Short review on a Wolfbox G900 Pro dash camera along with a comparison between the G900 Pro and G900 dash cam mirror.
- 0:03 | all right I’m going to go through the
- 0:04 | settings with you guys on the g900 pro
- 0:07 | this is the original g900 and this is
- 0:09 | the g900 pro you’re looking at the uh
- 0:11 | rear view right
- 0:13 | now okay that’s how you pull up the
- 0:15 | settings this is also voice
- 0:17 | activated which is super handy and it
- 0:20 | works excellent uh show front
- 0:24 | camera show rear
- 0:27 | camera turn on Wi-Fi
- 0:31 | [Music]
- 0:32 | turn off
- 0:34 | [Music]
- 0:35 | Wi-Fi uh it works excellent as long as
- 0:38 | you say the correct call signs if you
- 0:40 | say that just a little bit off you have
- 0:41 | to get used to saying those words and uh
- 0:44 | it’ll work every
- 0:47 | time it’s actually really really handy
- 0:50 | okay so here you got resolution always
- 0:52 | run the highest resolution who doesn’t
- 0:53 | want to run the highest resolution uh
- 0:55 | display modes uh you can you can swipe
- 0:58 | through to get the display modes and of
- 1:00 | course most of you know you can you can
- 1:02 | adjust the uh the image too if you want
- 1:04 | the front camera on this is way better
- 1:07 | than a g900 it’s like looking at a GoPro
- 1:09 | it’s so real life uh I’m super impressed
- 1:12 | with it I I really am go back to the
- 1:14 | rear
- 1:15 | camera let’s see here so sound recording
- 1:18 | you want to make sure I have this off
- 1:20 | right now because I was driving earlier
- 1:22 | but you want to make sure you have this
- 1:23 | turned on because if you get pulled over
- 1:24 | by the police it’s good to have a
- 1:26 | witness uh at least you know you can
- 1:28 | hear words uh trust me on that so Loop
- 1:32 | recording I always set mine to 3 minutes
- 1:34 | I don’t know why you’d want one minute
- 1:36 | uh 3 minutes is is what I’ve always used
- 1:39 | g sensor I have this set up on
- 1:41 | medium uh I don’t even know what the
- 1:43 | fatigue reminder is of course Wi-Fi if
- 1:45 | you’re using the app I always just say
- 1:47 | Wi-Fi on and uh it it chooses Whatever
- 1:50 | frequency but you can choose whether if
- 1:52 | you have an older cell phone you
- 1:53 | probably need to choose
- 1:56 | 2.4 uh volume setting obviously mine on
- 1:59 | low uh click tone of course you want
- 2:01 | that on a screen saver normally I keep
- 2:04 | mine off or I’m sorry I’m sorry normally
- 2:06 | I keep mine on 10 seconds it’s only off
- 2:08 | right now because I’m I’m filming
- 2:11 | it uh screen brightness I always keep
- 2:13 | that wide open unless it’s night time
- 2:15 | and then I I’ll turn that
- 2:17 | down let see I never mess with
- 2:20 | exposure uh voice control you know you
- 2:23 | done see network mirror flip that’s like
- 2:25 | you know just flipping your image around
- 2:27 | rear camera depending on how you mount
- 2:29 | your rear camera if you mount it upside
- 2:30 | down you want to go in here and you want
- 2:31 | to flip that uh reversing lines of
- 2:35 | course I don’t use those parking mode I
- 2:37 | have mine set up on GT trigger GT
- 2:40 | trigger recording that way if someone
- 2:41 | Wass to hit me or you know throw
- 2:45 | something at my vehicle or or whatever
- 2:46 | anything that could cause a shake it’ll
- 2:49 | start recording that way it’s not
- 2:50 | recording all the
- 2:52 | time uh of course GPS it’s going to show
- 2:55 | all your satellites I think has an
- 2:56 | excellent GPS module uh I use it all the
- 2:59 | time I don’t have my speedometer
- 3:01 | calibrated for my larger tires so like
- 3:03 | when I’m driving down the interstate and
- 3:05 | I set cruise control I I just look at
- 3:07 | the miles per hour it comes in so handy
- 3:09 | that way I know I’m not going faster
- 3:11 | than what I actually
- 3:13 | am let’s see here screen saver exposure
- 3:17 | where’s that GPS okay so here you got a
- 3:20 | GPS display of course you want that you
- 3:22 | want you you always want your date stamp
- 3:24 | you know you want that cuz you’re on an
- 3:25 | accident or something and it keeps track
- 3:27 | of what day the recording is what not
- 3:29 | time
- 3:30 | uh GPS stamp uh this is m per hour
- 3:34 | kilometers clock setting a lot of this
- 3:37 | is just common sense stuff uh time
- 3:39 | format like I said it’s just whatever
- 3:42 | you like a time zone I’m in Indiana so
- 3:46 | of course I want mine on Eastern
- 3:47 | Standard Time New York I don’t know why
- 3:49 | it says GMT but you’ll figure that out
- 3:51 | but just make sure that if you’re in
- 3:52 | daylight savings time you need to have
- 3:54 | that turned on cuz when I first got this
- 3:56 | I didn’t have that turned on and I don’t
- 3:58 | know why I couldn’t figure it out but it
- 3:59 | was an hour behind and then I realized I
- 4:01 | didn’t have daylight savings time turned
