Purchase the new Wolfbox Dash Cam using code “CAMERONALFORD” at checkout to save $53.99 or 18% at checkout: …
- 0:00 | I’m going to show you everything you
- 0:01 | need to know about the g900 pro wolfbox
- 0:04 | dash cam that’s 4K works as your
- 0:06 | rearview mirror has a camera on the back
- 0:08 | camera in the front let’s go over
- 0:10 | everything you need to know for this
- 0:11 | really cool piz of tech for your car if
- 0:13 | you want to protect your vehicle when
- 0:14 | you’re driving it and when it’s sitting
- 0:15 | in a parking lot or park somewhere we
- 0:17 | have a wolf box dash cam this thing is
- 0:20 | really cool it pops onto your rear view
- 0:22 | camera this product was just released so
- 0:25 | it’s brand new and it has a giant sensor
- 0:27 | so the quality of the video is pretty
- 0:29 | wild and you can zoom in really far and
- 0:32 | see someone’s plate or if an accident
- 0:34 | happened way in front of you it’d be
- 0:35 | visible how this works is this clamps on
- 0:39 | to your rear viw mirror and becomes your
- 0:40 | rearview mirror and it has the
- 0:42 | integrated camera right here so you
- 0:44 | don’t have to have some separate device
- 0:45 | this just Clips over and becomes your
- 0:47 | new mirror with a bunch of technology in
- 0:49 | it this thing is pretty wild this thing
- 0:50 | is massive power cable straps for
- 0:53 | mounting it includes a rear camera so if
- 0:57 | your car does not have a backup camera
- 0:59 | it now will and it has the wire to tap
- 1:01 | into your reverse light mounting
- 1:03 | hardware for that camera and a little
- 1:05 | GPS adapter so you can get signal
- 1:07 | because this has GPS built in it is a
- 1:09 | smart device cable organizers a nice
- 1:12 | cleaning cloth and a cable strap for
- 1:14 | more organization a non-marring plastic
- 1:16 | pry tool in case you need to pop some
- 1:18 | panels to hide some wires and our user
- 1:20 | manuals
- 1:21 | [Music]
- 1:31 | the way these rubber straps work pop
- 1:33 | them in on the top on both sides it’ll
- 1:35 | fit about on any mirror you can slide it
- 1:38 | over New or Old so before I get any
- 1:41 | further I did my wire routing plug it in
- 1:44 | have it sit on the
- 1:48 | mirror it sits up then I can aim it as
- 1:52 | you can see it looks nice very highend
- 1:55 | you can hook up the camera facing
- 1:56 | backwards to use for reversing if you
- 1:58 | don’t have a reverse camera or record
- 2:00 | all the time so you’re getting your car
- 2:02 | covered front to back we have it
- 2:03 | temporarily hooked up on this car
- 2:05 | because I already have a reverse camera
- 2:06 | to show you what the recording
- 2:08 | capabilities are looking backwards as
- 2:09 | well as forwards to power it you can run
- 2:11 | your cord along the windshield down the
- 2:13 | pillar and then through your car
- 2:15 | whatever makes sense and then you end up
- 2:17 | with it and your cigarette lighter right
- 2:18 | here you have a USB to power other
- 2:20 | devices so you don’t technically lose
- 2:22 | that cigarette lighter you’re getting to
- 2:23 | take a look at the Quality and editor
- 2:25 | Justin can zoom in on some things to
- 2:26 | show you what kind of detail we can get
- 2:28 | and how easy it is to get people’s
- 2:30 | license plates if needed but if you go
- 2:31 | up here and click this button you can
- 2:33 | see it has a bunch of voice commands so
- 2:35 | if I do turn off
- 2:37 | screen it turns off and it’s my regular
- 2:40 | rear viw mirror really cool and it’s
- 2:42 | bigger and easier to see out of the back
- 2:44 | and I’m looking through the back window
- 2:46 | Turn on
- 2:48 | screen split screen front and back
- 2:51 | pretty cool so this could be something
- 2:53 | you install it and it’s completely
- 2:54 | discrete and you never really use the
- 2:56 | screens or you use it to look at both
- 2:58 | front camera only views so you can see
