What to look for when picking a dash camera for driving Uber and Lyft. This review is obviously limited to the 10 dash cameras that …
- 0:00 | I get asked all the time what my dash
- 0:02 | camera setup is and when I looked around
- 0:04 | YouTube I figured out why there’s not a
- 0:06 | lot of videos out there breaking down
- 0:08 | what exactly you need if you want to
- 0:10 | record inside the car I saw a lot of
- 0:12 | videos regarding forward-facing dash
- 0:15 | cameras but that’s not going to help you
- 0:16 | if you have a passenger in your car
- 0:18 | that’s acting a fool plus a lot of this
- 0:20 | comes down to personal preference so I
- 0:21 | wanted to make a video just explaining
- 0:23 | what it is that I look for when I’m
- 0:25 | looking for a camera that I can record
- 0:27 | inside my vehicle I’ve been using Dash
- 0:30 | camers religiously for shoot almost a
- 0:32 | decade now 95% of the content on my
- 0:35 | channel is dash cam footage so I’m very
- 0:37 | familiar with this equipment now I’m not
- 0:39 | going to waste your time talking about
- 0:40 | camera specs and image processors and
- 0:43 | what company owns what like this guy did
- 0:46 | the major player is Taiwanese fabulous
- 0:48 | semiconductor manufacturer novatech they
- 0:50 | also make camera s so’s like the nt96650
- 0:56 | look at these default folder structures
- 0:59 | okay nerd no for real that guy actually
- 1:01 | did an amazing job breaking everything
- 1:04 | down from a technical standpoint and if
- 1:06 | that’s the kind of information you’re
- 1:07 | looking for I’m going to link his video
- 1:09 | in the description but the short of it
- 1:10 | is most dash cameras are using pretty
- 1:12 | much the same technology and the
- 1:14 | differences in them has to come down
- 1:16 | with marketing that said there are
- 1:17 | functional features like the display or
- 1:19 | the mount that I’m going to talk about
- 1:21 | in this video that as an Uber and lift
- 1:23 | driver and somebody that likes to record
- 1:25 | in the car is very important to me and
- 1:27 | I’m going to start with the number one
- 1:29 | most important thing that everybody
- 1:31 | who’s interested in a dash camera needs
- 1:33 | to know and nobody ever seems to talk
- 1:35 | about and then after that I have a total
- 1:37 | of I think 10 dash cameras that I’m
- 1:39 | going to cover and I think it should be
- 1:41 | noted that even though I’ve been looking
- 1:43 | for dash camera sponsorship ever since
- 1:45 | the day that this channel was created
- 1:47 | not a single company out there has
- 1:49 | realized what a match made in heaven
- 1:51 | this would be so this video is not
- 1:53 | sponsored or biased in any way my
- 1:55 | opinion is not tainted by any company
- 1:57 | that wants me to say a certain thing
- 1:59 | after going through each dash camera
- 2:01 | that I have I’ll give my personal
- 2:02 | recommendation as well as a little
- 2:04 | moneysaving tip when shopping for dash
- 2:06 | camers the most important thing you want
- 2:09 | to look for when getting a dash camera
- 2:11 | that no one ever seems to mention and
- 2:13 | this goes for everybody not just Uber
- 2:15 | and lift drivers but anybody looking for
- 2:17 | a dash camera is the memory card unlike
- 2:20 | every girlfriend I’ve ever had I’m not
- 2:22 | going to lie to you just to make you
- 2:23 | feel better size does matter and here’s
- 2:27 | why almost every dash camera records on
- 2:29 | a loop honestly ly if you have a dash
- 2:30 | camera that doesn’t record on a loop I
- 2:32 | would suggest getting a new dash camera
- 2:34 | so when the memory card fills up it just
- 2:36 | goes back to the beginning and starts
- 2:38 | recording over the oldest footage so say
- 2:40 | you started driving Uber on Friday and
- 2:42 | then by Saturday night your memory card
- 2:44 | is full what it’s going to do is start
- 2:46 | recording the new footage over that
- 2:48 | Friday footage of course almost all dash
- 2:50 | cams give you the ability to lock a file
- 2:53 | and save it without going to your
- 2:55 | computer first but it’s an annoying
- 2:57 | process and on top of that every time