- 4:03 | on so make sure you turn that on if
- 4:05 | you’re in that area and this right here
- 4:07 | you want always want to have this on 265
- 4:09 | uh you’re going to have better quality
- 4:11 | video If you use 265 it’s going to take
- 4:14 | up a little bit more space but you’re
- 4:15 | going to have better quality video if
- 4:16 | that’s what you’re going for now if you
- 4:18 | don’t care about the quality video then
- 4:19 | of course turn that down to
- 4:22 | 2.64 uh and of course you know these
- 4:25 | this is a lot of 4K footage it takes up
- 4:26 | a lot of data so you need to
- 4:30 | wipe and refresh the SD card from time
- 4:32 | to time it’ll just keep the thing
- 4:33 | running smoothly if you don’t ever
- 4:35 | format your SD card uh you might get
- 4:39 | times where you miss recording so make
- 4:41 | sure you kind of format it every now and
- 4:44 | then and I think that’s pretty much
- 4:46 | about
- 4:49 | it okay now like normally how I drive is
- 4:52 | uh I find this kind of distracting this
- 4:54 | is everyone’s different I but me
- 4:55 | personally I find this a little
- 4:56 | distracting with this video going when
- 5:00 | I’m trying to drive normally how I drive
- 5:02 | is is I’ll we go back into the settings
- 5:05 | me turn the screen screen saver on 10
- 5:08 | seconds all right just started my
- 5:10 | vehicle up I pulled out of the parking
- 5:12 | space you know got my camera
- 5:14 | on uh put it in drive and 10 seconds
- 5:17 | later the screen’s going to go into
- 5:19 | screen saver mode all right there you go
- 5:22 | now that’s how I roll I I I think is
- 5:24 | this is perfect you still actually the
- 5:25 | rearview mirror you can still see
- 5:27 | everything behind you just like a
- 5:28 | regular mirror except for you have your
- 5:30 | GPS data your time and of course the
- 5:32 | thing’s always recording and then say if
- 5:34 | this is even a little bit too
- 5:35 | distracting to you or it’s super late at
- 5:37 | night and uh you know you just don’t
- 5:39 | want to go up there and go through the
- 5:41 | interstate we just reach under and touch
- 5:43 | it and then dude it’s just like a
- 5:44 | rearview mirror uh and I ride like this
- 5:47 | all the time at night time it’s it’s
- 5:50 | just like a I said it’s just like a rear
- 5:52 | mirror all right I think that’s about it
- 5:54 | I’m going to get one more recording for
- 5:55 | you guys uh on the interstate you see
- 5:58 | how it’s getting dark out here
- 6:00 | uh so you guys can get an idea on the
- 6:02 | rear cameras of how much different they
- 6:04 | are but I will go through it right here
- 6:08 | too like I said dud this this camera up
- 6:11 | here this Sony uh sensor is way better
- 6:15 | than whatever is in here this right here
- 6:17 | don’t get me wrong this is a nice camera
- 6:18 | I loved it until until I got the pro the
- 6:21 | pro like if you see where I’m sitting
- 6:22 | right now it looks like the same exact
- 6:24 | image that my my human eyes are seeing
- 6:26 | if that makes sense the naked eye uh
- 6:29 | it’s really good they they did a great
- 6:31 | job on
- 6:32 | it okay let me go ahead and turn this
- 6:34 | back off screen
- 6:36 | saver or turn it on sorry yeah turn the
- 6:38 | screen saver
- 6:41 | off and if I’m still recording I’m just
- 6:43 | going to go ahead and jump on the
- 6:44 | interstate and show you guys uh the
- 6:47 | difference with these rear
- 6:52 | cameras okay hopefully my cell phone
- 6:54 | like f full a data for card space
- 7:00 | oh got the Locker
- 7:05 | on all right will Jeep do
- 7:09 | that give it a second to go
- 7:16 | off there we go
- 7:31 | oh and also I got the OEM mirror Mount
- 7:35 | and oh my gosh it’s dude if you get this
- 7:37 | thing and you like it you have to get
- 7:38 | the OEM mirror out you can totally put
- 7:40 | the the visor all the way I hope you can
- 7:42 | see that in the video you can totally
- 7:43 | put the visor all the way down and uh it
- 7:45 | just makes it super clean it takes away
- 7:48 | a little bit of the
- 7:49 | vibration uh it’s super easy to
- 7:52 | install I think it was 20 bucks on
- 7:55 | hand pretty sure that’s what I paid for
- 8:01 | you can already tell that the pro has a
- 8:03 | Brighter Image with the rear
- 8:11 | camera so it’s not Pitch Black out here
- 8:14 | but man these cameras aren’t going to
- 8:15 | perform in Pitch they’re not made to
- 8:17 | perform in Pitch Black
- 8:18 | environment they have to have
- 8:20 | moonlighter some SCE of lighting
- 9:25 | right now I I’m going 73 mph all my
- 9:28 | dashes go 71 M
- 9:32 | hour so it’s definitely helped me out
- 9:34 | with uh watching my speed on the inter
- 9:37 | kind of speed down a little bit I
- 9:38 | shouldn’t
- 9:54 | be all right that’s it guys I’m going to
- 9:56 | try to turn my phone off without
- 9:57 | wrecking
- 10:01 | [Music]
- 10:28 | what
- 10:58 | for e
- 12:28 | e
- 12:58 | e e
- 13:59 | e