Vantrue N4 PRO 4K Dash Cam Review & Test – Best 3-Channel Dash Camera?

The review and sample footage of the @vantruedashcam N4 Pro Dash Camera.



  • 0:00 | what’s happening everyone my name is Alex and 
    welcome back well driving these days is not as  
  • 0:06 | relaxing and safe as it used to be a few years 
    back these days there are so many cars on the  
  • 0:11 | road so many bad drivers that almost every 
    single time you go out driving something is  
  • 0:16 | about to happen somewhere so these days having 
    a dash camera installed in your vehicle is an  
  • 0:21 | absolute must because if something does happen 
    and chances are something will happen at least  
  • 0:27 | you’re going to have the footage from the dash 
    cam so you can actually prove to the police to  
  • 0:32 | the insurance company that you weren’t at fault so 
    these days having a dash camera installed in your  
  • 0:38 | vehicle is an absolute must so the dash camera 
    that we are checking out today it’s called the  
  • 0:43 | Vantrue N4 Pro this is a three Channel dash camera 
    that means that you have one camera that records  
  • 0:49 | in front of the vehicle you have another camera 
    that records inside the vehicle and then you have  
  • 0:54 | the third camera that records behind the vehicle 
    so for example if you’d be to do Uber or lift so  
  • 1:01 | you’re driving people around with a camera like 
    this you’re actually having a camera that records  
  • 1:06 | inside the car as well this dash camera also 
    records in 4k so that means that you’re going  
  • 1:11 | to be able to get really crisp footage you’re 
    going to be able to see all the signs on the  
  • 1:16 | road you’re going to be able to see the license 
    plates on those cars on the road and so on so very  
  • 1:21 | important having 4K recordings from your dash 
    camera and with that being said let me quickly  
  • 1:26 | show you what comes in the box with this and then 
    we’ll go through a quick installation process and  
  • 1:31 | eventually I’ll show you some sample footage and 
    so on all right and we are back in the studio so  
  • 1:36 | the dash camera comes in this box right here and 
    inside the Box you’re going to find everything you  
  • 1:40 | need so you can install the dash camera in your 
    vehicle first things first you’re going to get  
  • 1:45 | the main unit so this is the main unit this is the 
    one that you installed on the front windshield and  
  • 1:49 | this is the part that basically films in front of 
    your vehicle but on the main unit we also have the  
  • 1:55 | camera that films inside the vehicle now something 
    very important this um second unit basically the  
  • 2:02 | camera that films inside the vehicle also has some 
    infrared LEDs so even if you’re driving a night in  
  • 2:08 | complete darkness the inside camera can still see 
    very clear inside the vehicle but you’re not going  
  • 2:14 | to actually be able to see those infrared LEDs 
    with your own eyes just in case you’re wondering  
  • 2:19 | and of course you’re also going to get the rear 
    camera that gets installed on the rear window in  
  • 2:24 | your vehicle however I already have that installed 
    in the car so I don’t have it in theore Studio  
  • 2:30 | here so the N4 Pro here is using the Sony star 
    V2 sensor and that means really clear recordings  
  • 2:36 | during the day and of course at night and for 
    nighttime recordings is very important because  
  • 2:40 | a lot of dash cameras don’t do that great at night 
    but later on in the video I’m going to be showing  
  • 2:45 | you some sample recordings done during the day 
    and at night so you can see how well this camera  
  • 2:50 | actually does okay so our main unit so the camera 
    that records in front of the vehicle records in  
  • 2:56 | 4k so that is the recording resolution then the 
    inside camera so the one that films inside the  
  • 3:02 | vehicle records in 1080P and the rear camera also 
    records in 1080P and all three cameras record at  
  • 3:09 | the same time on the SD card the SD card is on the 
    side of the dash camera right here you can easily  
  • 3:16 | take that out if you want to save the footage from 
    it or you can actually connect to the dash camera  
  • 3:21 | with your smartphone and you can download all that 
    footage right on your smartphone it really depends  
  • 3:26 | how you want to do it which one is the easiest way 
    for you and we’ll talk more about the app in just  
  • 3:32 | a bit and going back to our box and basically what 
    comes in the Box you’re basically going to find  
  • 3:37 | all the cables you need all the stickers you need 
    so you can actually Mount all the cameras on the  
  • 3:43 | windows so the main unit this one goes um on the 
    front windshield very easy to use you basically  
  • 3:50 | put that sticker on the windshield and then you 
    attach the other sticker um with the dash camera  
  • 3:55 | on that sticker so very easy to use and the same 
    kind of goes for the rear camera the longest part  
  • 4:02 | of the installation process is basically hiding 
    those cables throughout your car and it will take  