- 2:59 | you lock a file it takes up space on
- 3:01 | that memory card so if you lock up too
- 3:04 | many files you’re just not going to have
- 3:05 | room to record more videos on that note
- 3:08 | can we take a moment of silence for all
- 3:09 | the great pieces of content that I lost
- 3:12 | because I was using a 16 gig memory card
- 3:14 | and it got recorded over don’t be like
- 3:16 | me and Miss opportunities because it was
- 3:18 | too small that’s what she said of course
- 3:21 | the natural follow-up question of that
- 3:23 | is how long do different memory cards
- 3:25 | give you to record I can’t give you an
- 3:27 | exact number because it’s all based on
- 3:29 | the settings of your camera are you
- 3:31 | recording in 4k or 1080p or 5 minute
- 3:34 | Loops or one minute Loops if you’re
- 3:36 | using a rear camera or not so all these
- 3:38 | kind of things factor into it I will say
- 3:40 | when I did use a 16 gig memory card it
- 3:42 | gave me about 90 minutes when I used a
- 3:45 | 64 gig I was good for an entire night
- 3:47 | and 128 gig I was good for about a
- 3:50 | weekend and that’s being conservative
- 3:52 | right now I have a 256 gig card and if
- 3:55 | you guys saw the video where I work the
- 3:56 | entire week of Thanksgiving I used just
- 3:59 | that one single card during the making
- 4:01 | of that video and I still had room left
- 4:03 | over long story long avoid a 16 gig card
- 4:06 | like the plue and one of the first
- 4:08 | things I would do when I do get a dash
- 4:09 | camera and a memory card to go with it
- 4:11 | is take note of how long it takes until
- 4:13 | it fills up so if you know that you got
- 4:15 | 12 hours of space on your memory card
- 4:18 | and something in your car happens that
- 4:19 | you want to save just know that you
- 4:21 | better get to a computer before that 12
- 4:23 | hours is up otherwise make sure to lock
- 4:25 | the file you want to make sure whatever
- 4:27 | dash camera you do get is compatible
- 4:29 | with the memory card that you want to
- 4:31 | match it with okay so now that you know
- 4:33 | the most important thing about getting a
- 4:36 | dash camera the top two features that
- 4:38 | you’re going to want with a dash camera
- 4:40 | as an Uber lift driver above anything
- 4:42 | else is an interior cabin camera with
- 4:44 | infrared lights AKA night vision and
- 4:47 | also the ability to record audio but I
- 4:49 | would rather sit in the front though go
- 4:51 | for it wait smell my
- 4:54 | pants I’ll just uh they smell like fish
- 4:58 | that said be wary of the most popular
- 5:00 | Dash can recommendation I see all over
- 5:03 | the place I don’t know what it is people
- 5:05 | either love this thing or it’s the
- 5:07 | craziest marketing push in the world but
- 5:09 | that’s the a119 it’s only $99 and don’t
- 5:12 | get me wrong the video quality is great
- 5:14 | and the specs that come along with it as
- 5:16 | well the guy from that video earlier
- 5:18 | recommended I think it ranked on Forbes
- 5:20 | list as a number one and I was even
- 5:22 | super surprised to see lackluster
- 5:24 | recommended this as the best dash camera
- 5:26 | to get don’t get me wrong it’s a good
- 5:28 | dash camera but it’s forward facing only
- 5:30 | that’s why I was surprised that
- 5:31 | lackluster a Copwatch channel would
- 5:34 | recommend getting a dash camera that
- 5:36 | doesn’t record inside the car I mean the
- 5:38 | interior cabin camera is not only good
- 5:40 | for Uber and lift drivers when a rider
- 5:42 | is acting up but there are plenty other
- 5:44 | instances where the interior cabin
- 5:46 | camera can come in handy one of which
- 5:49 | being a cop saying that you were doing
- 5:51 | something that you were not and I swear
- 5:53 | this isn’t a Shameless self- plug I just
- 5:55 | got to shout out everybody who grabbed a
- 5:57 | copy of my book and knows how this part
- 5:59 | particular situation really hits home
- 6:02 | for me I just took my seat belt off as a
- 6:06 | habites yeah I just took this off just
- 6:08 | so you know I wasn’t driving without
- 6:12 | a huh that’s the reason you’re being no
- 6:15 | I just took it off so before we get to
