Why Only One Laser Jammer (ALP?) In The Rear?

When it comes to understanding the installation of laser jammers on vehicles, a common question arises: why is only one AntiLaser Priority (ALP) laser jammer typically required at the rear? It is essential to delve into the reasoning behind this choice to grasp the optimal functioning of this crucial component in ensuring road safety.

Why Only One Laser Jammer (ALP?) In The Rear?


Mr. Vortex Radar, a renowned YouTuber in the niche of radar detectors, laser jammers, and dash cameras, is setting the bar high with his latest video. In this engaging piece of content, he dives deep into the intricacies of laser jammers, specifically questioning why only one laser jammer, the AL Priority (ALP), is installed in the rear of his vehicle. Let’s buckle up and join the ride to unravel the reasons behind this setup.

The Front vs. The Rear

When it comes to testing various laser jammers, Mr. Vortex Radar transforms the front of his car into a battleground for head-to-head comparisons. Different laser jammers are swapped in and out, showcasing their efficiency in real-time scenarios. The competition in the front steals the spotlight, leaving spectators captivated by the intense testing procedures.

The ALP Dominance

Despite the flurry of laser jammers being installed and upgraded for testing at the front, the rear of the vehicle narrates a different tale. Due to limited space constraints, only the ALP finds its berth at the back. Don’t let its solo appearance fool you; the ALP stands tall as a solitary guardian, showcasing unparalleled performance in the realm of laser protection.

ALP: The Lone Warrior

While the other systems are primarily strapped in for comparison tests, the ALP operates independently in the rear, ensuring reliable laser protection without breaking a sweat. Its unmatched capabilities make it the preferred choice for daily laser jammer usage, cementing its status as the superhero of laser defense systems.


In the world of laser jammers, the ALP emerges as the quintessential choice, standing strong as the solitary backbone of laser defense systems. Mr. Vortex Radar’s strategic placement of the ALP in the rear speaks volumes about its unrivaled performance and reliability, making it the undisputed champion in the realm of laser protection.


  1. Is the ALP the most effective laser jammer in the market?
  2. Why does Mr. Vortex Radar opt for only one laser jammer in the rear?
  3. How does the ALP manage to provide laser protection independently while using a radar detector?
  4. Are there any drawbacks to having multiple laser jammers installed in a vehicle?
  5. Does Mr. Vortex Radar plan to test more laser jammers in the future videos?