  • 4:08 | you longer or um shorter depending on the vehicle 
    that you have and how well you want to hide those  
  • 4:14 | cables in my car it is fairly easy to hide those 
    cables I just put them on that um behind that  
  • 4:20 | Rubber seal that comes around the door so it only 
    took me about 10 minutes to install the front and  
  • 4:27 | the rear camera so the installation process is 
    extremely easy taking a quick look at the camera  
  • 4:31 | itself while the camera is built really really 
    well it’s mostly made out of plastic like most  
  • 4:36 | dash cameras available on the market on the back 
    here we have a screen so you can see everything  
  • 4:42 | about the camera you can see the front camera you 
    can see the inside camera the rear camera on that  
  • 4:47 | screen there and you can also select different 
    views for different cameras depending what you  
  • 4:52 | want U to see you can also change all the settings 
    for the dash camera from the buttons that we have  
  • 4:59 | at the bottom here so if you don’t want to connect 
    this dash camera to your smartphone you don’t  
  • 5:03 | necessarily have to I just find it more convenient 
    to download files on the go if you do use the  
  • 5:09 | van through app and connect to the dash camera 
    that way this dash camera also has an internal  
  • 5:15 | microphone so first of all it will record all the 
    sound inside the vehicle and to my surprise the  
  • 5:20 | internal microphone in it is actually quite good 
    so I was able to hear my voice in all the sample  
  • 5:26 | recordings that I’ve done for you we’ll watch 
    those in just a bit but definitely way better than  
  • 5:31 | I was expecting because with most dash cameras 
    that internal microphone is not that great well  
  • 5:37 | that’s definitely not the case with this one the 
    internal microphone does capture the sound really  
  • 5:41 | really well and the camera also accepts voice 
    commands there are a bunch of voice commands  
  • 5:47 | that you can say and this is a quick example just 
    so you can see how those voice commands work video
  • 5:53 | Start turn off Wi-Fi
  • 6:03 | turn on
  • 6:04 | wi-fi turn off screen turn on screen all right 
    and just before we move on and check out some  
  • 6:15 | sample daytime and nighttime recordings there 
    are a couple of things I want to mention about  
  • 6:20 | this dash camera so first of all this is 
    using the Sony starvis 2 sensor that means  
  • 6:24 | detailed and clear recordings during the day 
    and at night very important for those night  
  • 6:29 | recordings because with a lot of dash cameras as 
    soon as you recording at night you can’t really  
  • 6:33 | see much in those recordings you’re going to 
    notice in the footage that I’m about to show  
  • 6:38 | you that even on streets where there are no lights 
    whatsoever you can clearly see everything that the  
  • 6:44 | camera is seeing so very impressive for nighttime 
    recordings and you’ll see that in the footage this  
  • 6:51 | dash camera also has a GPS module inside and you 
    can actually see your speed in those recordings  
  • 6:57 | you can see the location in those recordings you 
    can also turn that off from the settings if you  
  • 7:02 | don’t want to have that shown in any recordings 
    you can definitely turn it off but it’s great for  
  • 7:08 | insurance purposes if you do get in a an accident 
    so you can show the police the speed that you’re  
  • 7:13 | actually doing and all that and you can even track 
    track the routes wherever you went through the app  
  • 7:20 | after recording is done so all that of course is 
    going to be very helpful in case something happens  
  • 7:26 | and you need to prove that you aren’t actually 
    doing anything wrong WR and another important  
  • 7:30 | feature for this camera is called plate picks 
    and that basically enhances the license plates in  
  • 7:36 | those recordings done by the camera and you will 
    notice in those sample recordings that the license  
  • 7:41 | plates on the cars around you are nice and crisp 
    so you can easily see them in those recordings and  
  • 7:49 | with that being said let’s move on and check 
    out some sample daytime recordings and then  
  • 7:53 | some nighttime sample recordings all right and we 
    are moving on to a quick recording in town of of  
  • 7:59 | course here we have more buildings we have more 
    signs we have more cars everywhere the light is  
  • 8:06 | a bit different in town here as well because you 
    have all these buildings you have um some shade  
  • 8:12 | you have some sunshine depending on the situation 
    so the front camera records in 4k the rear camera  
  • 8:19 | of course records in 1080P and the inside camera 
    also records in 1080P having that 4K for the front  
  • 8:27 | camera is definitely very useful for example 
    if you look at the license plate on that um red  
  • 8:33 | vehicle on my left there you can clearly see the 
    license plate because of that higher um resolution  
  • 8:41 | now depending how the light is how the rear window 
    on your vehicle is you’re also going to be able to  
