to Letโ€™s dive into it ๐ŸŒŠ Do you what does fps stands for? Submit your question to our Q&A

Are you ready to dive into the world of FPS? Do you know what FPS stands for? If you’re curious and have questions, you’re in the right place! Submit your questions to our Q&A and let’s explore the exciting world of FPS together.


Are you curious about Dash Cams and wondering what FPS stands for? Well, in this article, we will take an in-depth look at the important aspects of Dash Cams and FPS.

  1. What are Dash Cams?

Dash Cams, as the name suggests are small cameras that you mount on the dashboard of your car. These devices are designed to record the events that occur while you’re driving. Dash Cams have become increasingly popular in recent years because they provide drivers with a recording of their journey, which can be used as evidence in case of an accident.

  1. Why should you use a Dash Cam?

There are several reasons why you should consider using a Dash Cam. Firstly, it captures all the incidents while you’re driving, which is helpful in case of any road accidents as it provides evidence to establish fault and hold someone accountable. Secondly, Dash Cams can be helpful for fleet managers as they can monitor their drivers and avoid any mishaps. Lastly, it can be useful in your personal life as well by capturing any strange incidents, helping you keep memories of your trips, and identifying any suspicious near your car.

  1. Frame rates in Dash Cams

Frame rate, also known as FPS (frames per second), refers to the number of frames or pictures that a camera captures per second. When it comes to Dash Cams, there are two main frame rates that you should be aware of – 30 FPS and 60 FPS.

  1. 30 FPS vs 60 FPS

30 FPS is the standard frame rate for Dash Cams. This means the camera captures 30 individual photos within a second, layered closely together to form a video. While itโ€™s quite sufficient for most users, 60 FPS provides more details in high-speed situations.

60 FPS doubles the frames and captures more details in motion, which is why itโ€™s ideal for capturing fast-moving situations like car chases or races. It is also a better option if you’re using your Dash Cam for professional purposes, like recording travel or scenic drives, as it provides real and smooth motion effects.

  1. Choosing the right frame rate

Overall, choosing the frame rate to use depends on your preference and needs. If youโ€™re looking for a regular Dash Cam to record your daily commutes, then 30 FPS is likely to be enough. However, if you’re a professional driver or using the Dash Cam for professional purposes, you might want to consider 60 FPS. In the end, it all boils down to the kind of footage you want to capture.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. As an audience, can I submit my questions regarding Dash Cams?

Yes, you can! We always welcome questions from our audience. Simply post your questions in the comment section below, and we will try our best to answer them.

  1. Can I get a discount on purchasing from the official website of BlackboxMyCar?

Yes, you can avail of a 5% discount by using the code BBMCGRAM while purchasing from the official website of BlackboxMyCar.

  1. Can I get a discount on professional installation of my Dash Cam?

Yes, you can get a 15% discount on professional installation by messaging the team today.

  1. Which frame rate is standard in Dash Cams?

The standard frame rate in Dash Cams is 30 FPS.

  1. Which frame rate should I choose for my Dash Cam?

The frame rate you choose depends on your preference and needs. If you’re just looking for a basic Dash Cam to record your daily commutes, 30 FPS is enough. However, if you’re a professional driver or are using the Dash Cam for professional purposes, 60 FPS might be a better option.