- 6:17 | the options with interior cameras just
- 6:19 | for the sake of being thorough here’s
- 6:21 | the side by side of the three dash
- 6:23 | cameras I have that are only forward
- 6:25 | facing one is the $40 AR phase one is
- 6:29 | the the $100 highly touted a119 and the
- 6:33 | other is the $200 S1 Pro from vanre I
- 6:36 | will say the a119 as well as the S1 does
- 6:40 | have GPS so if you have a fleet of cars
- 6:42 | for a business or maybe a teenager that
- 6:45 | you want to keep an eye on the a119
- 6:47 | could be a solid option so that you can
- 6:49 | see where the car goes I actually
- 6:51 | remember meeting a woman in my Uber who
- 6:53 | had a cleaning business and she had lent
- 6:55 | her car to one of her employees for the
- 6:57 | weekend in order to get to the cleaning
- 6:59 | job well when the car came back it had
- 7:02 | like five times as many miles on it as
- 7:04 | she expected so a situation like that
- 7:06 | having a camera with GPS on it could
- 7:09 | come in handy now as I go through the
- 7:10 | rest of these options all of which have
- 7:12 | interior cameras I’m going to talk about
- 7:14 | some of the other features I look for or
- 7:16 | don’t look for when I’m looking for a
- 7:18 | dash can I know for some people this
- 7:19 | will be helpful and for others it might
- 7:21 | be unnecessary but I want to do this to
- 7:24 | display the functionality of the camera
- 7:26 | like how the mic you just heard on the
- 7:27 | N5 sounds different than the Mike you he
- 7:30 | on the N4 also please note that the
- 7:32 | prices I mentioned are just a general
- 7:34 | price range one thing I’ve noticed
- 7:36 | during this project is how often dash
- 7:38 | cam prices changes and again make sure
- 7:40 | you stick around till the end so I can
- 7:42 | give you a crazy moneysaving hack that I
- 7:45 | discovered during this project and no
- 7:47 | it’s not an ad or affiliate marketing
- 7:50 | it’s just a shopping theory that I
- 7:52 | concocted myself coming in at the
- 7:53 | cheapest we got the van true N2 Pro
- 7:56 | which is the camera I used when I
- 7:58 | started the channel it comes in around
- 8:00 | 135 bucks again give or take it’s not
- 8:03 | going to be the best quality mainly when
- 8:05 | there’s not ideal lighting conditions
- 8:07 | but is by no means bad quality a couple
- 8:10 | of years ago I upgraded to the van true
- 8:12 | N4 and if I had to do it all over again
- 8:14 | I just would have stuck with the N2 when
- 8:16 | it comes to dash cameras you have to
- 8:18 | understand a lot of the pricing has to
- 8:19 | do with features that you might not care
- 8:21 | about and for me even though this camera
- 8:23 | doesn’t have GPS or Wi-Fi those features
- 8:25 | don’t really matter to me the other
- 8:27 | budget camera I have is the X ing V3 and
- 8:31 | that’s what I’m talking to right now
- 8:33 | priced at $150 it’s the next cheapest
- 8:36 | camera on our list but don’t confuse it
- 8:38 | as a cheap camera it’s just cheaper than
- 8:40 | the other options I have and I’ll say it
- 8:42 | twice because it’s worth repeating in
- 8:44 | the dash cam World increase in price
- 8:47 | does not always correlate to the same
- 8:49 | increase in quality and this camera has
- 8:51 | everything you need plus Wi-Fi and GPS
- 8:54 | logging in my opinion the image quality
- 8:56 | isn’t the greatest but again it’s on the
- 8:58 | lower end of the budget coming in at
- 9:00 | $170 the lingo LD o2- cam also has Wi-Fi
- 9:06 | and GPS for those starting on Square One
- 9:09 | Wi-Fi makes it possible to connect your
- 9:11 | camera to an app on your phone and you
- 9:13 | can easily see and share the videos that
- 9:15 | you’ve recorded GPS of course can track
- 9:17 | your trips but more importantly for dash
- 9:19 | cam purposes it allows the camera to
- 9:21 | document how fast you were going so say
- 9:24 | a cop pulls you over and says you were
- 9:26 | speeding you have evidence that proves
- 9:28 | otherwise wise whether you can use that
- 9:30 | in court I’m not a lawyer but I do have
- 9:32 | personal experience where a cop has
- 9:34 | accused me of doing one thing and then