  • 8:47 | see the license plates on the vehicles that are 
    behind you but again that really depends how the  
  • 8:53 | camera is positioned how the sunshine is where 
    the cars behind you are and um so on so once  
  • 9:01 | again I’m going to switch to that front camera 
    we’re going to get closer to this vehicle here  
  • 9:06 | just so you can see the license plate um on the 
    vehicles around us basically but since we have  
  • 9:12 | that 4K resolution um on the main camera you will 
    not have any issues whatsoever seeing the license  
  • 9:20 | plates um all right so next we are moving on to 
    a quick recording on the highway well this is a  
  • 9:27 | bit of a highway it’s not um one of those um North 
    American highways that um everyone is used to but  
  • 9:34 | um just so you get an idea how the camera does if 
    you are driving on the highway once again the main  
  • 9:40 | camera records in 4k the rear camera records in 
    1080P and the inside camera does um 1080p as well  
  • 9:50 | the unit also has GPS as I’ve mentioned earlier so 
    of course you’re going to be able to see the speed  
  • 9:55 | in all these recordings as well there is also 
    an internal microphone in um this dash camera  
  • 10:03 | so the conversations that happen um inside the 
    vehicle of course are going to be recorded but  
  • 10:08 | you can also mute those so if you don’t record the 
    sound for anything you can easily mute that um as  
  • 10:15 | well now I’m switching in between cameras um while 
    I’m editing of course I cannot switch in between  
  • 10:21 | cameras um when I’m driving because all three 
    cameras are um recording at all times basically  
  • 10:27 | so you don’t really have to do anything you 
    just power on the vehicle and the cameras record  
  • 10:32 | constantly all right and we are moving on to some 
    nighttime recordings now with most dash cameras  
  • 10:38 | when you drive at night when you drive on roads 
    that uh don’t have that much light well many dash  
  • 10:44 | cameras do struggle in those kind of environments 
    well that is definitely not the case with the van  
  • 10:50 | through N4 Pro so these dash camera is actually 
    using the Sony starvis 2 sensor therefore it can  
  • 10:57 | capture a lot of light even when there isn’t 
    that much light um around you the same goes  
  • 11:03 | for the inside camera so the inside camera the 
    camera that records inside the vehicle has some  
  • 11:09 | infrared LEDs so even if it’s complete darkness 
    inside the vehicle you can definitely see inside  
  • 11:16 | the vehicle because of those infrared LEDs all 
    right and we’re moving on to our next recording  
  • 11:23 | at night for this recording I am in town so of 
    course now we have a lot more lights um around  
  • 11:29 | me so you can see how the cameras also do if you 
    are driving in a more urban environment let’s  
  • 11:36 | call it I’m going to have a quick uh recording 
    showing that inside camera just so you can see  
  • 11:42 | how the inside camera does in this kind of uh 
    conditions so basically when uh you have some  
  • 11:49 | lights around the vehicle and of course I’m also 
    going to switch to that U front camera once again  
  • 11:56 | just so you can see how that uh that one does um 
    in these conditions with the front camera as I  
  • 12:02 | mentioned many times before we’re recording in 
    4k 30 frames per second and as you’ve seen for  
  • 12:07 | yourself those daytime and nighttime recordings 
    do look absolutely fantastic and you can clearly  
  • 12:12 | see the license plates on the vehicles around 
    you you can clearly see those road signs and  
  • 12:17 | much more in those recordings so you won’t really 
    need anything else if you have one of these dash  
  • 12:23 | cameras installed in your vehicle and of course 
    this dash camera will also protect your vehicle  
  • 12:28 | when your vle is parked and you’re basically not 
    in your car so 24/7 protection so we have four  
  • 12:34 | parking mods available we have a buffered motion 
    detection mode we have a collision detection mode  
  • 12:40 | so basically your car is sparked someone bumps 
    into your car the camera will basically record  
  • 12:45 | so you can save the license plate on that card 
    that may have crashed into your vehicle we also  
  • 12:51 | have a low bit rate recording and low frame rate 
    recording as well as part of those four parking  
  • 12:57 | modes and you can choose which one is the best 
    one for your needs so to quickly conclude this  
  • 13:04 | video If you’re looking for a dash camera that can 
    record outside and inside of your vehicle and also  
  • 13:09 | in a pretty high resolution well look now further 
    because the vanr N4 Pro here is an excellent dash  
  • 13:16 | camera to have as always there will be some links 
    in the video description so you can actually check  
  • 13:21 | this out if I have any other information any 
    coupon codes or anything like that I will list  
  • 13:26 | all that in the video description as well thanks 
    for watching and I’ll see you guys in the next one

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