 5:58 | you’re traveling at and the the time and
- 6:00 | date now the easiest way to go back and
- 6:02 | look at any of the footage that you’ve
- 6:04 | recorded with your dash cam is via their
- 6:06 | app once you log on you can simply go
- 6:08 | back and you can review it and it even
- 6:11 | records it in minute long segment
- 6:13 | straight out of the box that means you
- 6:15 | can go back to the exact time and date
- 6:16 | to be able to see the footage that
- 6:19 | you’re looking for it also captures the
- 6:21 | exact route that you’ve taken and you
- 6:22 | can access again all this via the app
- 6:24 | and so much more what I’m going to do
- 6:26 | now is let you sit back and enjoy some
- 6:28 | of the aome footage this dash camera is
- 6:31 | able to pick up so you can take exactly
- 6:34 | how crisp and clear the footage
- 6:37 | [Music]
- 6:58 | is
- 6:59 | [Music]
- 7:09 | [Music]
- 7:19 | [Music]
- 7:28 | oh
- 7:30 | [Music]
- 7:50 | well I’m sure you’ll agreed that the
- 7:51 | think quare u3000 is something proper
- 7:54 | cool it’s full of so much technology now
- 7:57 | if you’re interested in buying this all
- 7:58 | the links that you need to pick one of
- 8:00 | these Up Is Down in the description with
- 8:02 | the latest discount code and if you’ve
- 8:04 | enjoyed this video please give it a
- 8:05 | thumbs up and if you want to see more on
- 8:07 | the latest te technology in the
- 8:09 | automotive space then please subscribe
- 8:11 | to this Channel and I will see you in
- 8:12 | the next video you take care bye-bye for
- 8:16 | [Applause]
- 8:17 | [Music]
- 8:22 | now just come thinking we’re in here up
- 8:26 | in clouds cuz there ain’t nobody else
- 8:29 | you