- 9:35 | when I mention that I have a dash camera
- 9:37 | his memory gets a little more in tune
- 9:39 | with what actually happened so lingu I
- 9:42 | never heard of this brand before I love
- 9:44 | the display it almost looks like you
- 9:46 | know an old school uh what what do you
- 9:49 | call those cameras you know like the
- 9:51 | kind of cameras girls used to carry
- 9:52 | around in college before iPhones were a
- 9:54 | thing um like a digital camera the
- 9:57 | picture looks great from this screen
- 9:58 | here I like like that the screen’s big
- 10:00 | it’s like a middle middle of the pack
- 10:03 | price next option up coming in somewhere
- 10:05 | between $140 and $190 more on that price
- 10:09 | range later when I share my Super
- 10:11 | Shopper pack to save you a ton of money
- 10:13 | is the aomi m550 this camera also has
- 10:17 | Wi-Fi and GPS now me personally when I’m
- 10:19 | looking for a dash camera are those
- 10:21 | features must havs for me not at all in
- 10:24 | my 10 years of using dash cams I’ve
- 10:26 | never needed those features for me I’m a
- 10:28 | simpley I just want decent quality and a
- 10:31 | camera to protect me in case something
- 10:32 | goes wrong in my Uber and of course a
- 10:35 | way to record audio which this camera
- 10:37 | does not do a good job of the screen
- 10:39 | looks like it has that uh old school
- 10:42 | infrared and when I say old school I
- 10:44 | mean like when I first started recording
- 10:46 | uh where it comes up kind of purple add
- 10:49 | that to the fact that this is the second
- 10:51 | model of the m550 that I have because
- 10:53 | the first one just wouldn’t power on and
- 10:56 | while making this video some of the
- 10:57 | recording just cut out and just to make
- 10:59 | sure I wasn’t totally unlucky I saw a
- 11:01 | couple reviews of Amazon of people
- 11:03 | saying the same thing point is it’s not
- 11:05 | super reliable and even more than
- 11:08 | quality I need reliability because you
- 11:10 | never know when a rider is going to
- 11:11 | start acting crazy so yeah the m550 is
- 11:14 | not a camera that I would recommend next
- 11:16 | up is the vanre M4 Pro now to be clear
- 11:19 | the only reason I don’t recommend it is
- 11:21 | because if I’m going to spend money for
- 11:23 | the N4 I’d rather spend a little more
- 11:25 | and get the N5 or I’d save money and get
- 11:28 | the N2 but at the end of the day it’s a
- 11:30 | good camera part of the reason I
- 11:31 | personally don’t like it is there’s
- 11:33 | something about the picture that just
- 11:35 | seems like animation to me you can see
- 11:37 | it here compared to the N5 but again if
- 11:40 | you’ve been watching my channel as of
- 11:41 | late this is the camera I’ve been using
- 11:43 | including using it for the main
- 11:45 | narration angle for this video as I
- 11:47 | display the
- 11:49 | $390 a139 from Vio I want to note one of
- 11:53 | the two specs that I couldn’t care less
- 11:56 | about and that’s the parking camera I
- 11:58 | think every single one of these cameras
- 12:00 | has that feature to some extent but I
- 12:02 | never use it and here’s why for the
- 12:04 | parking camera to work you need to
- 12:06 | constantly power the camera which means
- 12:08 | connecting it to your battery I know
- 12:10 | it’s built to not drain the battery but
- 12:12 | I have a 10-year-old Honda with 200,000
- 12:14 | mil on it and seemingly a mind of its
- 12:16 | own so on the off chance that it poers
- 12:19 | on and doesn’t cut out the risk of
- 12:20 | draining my battery is not worth the
- 12:22 | reward of capturing the one in a million
- 12:24 | piece of footage I get of somebody
- 12:26 | hitting my car I mean I’ve owned a car
- 12:28 | for almost 20 years now and the only
- 12:30 | time I could think of a parking camera
- 12:32 | coming in handy were the three times
- 12:34 | that my car was broken into but had I
- 12:36 | had a dash camera I would assume those
- 12:38 | people would have stolen the camera as
- 12:40 | well I always thought the parking camera
- 12:41 | feature was just marketing hike like
- 12:43 | what some guy riding a bike is going to
- 12:45 | take off my side view mirror and if I