- 3:00 | in front of you if you want to change it
- 3:01 | you can go to settings display modes
- 3:04 | rear
- 3:05 | camera now we can see behind us full
- 3:08 | screen you could just leave this on at
- 3:09 | all times if you wanted there’s a
- 3:11 | physical button if you don’t want to use
- 3:12 | the voice you can just click it I have
- 3:14 | my mirror back I’ll go about my way I
- 3:17 | know my cameras are recording I’m
- 3:18 | covered 128 GB SD card it has a Sony
- 3:22 | starvis 2 the sensor is over an inch
- 3:25 | 1-in sensors are huge in camera
- 3:27 | technology and that’s why you’re able to
- 3:28 | get really good IM quality crop in
- 3:30 | really far and read anyone’s license
- 3:32 | plates in front of you or in the back of
- 3:34 | you once you turn Wi-Fi on on the device
- 3:36 | you can go over to your phone you can
- 3:38 | connect to wolfbox the password shows it
- 3:40 | up there on the app you have a live feed
- 3:42 | you have your speed you have all your
- 3:43 | settings just like you do in the device
- 3:45 | but you can do it from your phone which
- 3:47 | is nice everything here if you want to
- 3:49 | click on the little SD card in the
- 3:50 | corner you can access all your
- 3:51 | individual files just like the camera
- 3:53 | roll on your phone you can take a
- 3:55 | screenshot you can save it to your
- 3:57 | camera roll has the date and time and
- 3:58 | everything you need on the foot
- 4:00 | [Music]
- 4:26 | I hate getting the car aligned I don’t
- 4:28 | have a shop that I love but I’ve been
- 4:30 | taking it to the fir Stone by my house
- 4:32 | and I’m going to show you the footage of
- 4:34 | the guys trying to get it on the
- 4:36 | alignment rack it’s kind of funny they
- 4:37 | go to pull it up and you see this guy go
- 4:40 | no no no no push it back push it back
- 4:42 | we’re going to hit this so he goes and
- 4:43 | gets wood blocks then they slowly pull
- 4:46 | it up bring it up bring it up bring it
- 4:47 | up bring it up he said they had to air
- 4:49 | up the tires a little bit and get the
- 4:50 | wood planks out then they do the
- 4:52 | alignment and then they pull it off and
- 4:54 | this guy’s looking real close I mean it
- 4:56 | cleared by a millimeter and his sigh of
- 5:00 | relief and laughing is funny this is one
- 5:02 | of the many perks of having a dash cam
- 5:04 | and looking at this footage they didn’t
- 5:06 | drive the car they didn’t do anything
- 5:07 | they took great care of it and it just
- 5:09 | restored my faith in humanity and shops
- 5:11 | like fire Daryl and the guys there thank
- 5:13 | you when you go to purchase you’ll see a
- 5:15 | bunch of add-ons including this hard
- 5:16 | wire kit so it can record 24/7 even when
- 5:19 | the car is off or a polarizing lens to
- 5:21 | get rid of reflections with some of
- 5:22 | those add-ons and taking your time to do
- 5:24 | the wiring really clean you could have a
- 5:26 | totally surrounded safe recorded
- 5:29 | protected version of your car like never
- 5:32 | before and not have some dash cam in the
- 5:34 | glass or anything like that it’s just in
- 5:36 | place of your mirror it’ be super cool
- 5:38 | it’s really high quality screen and it’s
- 5:39 | just an awesome device and Technology’s
- 5:41 | come a long ways in the dash cam
- 5:44 | department so I’ll have the best link I
- 5:46 | can find in prices to Amazon and the
- 5:48 | site direct with a discount code that
- 5:49 | will get you a price probably cheaper
- 5:51 | than Amazon all linked down in the
- 5:52 | description if you want to see an Apple
- 5:54 | carplay device if your car doesn’t have
- 5:56 | apple carplay I’ll leave it on the
- 5:57 | screen right here you can check it out
- 5:58 | and see if that’s a good good fit for
- 6:00 | you if you want to add some more
- 6:01 | technology on top of this protection
- 6:02 | that you’re adding with a dash cam