- 12:47 | turn over the video footage to the cops
- 12:49 | the Philly PD is going to ignore the 400
- 12:51 | murders we clocked in last year and put
- 12:53 | out an APB to catch the biker Bandit
- 12:56 | better chance of the Eagles winning the
- 12:57 | World Series the way I see it it’s one
- 12:59 | of those things where I think it’s
- 13:01 | better not to know I got enough things
- 13:03 | going on to worry about I don’t need to
- 13:04 | stress about what happens to my car when
- 13:07 | I’m not in it now what you’re looking at
- 13:08 | on the screen right now is the a229 pro
- 13:12 | this is probably the best forward-facing
- 13:13 | camera that I have and I just want to
- 13:15 | show you the difference between this and
- 13:17 | the N4 and I know it sounds like I’m
- 13:19 | bashing the N4 every chance I get but
- 13:22 | that’s not it at all I’m comparing it to
- 13:24 | the N4 here because the N4 is a solid
- 13:27 | camera that cost2 $60 and despite that
- 13:31 | look at the difference in how it
- 13:32 | processes the building pH exposed to the
- 13:35 | sun if you’re not picking up what I’m
- 13:36 | putting down let me put it this way in
- 13:38 | real life this is not a white building I
- 13:41 | actually don’t have the interior camera
- 13:42 | for the a229 pro and I’m going to steal
- 13:45 | a video from this channel to show the
- 13:47 | comparison and before I do I want to
- 13:49 | reiterate that my goal with this video
- 13:51 | is to show you what I look for when I’m
- 13:53 | trying to record in my car my
- 13:55 | recommendation is obviously going to be
- 13:57 | limited to the cameras that I I have but
- 13:59 | I hope that sharing my thought process
- 14:01 | can help you make an informed decision
- 14:02 | yourself and I’d highly recommend
- 14:04 | looking at other channels like safe
- 14:06 | drive solutions the dash cam specialist
- 14:09 | that have an extensive library of
- 14:11 | comparisons and tests for just about any
- 14:14 | camera you may be interested in now
- 14:16 | between the a139 and the a222 from rifo
- 14:19 | at the end of the day both of these
- 14:21 | cameras are spectacular and in my
- 14:23 | opinion there wasn’t a noticeable
- 14:24 | difference in the mics they both work
- 14:26 | great but I wanted to show this video to
- 14:28 | display the difference that image
- 14:30 | sensors make the a139 has a little
- 14:33 | better sensors so you can see the
- 14:34 | picture looks a lot smoother thing is
- 14:36 | though call me crazy but I kind of like
- 14:39 | the contrast that the lower quality
- 14:40 | sensor on the a229 provides granted it’s
- 14:43 | still a high quality sensor it’s much
- 14:45 | better than the crazy contrast that the
- 14:47 | rexing displayed got me looking like
- 14:49 | Casper but I don’t know when I see the
- 14:51 | light on his face to me that makes it
- 14:53 | look a little more realistic point is
- 14:55 | just because something is more expensive
- 14:57 | or newer doesn’t NE necessarily mean
- 14:59 | that you’ll like it better so again it
- 15:01 | comes down to personal preference now
- 15:03 | before I share with you my personal
- 15:04 | recommendation for a dash camera and my
- 15:06 | money sharing hack here is the most
- 15:09 | expensive dash camera that I personally
- 15:11 | own the $400 van true N5 and as you’re
- 15:15 | seeing its functionality I want to talk
- 15:16 | about the second feature that almost
- 15:18 | every camera advertises but I personally
- 15:21 | have no use for it and that’s the rear
- 15:23 | camera you can’t live life looking
- 15:25 | through the rear view man life’s about
- 15:27 | the road ahead for though the main
- 15:29 | reason I never hooked up the rear camera
- 15:31 | is work first for Roar there’s literally
- 15:33 | only one time that I wish I had rear
- 15:35 | camera footage and that’s to see how
- 15:37 | close this suspect and cop chasing him
- 15:39 | were to clipping me on a bridge going 90
- 15:42 | M an hour so to install that wiring all
- 15:44 | the way to the back of the car the added
- 15:46 | space it would take on my memory card
- 15:48 | and the added files to sort through when
- 15:50 | I’m looking for footage again it might
- 15:52 | sound trivial but over time it adds up
- 15:55 | and of course this is a personal
- 15:56 | preference so ask yourself of all all
- 15:58 | the times that you’ve been driving how
- 16:00 | many times do you wish you had video
- 16:02 | footage of what was happening behind you
- 16:05 | if that’s something you think you’d want
- 16:07 | fortunately almost every camera comes
- 16:09 | with a rear camera so just hook that
- 16:11 | baby up but I have to reiterate you’ll
- 16:13 | be recording three cameras all on the
- 16:15 | same memory card so I’d recommend
- 16:18 | getting the biggest memory card that
- 16:20 | your camera can take now before I get to
- 16:22 | my recommendation the last thing that I
- 16:23 | want to talk about has to do with the
- 16:25 | Wi-Fi feature I used to think that the
- 16:27 | Wi-Fi feature was an added layer
- 16:29 | security and that it meant that your
- 16:30 | footage was accessible via the cloud no
- 16:32 | matter what happened to your camera for
- 16:34 | instance some jerk steals your car and
- 16:36 | your camera you can just go home and
- 16:39 | access the files online turns out I was
- 16:41 | way wrong you only have access to the
- 16:43 | files if your phone is within Wi-Fi
- 16:46 | range of the camera which is usually 10
- 16:49 | yards or so now you could get access to
- 16:51 | lost or stolen camera files if you get a
- 16:54 | dash cam that offers cloud-based
- 16:56 | Services none the companies in this
- 16:57 | video offer that that service as of now
- 17:00 | though I did read that vanre is planning
- 17:02 | on coming out with it soon if those are
- 17:04 | Services you think you want I suggest
- 17:06 | looking at a black view or think wear
- 17:08 | dash camera it should be noted that on
- 17:10 | top of the dash camera cost those
- 17:12 | Services require a storage plan raging
- 17:14 | from as low as $3 a month to as high as
- 17:17 | 20 and that’s too rich for my blood
- 17:19 | especially given the fact that I’ve used
- 17:21 | dash cameras for almost 10 years now and
- 17:23 | I’ve never actually needed it but of
- 17:25 | course it is definitely one of those
- 17:27 | things where you don’t want it until you
- 17:29 | need it now before I give my
- 17:30 | recommendation I just want to remind
- 17:31 | people that you’re not going to shoot a
- 17:33 | cinematic Masterpiece with a dash camera
- 17:35 | inside of a car just the technical
- 17:37 | aspects of the lighting and the audio
- 17:40 | problems that come with it make it an
- 17:41 | absolute nightmare as long as you have
- 17:43 | an interior cabin camera with infrared
- 17:45 | lights AKA night vision and the ability
- 17:48 | to record audio and remember a big
- 17:50 | memory card you’re going to have what
- 17:52 | you need as for me here’s my
- 17:54 | recommendation by process of elimination
- 17:56 | right away the a139 9 is out because it
- 17:59 | doesn’t have a display some people might
- 18:01 | like that because it makes the camera a
- 18:03 | little more Incognito but me personally
- 18:06 | I like my Riders knowing that there’s a
- 18:08 | camera in the car in my experience If
- 18:11 | someone knows they’re being recorded to
- 18:13 | begin with they’re less likely to act a
- 18:15 | fool and even if you aren’t getting a
- 18:16 | camera for Gig work no display means
- 18:18 | that you have to operate this camera via
- 18:21 | the app and I hate that it’s just one
- 18:23 | more thing you got to worry about plus
- 18:25 | with the high price point that’s a hard
- 18:26 | pass for me or is it Easy Pass I never I
- 18:29 | always get them for fuse like it’s easy
- 18:31 | for me to say no to it but it’s it’s
- 18:33 | like it’s like an exclamation No like a
- 18:36 | hard no whatever it is it’s not for me
- 18:39 | but it is a great camera now there’s one
- 18:40 | feature I haven’t covered yet that’s
- 18:42 | going to eliminate all but three cameras
- 18:44 | and that has to do with the mount a lot
- 18:46 | of dash cameras only allow you to adjust
- 18:48 | it back and forth the van trueu and Lind
- 18:51 | do however have a swivel Mount that way
- 18:53 | if you see something on the side of the
- 18:55 | road and you want to turn the camera it
- 18:57 | allows you to do that so that leaves the
- 18:59 | three van trus and the Ling do I already
- 19:01 | told you the N4 is not for me now the
- 19:04 | Ling do doesn’t allow you to move the
- 19:06 | interior camera and I could go either
- 19:08 | way with that it means if a cop comes to
- 19:10 | your window you can’t turn it but the
- 19:12 | downside with the van Truse is that both
- 19:14 | of the cameras are on the same swivel so
- 19:16 | basically if you turn the camera to
- 19:18 | catch something on the left outside
- 19:20 | you’re turning the camera on the inside
- 19:22 | to the right and you’re going to lose
- 19:23 | some of that visibility either way
- 19:25 | you’re going to miss something so again
- 19:27 | it comes down to personal preference and
- 19:28 | the way I see it picking one of these
- 19:30 | three is like recommending a hammer or a
- 19:33 | screwdriver as long as you have a tool
- 19:35 | that gets the job done it really doesn’t
- 19:37 | matter the N2 Pro doesn’t have Wi-Fi or
- 19:39 | GPS and the quality isn’t the best but
- 19:42 | it’s good enough I mean eight of my top
- 19:44 | 10 videos were shot with the N2 so
- 19:46 | people obviously don’t mind the quality
- 19:49 | that it gives you and it is the cheapest
- 19:50 | of the three that I’m down to so if
- 19:52 | you’re just looking for a simple dash
- 19:54 | camera with good quality on a budget I’d
- 19:56 | get this one but be warned the Mount is
- 19:58 | a suction cup and it’s going to wear on
- 20:00 | you over time I do recommend taking the
- 20:02 | camera down when you park and maybe
- 20:04 | keeping a scarf or a t-shirt underneath
- 20:06 | it to cushion the fall because it will
- 20:08 | fall especially when it’s super hot or
- 20:10 | super cold out vantre has always been
- 20:12 | great when I reached out and let them
- 20:13 | know that the suction cup wasn’t
- 20:15 | suctioning anymore and they sent me a
- 20:17 | new one the Ling do is a little more
- 20:18 | pricey at $200 but you’ll get Wi-Fi GPS
- 20:22 | and a better display and a better Mount
- 20:24 | it’s not a suction cup it’s a sticky
- 20:26 | that said make sure you pick the right
- 20:28 | spot before you mount it because it’s a
- 20:30 | pain in the butt to get these stickies
- 20:32 | off I know suction cup mounts get a bad
- 20:34 | wrap because they lose their strength
- 20:36 | over time and the camera Falls but I
- 20:38 | like them because they’re easy to change
- 20:40 | placements and you can easily use them
- 20:42 | in different cars I’m dreading getting
- 20:45 | all these sticky mounts off it’s going
- 20:46 | to take at least an afternoon because I
- 20:49 | don’t know what kind of glue they use
- 20:50 | but I swear it’s like cement more of the
- 20:53 | story if you do get a camera with a
- 20:54 | sticky Mount make sure you hang it right
- 20:56 | the first time especially if it doesn’t
- 20:58 | have a swivel you don’t want a crooked
- 21:00 | frame I’ll link another video in the
- 21:02 | description that I had to look up just
- 21:04 | to get these mounts off I legit had to
- 21:06 | use a whole carton of dental flaws
- 21:08 | finally the vanre N5 has everything you
- 21:11 | want a dash camera great quality GPS
- 21:13 | WiFi a sticky swivel Mount the thing is
- 21:16 | as I mentioned it’s $400 remember to
- 21:19 | stick around to the end to learn how to
- 21:21 | bring that price down I know it might
- 21:22 | sound like a cop out but I’m going to
- 21:24 | recommend all three based on what you’re
- 21:26 | comfortable spending to me that’s what
- 21:28 | it comes down to when deciding between
- 21:30 | these three cameras I mean sure the N5
- 21:32 | is better quality than the N2 but is it
- 21:35 | $300 better quality I don’t think so but
- 21:38 | then again some people are into those
- 21:40 | specs like GPS and Wi-Fi at the same
- 21:43 | time if you’re willing to sacrifice on
- 21:45 | quality but you want those specs I would
- 21:47 | go with the Ling do at $200 and if
- 21:49 | you’re just looking to get the job done
- 21:50 | you just want to cover your bases and
- 21:52 | save as much money as possible go with
- 21:54 | the vanre N2 Pro you’re not going to go
- 21:56 | wrong with that but on that topic of
- 21:58 | saving money Pete this now it’s just a
- 22:00 | theory and I don’t shop enough to know
- 22:03 | whether or not this is common knowledge
- 22:04 | by now but in the days of doing this
- 22:06 | project forgive me the weeks this was
- 22:08 | the hardest freaking project I ever did
- 22:10 | in my life I kept checking the Amazon
- 22:13 | product pages to make sure that I got
- 22:15 | the specs right as I’m writing the
- 22:17 | script what I noticed was every time I
- 22:19 | went back to Amazon the offer that they
- 22:21 | were giving me was cheaper than it was
- 22:24 | before my theory is the algorithm
- 22:26 | thought that I was interested in buying
- 22:28 | a dash camera and they kept inching the
- 22:30 | price down much like if you were at a
- 22:32 | garage sale and the sellers trying to
- 22:34 | bring the price down to get you to take
- 22:36 | it and when I thought about it the same
- 22:37 | thing happened when I was trying to buy
- 22:39 | sneakers around the holidays but I just
- 22:41 | thought it was holiday deals because I
- 22:43 | don’t commit to anything until Christmas
- 22:45 | Eve so to make sure I wasn’t imagining
- 22:47 | things I tested this Theory with a
- 22:48 | camera that would have to be free before
- 22:50 | I bought it the m550 if you don’t
- 22:53 | remember it had bad audio and it was not
- 22:55 | reliable anyway the initial price I saw
- 22:58 | was
- 22:59 | $170 the next time I searched was $160
- 23:03 | with the coupon the day after that
- 23:06 | $150 after a coupon day after that $140
- 23:10 | with a nice little tease of a list price
- 23:12 | of $190 which I didn’t see once but wait
- 23:16 | there’s more I searched again and I got
- 23:18 | an ad for
- 23:20 | $120 with a coupon this obviously isn’t
- 23:23 | just for cameras you can apply the
- 23:24 | driver ed search wait and save method to
- 23:27 | save money literally anytime you shop I
- 23:30 | searched for this sneaker literally 5
- 23:32 | minutes apart and you can tell it’s the
- 23:33 | same listing because they have the same
- 23:35 | number of reviews the way these
- 23:37 | sponsored products works on Amazon is
- 23:39 | the same way that AdSense works or
- 23:41 | Facebook ads works these companies
- 23:43 | basically bid for placement and it’s up
- 23:45 | to the platform to decide what ad to put
- 23:48 | in front of what viewer in order to make
- 23:50 | that ad effective and it makes sense
- 23:52 | Amazon isn’t going to pitch a deal for a
- 23:54 | camera for $100 and then the next time
- 23:56 | you visit pitch a deal for that same
- 23:58 | camera for more money they’ll always
- 24:00 | show you the ads with the highest price
- 24:02 | first and then get cheaper because think
- 24:04 | about the reverse if you didn’t buy it
- 24:06 | at 100 you’re not going to buy it at 120
- 24:08 | but you might buy it at 80 so to test my
- 24:10 | new Theory I signed into a different
- 24:12 | browser and used a different account and
- 24:14 | lo and behold the prices I saw reflected
- 24:17 | the prices on day one of the project as
- 24:19 | I’m looking at discounted prices at the
- 24:21 | very same time on the very same computer
- 24:24 | just on a different browser on the
- 24:26 | account that the algorithm re recogniz
- 24:28 | me in I’m on to you Bezos long story
- 24:30 | long the algorithm’s trying to figure
- 24:32 | out what price it can get you to bite so
- 24:35 | if you’re interested in a camera the
- 24:37 | longer you wait and the more that you
- 24:39 | shop around the better deals that
- 24:41 | they’re going to offer you let me know
- 24:42 | in the comments if you think I’m crazy
- 24:44 | or if you’ve seen that as well until
- 24:46 | next time here are two videos where my
- 24:48 | dash camera caught my Riders stealing
- 24:51 | from me both of these were shot with the
- 24:53 | N4 which I do not recommend thanks for
- 24:55 | watching and just to make sure I just
- 24:57 | was and just to make sure I wasn’t just
- 25:00 | oh see this what I’m talking about